
Does PHP have threading?

I found this PECL package called threads, but there is not a release yet. And nothing is coming up on the PHP website. ...

Apache Virtual Host - xxx.241.214.xxx:80 has no VirtualHosts

Hi, I'm trying to set up a virtual host on a new VPS using apache 2.x on a Ubuntu server. When starting apache I get the error " xxx.241.214.xxx:80 has no VirtualHosts", and the url for the site still points to the default location which means my virtual host file isn't taking effect: <VirtualHost xxx.241.214.xxx:80> ServerName xxx.co...

YAWS fronting Tomcat

Is there currently any easy way to set up a YAWS web server in front of Apache Tomcat Servlet container, similar to popular Apache httpd + Tomcat set up? ...

A good multithreaded python webserver?

Hi, I am looking for a python webserver which is multithreaded instead of being multi-process (as in case of mod_python for apache). I want it to be multithreaded because I want to have an in memory object cache that will be used by various http threads. My webserver does a lot of expensive stuff and computes some large arrays which nee...

How do I hide directories in Apache, specifically source-control?

I want to keep my website/s in version control (Subversion specifically) and use svn co to update it when there are stable versions to update, but I'm concerned about the security of doing so, as all the .svn folders will be public, and these include all sorts of private data, not least of which is complete source code to my website! I...

How do I troubleshoot why my rewrite rules aren't being applied by apache?

I've got a tomcat 6 web app running with apache httpd as the front end. I'm using mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp to forward the requests to tomcat. My server is running ubuntu. Now I'm trying to use mod_rewrite to remove the leading www, so that my canonical website url is http://domain.com rather than http://www.domain.com I've read a ...

Startup Deployment Architecture- Running Glassfish V3 Prelude without Apache...

So am I crazy for considering doing a beta/production release on Glassfish V3 Prelude? Since all of my content is dynamic, I'm not even thinking of bothering to set up apache in front either. Doing so complicates the setup by requiring something like AJP or mod_jk and will not offer us much in terms of capability. So there will be thre...

What's a good library to manipulate Apache2 config files?

I'd like to create a script to manipulate Apache2 configuration directly, reading and writing its properties (like adding a new VirtualHost, changing settings of one that already exists). Are there any libs out there, for Perl, Python or Java that automates that task? ...

Python for web development in Apache

I've been playing with mod_python in apache2 which seems to work differently than python does in general - there's a bit different syntax and things you need to do. It's not very well documented and after a few days of playing with it, I'm really not seeing the point of mod_python at all, especially when things like php are so well docum...

Reloading a FastCGI app

Hi, I'm using FastCGI to expose a C++ binary (written using the Wt framework) as a web app. However, after I have modified the app and recompiled it, in order for new sessions to see the changes (active sessions keep using the old version until they expire), I have to reload Apache. Is it possible to configure the system in such a way t...

Can Apache HTTP Server serve dynamic content?

Can Apache HTTP Server serve only static content? Tomcat is used to serve Servlets/JSP. Can Tomcat serve other dynamic contents like perl, PHP etc? ...

How do I get a status report of all files currently being uploaded via a HTTP form on an Apache Server?

How do I get a status report of all files currently being uploaded via HTTP form based file upload on an Apache Server? ...

Changing cgi to Fastcgi

How feasible is to change a C/C++ cgi application to Fastcgi? Does this require only change in code? Or will it require a change in the setup of apache server? What will be the obvious benefits of the change? Is the change from cgi to Fastcgi worth the benefits? ...

How can I detect and survive being "Slashdotted"?

What's a good way to survive abnormally high traffic spikes? My thought is that at some trigger, my website should temporarily switch into a "low bandwidth" mode: switch to basic HTML pages, minimal graphics, disable widgets that might put unnecessary load on the database, and so-on. My thoughts are: Monitor CPU usage Monitor bandwid...

What happens when an Apache worker starts its own worker thread or process?

If I'm using Apache with a pool of worker processes, and one of those launches its own long-running process, what happens to that worker? Will Apache kill it eventually, killing the child process? Will that worker be permanently unavailable, but keep running? How does it differ if it starts a thread instead of a process? How does it ...

How Python web frameworks, WSGI and CGI fit together

Hello, I have a Bluehost account where I can run Python scripts as CGI. I guess it's the simplest CGI because to run I have to define the following in .htaccess: Options +ExecCGI AddType text/html py AddHandler cgi-script .py Now, whenever I look up web programming with Python, I hear a lot about WSGI and how most frameworks use it. ...

I’m stunned: weird problem with python and sockets + threads

I have a python script that is a http-server: http://paste2.org/p/89701, when benchmarking it against ApacheBench (ab) with a concurrency level (-c switch) that is lower then or equal to the value i specified in the socket.listen()-call in the sourcecode everything works fine, but as soon as put the concurrency level in apache bench abov...

How can I relax PHP's open_basedir restriction?

open_basedir limits the files that can be opened by PHP within a directory-tree. I am storing several class libraries and configuration files outside of my web root directory. This way the web server does not make them publicly accessible. However when I try to include them from my application I get an open_basedir restriction error l...

How do you configure Apache on Windows for SSL?

Apache just fails to start with NO error message when we try to reboot it after enabling the code for the ssl module. NOTE: I was able to use OpenSSL to generate a request and have a legit wildcard certificate in place and referenced in the httpd.conf ...

Can I block search crawlers for every site on an Apache web server?

I have somewhat of a staging server on the public internet running copies of the production code for a few websites. I'd really not like it if the staging sites get indexed. Is there a way I can modify my httpd.conf on the staging server to block search engine crawlers? Changing the robots.txt wouldn't really work since I use scrip...