
BlazeDS Servlet not responding through Proxy

Hi everybody, I have a problem using Flex with BlazeDS on a Tomcat 5.5 through a Proxy (Apache). I already searched for it but didn't find answers which solved my problem. I hope you guys can help me out. :-) Our scenario is the following: Flex-App using BlazeDS to communicate with our Dataservice on a Tomcat 5.5. The Webapp is balze ...

Rewrite .htaccess regex url

I have an .htaccess file with this: (I didn't write it) RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?bla=$1 [L,QSA] Problem URL http://localhost/index/test The "index" part seems to match "index.php" that's in a web dir and Rewrite fails. Question: What's wron...

Pagination script - Date/time in TV guide shows as 15-01-2010 10:01:00

This is from my TV guide pagination script (note, the top half is not mentioned as there are no problems with the code in the beginning): class paginationData { private $program; private $channel; private $airdate; private $expiration; private $episode; private $setReminder; public function __construct($program, $chann...

Calling another site?

OK - Simply, I'm building a site that needs to incorporate an existing page, protected with a simple .htaccess/.htpasswd script. How can I pass the username/password to the receiving site using PHP? Thanks in advance for your help!!! UPDATE - I think I may have over-complicated the question. What I'm needing to do is essentially: <a ...

determine which value produced a hit in SOLR multivalued field type

If I have a multiValued field type of text, and I put values [cat,dog,green,blue] in it. Is there a way to tell when I execute a query against that field for dog, that it was in the 1st element position for that multiValued field? Assumption: client does not have any pre-knowledge of what the field type of the field being queried is. ...

How to setup and run Python on Wampserver?

Can anyone help me to set up Python to run on Wampserver. From what I've read so far you would need to use a combination of Wampser, Python, mod_pyhton, and adjustment to the Apache http.conf file. I've tried it but i belive i am having conflict when it comes to versions. Does anyone know of a cobination of versions that can work so that...

Why is rewritebase neccesary when rewriting url via .htaccess?

rewriteengine on rewriterule ^/a/b$ ^/c$ not working,but rewriteengine on rewritebase / rewriterule ^a/b$ ^c$ works. ...

LAMP Whitescreen on Magento

First off, sorry if this shouldn't be on Stack Overflow, and instead should be on Server Fault / Super User. I am pretty sure it is a programming issue... I am getting a whitescreen on a Magento install for a PDF generation script. I usually attribute whitescreens to memory issues on Apache, but: I am getting no visible errors (disp...

DNS Apache redirect for domain names held elsewhere

An external company holds the name servers for several domains for a web site which I host. I host the site and have a vhost setup with the domainName and domainAlias for: www.example.com admin.example.com The external domains also need to redirect to the site: www.somedomain.com www.anotherdomain.com What must I add to my vhost...

How to redirect myurl.com/targeturl.com to to myurl.com/?site=targeturl (PHP/Apache/Linux)?

Hi, I'm writing a website that allows people to asses a web page's readability (Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease, thank kind of thing). Ideally I'd like the user to be able merely to preceed the target URL with mine (like many mirror sites do), and hey presto they can see the results. I'm guessing it's got to be done with mod_rewrite, but...

mod_rewrite incorrectly escaping characters

Hi there, tried to find the problem for this but nothings really working. Basically, I'm trying to use the following regular expression: RewriteRule ^course/filter:([a-zA-Z0-9_-\,\=]+)$ php/manage_courses.php?display=list&filter=$1 [L] however I get a 500 error and this in the error log (note the escaped chars): [Wed Jan 27 16:29:3...

How do I change which version of python mod_python uses

I'm doing some introductory work with django which seems really easy (and fun) so far but I have been doing all this from Python 2.6 which I installed in /opt/local (RedHat 5.3) because the python that came with redhat was 2.4. I set up a symlink: /usr/bin/python2.6 -> /opt/local/bin/python and I have been using that for all the djang...

Xampp / Wamp / Whatever it is, Apache is running super slow...

I've got my windows pc (localhost) running xampp, it loads the pages sometimes really quick or sometimes really slow... So I figured and searched and was recommended to get wamp. So I got that and installed it, still... the pages load so damn slowly. No heavy cpu load or anything, all my ports are open too. Any ideas? ...

How to configure Apache to have two symfony projects in the same domain (without using subdomains)?

Hi! I'm trying to configure Apache to have to different symfony projects (each with his own installation of the framework) under the same domain, but I can't get it to work using folders. This is what I would like to have: mydomain.com/projectone/ mydomain.com/projecttwo/ I can make it work using subdomains, but is not the preferre...

Alias an URL in Apache in order to route requests on a certain URL through a PHP-script

I am using Apache 2.2.6 with suPHP 0.6.2 and PHP 5.2.6 and I am trying to use an Alias in order to route all requests on a certain URL trough a PHP script. I want all requests to /test to go through index.php. In the Apache virtualhost config I have set up an Alias Alias /test /index.php. index.php is just a dummy script containing the f...

How do I change the python_egg_cache?

I am trying to get django up and running in production mode but I get this error that I can't seem to fix: ExtractionError: Can't extract file(s) to egg cache The following error occurred while trying to extract file(s) to the Python egg cache: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/james/.python-eggs' The Python egg cache directory ...

PHP $_FILE array missing entries from submitted HTML form

Hi, Basically when I have more than about 25 file uploads in one form, the PHP $_FILES array is cropped to the first 25 entries (0-24), which is incorrect. It should have all 31. This only happens on one particular server. Apache with PHP. I’ve tried it on two other servers and they seem to allow all 31. Could this be caused by some co...

How can I access the WSGIScriptAlias from my django settings file?

I have this line in my wsgi.conf file: WSGIScriptAlias /trunk "c:/app/trunk/app.wsgi" Inside of my django settings file, I need to know the alias "/trunk" to get LOGIN_URL to work properly. How can I retrieve this value from my apache settings? Thanks! Pete ...

Rewrite an URL and also block the file extension?

Is it possible to rewrite an url and also block the file extension?. eg: if I have `http://www.example.com/search.php?...` can I rewrite it to `http://www.example.com/search?` ? but, blocking the access to the .php file, normally I can access with both ways, with and without the file extension, but I want it to show an error page...

Apache mod_rewrite to merge two domains to one SSL connection

Hi there, I've got a client who recently changed their name. They had an SSL certificate for their site, and I was using mod_rewrite to ensure all requests to domain1.com and www.domain1.com went to https://domain1.com. Now that they are domain2.com, I'd like everything to go to https://domain2.com. Not so easy, it turns out. I have eve...