
How can I debug a possible memory leak in a Perl CGI script?

I have a legacy Perl CGI page running on Apache that processes a large Excel spreadsheet worth of data, adding to the database as necessary. It gets processed in groups of data, and each group of data gets sent to the database. After each call to the database, my system's available memory decreases significantly to the point where there...

Simple .htaccess rewrite ?

Hi guys. I forgot how to do that and I am stuck. I have a site say www.example.com and another folder www.example.com/docs/ I want when some one visits the www.example.com/ he will be redirected secretly to www.example.com/docs/ but still see in the URL www.example.com And even if the user types www.example.com/docs/ I want him to see w...

Running a PHP script inside a Python WSGI enviroment

Hi all, I have a simple PHP script that outputs a dir listing in XML format. I use it to let a flash slideshow know what files are available to show. I've just added the flash to a website that's powered by Django and the PHP file is now served up as it is, not parsed. It's in the directory with the images under my media directory. Th...

Apache POI HWPF Nested Lists?

Hi, I used the following code to read list structures from a word file using hwpf. My question is how to read a list structure that is nested ie a list within a list within a list and so on. if (p instanceof ListEntry) { ListEntry entry = (ListEntry) p; outText = entry.text(); outText = ...

Deployment of .Net web Application on Linux

What are the steps for deploying the .Net Web Application on Linux & apache web server developed using .NET Framework using Visual Studio 2005? ...

Is there a hook that can be used to time the creation of a MediaWiki article?

I want to time how long it takes the server to build a MediaWiki article. That is, the start time will be as close as possible to the time the server receives the request (not the time the client issues request). The end time will be when the server sends the page (again, not when the client receives the page). Is there any Apache fun...

Rails' page caching vs. HTTP reverse proxy caches

I've been catching up with the Scaling Rails screencasts. In episode 11 which covers advanced HTTP caching (using reverse proxy caches such as Varnish and Squid etc.), they recommend only considering using a reverse proxy cache once you've already exhausted the possibilities of page, action and fragment caching within your Rails applicat...

PHP include_once not working for file in parent directory

I just started working on a site that has been passed down to me that isn't working. I've found that there's a problem when in /admin/index.php it tries to instantiate an instance of /classes/admin.php. However, if I copy /admin/index.php to /admin-index.php, it can instantiate the class just fine. Also, if I move /classes/admin.php into...

APACHE-TOMCAT can anybody elaborate which one is web-server and web-container?

HI Most of the time I read Tomcat is Web-server.. Sometimes I read Tomcat is web-container.. Sometimes I read Apache is web-server.. I am bit puzzled.. Can anybody explain it properly? Thanks.. ...

Digester: Extracting node name

Hi Guys, Is it possible to extract the node name using apache digester? So, if the xml looks like <furniture> <sofa> ..... </sofa> <coffeeTable> ..... </coffeeTable> </furniture> is it possible to extract the node name "sofa", "coffeeTable"? I know it is possible using xpath but is it possib...

How do I fix this apache error log issue? Mod Deflate

hi all, I'm getting the following errors in my erorr.log file on every request [Fri Jan 29 14:44:17 2010] [debug] mod_deflate.c(619): [client] Zlib: Compressed 6025 to 1847 : URL about 2 gigs worth (high load server) any idea what this error is referring to? ...

Is a destructor the right place to mark the end of a script's execution?

I'm doing some broad performance investigation in an application I maintain and I've set up a simple solution to track the execution time of requests, but I'm unable to find information to verify if this is going to be satisfyingly accurate. This appears to have netted some good information and I've already eliminated some performance i...

jQuery script not working when page viewed on localhost

I'm just starting to playing around on a Mac for the first time and have created a very simple html page that uses jQuery to do a simple text swap when an h1 tag is clicked. When I don't view the page through the webserver and just open it directly in Safari (file:///Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/test/mypage.html) it works as ex...

bash script to restart Apache automatically

I wrote a bash script to restart Apache when it hanged and send email to the admin. The code is shown below. the code will restart Apache if the number of Apache process is zero. The problem is: Apache some time hangs and processes is still not zero,so in this case the script will not restart Apache. The needed is: how do I modify the co...

htaccess // allow only certain file or folder??

Hi! I'm currently rebuilding my site and I want to make "under construction" page for visitors during that time. My only problem is that I want to user pictures whit it but when I have in my htaccess file this: # Under construction RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^xxx\.xxx\.xxx\.xxx RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/rebuilding\.html$ RewriteRu...

Seamlessly direct multiple domains to a single set of PHP files?

I need to direct multiple domains to a single set of (PHP) files. So I point a domain at my server, which then goes to a single index.php file. This index.php file then detects the domain accessing it and returns the appropriate content. I do not want to add domains or set-up sites manually though as this is for a content management serv...

Redirect certain requests if referer not from same page?

I'm quite sure this has been asked before but I can't for the life of me find anything. A client of mine has a number of pages that we closed to the public today. Because image URLs associated with those pages are still valid (the pages must continue to be visible internally for maintenance), the page is obviously still fully visible f...

Works using Django development server, but throws import error with Apache using mod_wsgi

I have a Django project that works fine with the development server that comes with it. No errors are produced at all when I use "django manage.py runserver" and the app works fine, but when I try to use it with mod_wsgi and Apache the browser displays "Internal Server Error" with a 500 error code and it generates an import error in t...

Output of sub-processes in DOS batch script not visible in Apache

Hi, I'm running Apache 2.2 (launched via console) on Vista. I have simple batch script in cgi-bin. Unfortunately, Apache does not seem to serve any content generated by sub-processes. For example, given the following script: @echo off echo Content-Type: text/html echo. echo Visible in browser cmd /c echo Hidden from browser echo End o...

Apache2 Enabling Includes module causes svn access to quit working

I have dav_svn installed to provide http access to my svn repos. The url is directly under root, eg mywebsite.com/svn/individual-repo. This setup has been working great for some time. Now, I need SSI (server-side includes) for a project, so I enabled this module with a2enmod include. Now, tortoisesvn can't access the repo; it always retu...