
Installing PHP, Apache 2.2.10 on Windows Vista

I am trying to get PHP working on my vista home machine but I am getting weired problems. First I had file permission problems for which I disabled Vista's UAC. Now I can't get the PHP interpreter working. I have made all the necessary changes following this tutorial but I still cant get it working. Any help would be appreciated. I need...

Apache MOD_REWRITE Domain Level Cookie

I need to deal with Affiliate Tracking on our website. In our .htaccess we have: RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} affiliate=(.*) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1? [NC,R,L,co=AFFID:%1:%{HTTP:Host}:7200:/] Which creates a COOKIE called AFFID with the value of the URL Parameter affiliate. But the Cookie is not for the whole domain, i.e. Going to http...

Mongrel::DirHandler equivalent for Passenger

I'm using Mongrel::DirHandler to control response headers for static files - this works great on my dev machine. My production machine uses Passenger so my headers aren't getting set. How do I control headers for static files when using Passenger? snippet from my environment.rb: if defined? Mongrel::DirHandler module Mongrel clas...

Redirect depending on the Country?

We basically have 2 sites ( Java /JSP / Apache Webserver) : something.ca & something.com The .ca is canadian content, and the .com is american content. We need users to be redirected based on the ip addreess. We want US users to get the .com site and Canadian users get the .ca site. What is the best way to do this (at a webserver le...

How do I connect my tomcat app to apache 2 so the paths aren't lame?

I've got a tomcat instance with several apps running on it... I want the root of my new domain to go to one of these apps (context path of blah).. so I have the following set up: <Location /> ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8025/blah ProxyPassReverse ajp://localhost:8025/blah </Location> it kinda works... going to mydomain.com/index...

Extra backslashes being added in PHP

My crappy web host did some upgrades the other day and some settings have gone awry, because looking at our company's wiki (MediaWiki), every quote is being escaped with a backslashes. It's not even just data which is being posted (ie: the articles) which are affected, but also the standard MediaWiki text. eg: You\'ve followed a link...

Why does Apache return a 503 error for ant's get task, but not for my browser?

I'm trying to get a file with ant, using the get property. I'm running apache 2, and I can get the file from the indicated URL using wget and firefox, but ant gives me the following error: [get] Error opening connection java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://localhost/jars/jai_core.jar This is wh...

Generic htaccess redirect www to non-www

I would like to redirect www.example.com to example.com. The following htaccess code makes this happen: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://example.com/$1 [L,R=301] But, is there a way to do this in a generic fashion without specifying the domain name? ...

Looking for pattern/approach/suggestions for handling long-running operation tied to web app

Hello, I'm working on a consumer web app that needs to do a long running background process that is tied to each customer request. By long running, I mean anywhere between 1 and 3 minutes. Here is an example flow. The object/widget doesn't really matter. Customer comes to the site and specifies object/widget they are looking for. We s...

How do you handle bandwidth billing on shared servers in apache?

What solutions do you have in place for handling bandwidth billing for your vhosts on a shared environment in apache? If you are using log parsing, does your solution scale well when the logs become very very large? Anyone using any sort of module out there for this? ...

How to fix apache2 timestamps, incorrect values

Hi, When I restart my apache2 and reload a page, the log file shows boogie.tontut.fi - - [28/Oct/2008:03:27:49 +0200] "GET /test HTTP/1.1" 404 457 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3" ...as supposed to, as it's 03:27:49 now. However, when I click the refresh button again, th...

Problem playing FLV on Apache Tomcat 5.5

I have a problem of playing FLV file which id embed in my swf when i place it on server, swf plays correctly but not FLV any solution will be highly appreciated. thanks for all replys, its works in All browesers other than IE 6 now , i will paste the code here for the flv to chk . var videopath:String; var flvtime:String; var vid...

WebSphere Portal v.5.1 and AJP?

Hello, is there a way to configure WebSphere Portal to accept AJP connections? E.g. Tomcat/JBoss and Oracle have a specific AJP port. I can't find it in WebSphere, and I'm getting tired of Googlin' around IBM pages. Thank you in forward... Balint ...

How to configure mod_rewrite to serve minified files, if available?

Hi, mod_rewrite gurus! Here is the problem: we have lots of Javascripts and lots of CSS files, which we'd rather be serving minified. Minification is easy: set up the YUI Compressor, run an Ant task, and it spits out minified files, which we save beside the originals. So we end up with the following directory structure somewhere inside...

Throttle traffic in Apache based on User-Agent

We are running Apache (IBM HTTP Server in front of WebSphere 6.0 on linux. We are getting excessive traffic from a specific User-Agent from varying IP addresses. We do not want to block the User-Agent or IP addresses, but would like to slow them down a bit. Best scenario for us would be to use out of the box Apache config op...

The number of ways of reading an xml file from another server in PHP?

I am trying to read an XML-file from another server. However the the company that's hosting me seems to have turned of the file_get_contents function from retrieving files for files from other servers (and their support is not very bright and it takes forever for them to answer). So I need a work around in some way. This is my current c...

Best approach for redirecting a large number of old URLs to new URLs?

We are re-platforming for a client, and they are concerned about SEO. Their current site supports SEO friendly URLs, and so does the new platform. So for those, we are just going to create the same URL mapping. However, they have a large number of other URLs that are not SEO friendly that they want to permanently redirect. These do not f...

Running Django with FastCGI or with mod_python

which would you recommend? which is faster, reliable? apache mod_python or nginx/lighttpd FastCGI? ...

Run index.php rather than listing files

I have recently reinstalled MacOSX, and at some point (without realizing it) I made it so that a directory without index.html would try instead to run index.php. This has since stopped working. My localhost runs .php files fine; it just doesn't do so unless you specifically tell it to. There are lots of htaccess guides online but I can...

Apache/Tomcat error - wrong pages being delivered

This error has been driving me nuts. We have a server running Apache and Tomcat, serving multiple different sites. Normally the server runs fine, but sometimes an error happens where people are served the wrong page - the page that somebody else requested! Clues: The pages being delivered are those that another user requested recentl...