
How can I convince mod_rewrite to stay away from my Subversion repositories?

I have a site [hosted on DreamHost], using WordPress for the main content, but Subversion repositories in http://mysite/svn . My file layout is: webroot/ blog # wordrpress files .htaccess My SVN repositories lay outside the web root, but they are correctly mapped to /svn/repository URLs. When I put the WordPress permalink rewr...

Apache Pivot, Coming out of Apache Incubator to Main, feedback?

Hello guys, Apache Pivot is coming out of Apache Incubator in very near future. In your opinion What are pros and cons of it? Any specific negetive/positive points about it? ...

most secure way to password protect admin files/folders?

what is the most secure way to password protect admin files/folders? im on apache/php ...

Apache mod_rewrite: redirecting subdomains to the HTTPS login page

Hello, I'm trying to accomplish this: http://subdomain.server.com/ should redirect to https://secure.server.com/login?subdomain, but http://subdomain.server.com/any-other-page should pass through as-is. Can I accomplish this in the .htaccess file? ...

HTTP Digest Authentication

I want to use HTTP Digest Authentication with a central database that stores usernames and encrypted passwords. These data should be used by different servers like Apache httpd or Tomcat for example. The clients will be humans with browsers and other applications communicating in a RESTful way. As far as I understand I could not use a t...

writing to log file causes error 704

Hello, Does anyone know what this error means FATAL: Autorisation no longer valid.704 It happens when I try to write to this file, but the permissions are set to 755 and 0644 The temp folder is in the rootfolder of this subdomain. if ($handle = fopen( 'temp/mylog.log'"a+") ) { if( !fwrite( $handle, $json ) ) {...

Rewrite rule help for several languages

Hi. Could anyone help me here with this rewrite rule please? From this http://www.SOMEDOMAIN.com/en/somefolder/ To this http://www.SOMEDOMAIN.com/frontend/somefolder/?idLang=2 From this http://www.SOMEDOMAIN.com/es/somefolder/ To this http://www.SOMEDOMAIN.com/frontend/somefolder/?idLang=3 (...) And for several other languages...

PHP / Apache issue with pound signs (£)

I have some text stored in MySQL database like this "Tom gave Sarah £5 for her book". Up until last Monday this displayed on the site perfectly when pulled from the site, showing "Tom gave Sarah £5 for her book". Now, even though I have not changed/installed/uninstalled/updated anything at all, it has stopped working. The old values in...

Rewriting URL with selected query string parameters in .htaccess

I recently changed my CMS, and want to rewrite some of my URLs to match the new URL/query string parameter format. The old URL was: http://www.mysite.com/search.cgi?tag=foo&blog_id=bar&other=baz The new URL should be: http://www.mysite.com/?s=foo In other words, there were several query string parameters in the old format,...

Running Python & Django on IIS

Is it possible to run Python & Django on IIS? I am going to be a Lead Developer in some web design company and right now they are using classic ASP and ASP.NET. As far as I can see ASP.NET MVC is not mature. Should I recommend Python & Django stack? If it's not possible to run Python on IIS what do you think I should do? Stick with ASP.N...

How can I keep on-the-fly application-level statistics in an application running under Apache?

I have an application running under apache that I want to keep "in the moment" statistics on. I want to have the application tell me things like: requests per second, broken down by types of request latency to make requests to various backend services via thrift (broken down by service and server) number of errors being served per sec...

Assistance with APACHE www.conf file correctly matching location?

I have one location match that correctly works: <LocationMatch "^/user/storage/subaccounts(/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?/?$"> this correctly forwards for something like /user/storage/subaccounts/exampleuser or /user/storage/subaccounts/ I'd like to setup a locationmatch for /user/storage/subaccounts/exampleuser/admin My attempt at this was: <Loc...

Cannot solve mod_wsgi exception in Django setup

I'm working with my hosting provider to get a Django application up and running, but neither of us are very experienced and we've basically hit a complete dead end. I don't have direct access to the conf file but here's how its contents have been described to me: <IfModule mod_wsgi.c> WSGIScriptAlias /fredapp/ /home/fred/public_html/cg...

Apache with c# classes.

Is there any way to have apache "pass" the request it takes to a c# "application" to handle, allowing it to return specific content. I want to handle an intense amount of asynchronous calls to apache via javascript and have these calls routed through c# (much the way asp.net does). Has anyone successfully done this before? Any idea where...

Processing apache logs quickly

Hi! I'm currently running an awk script to process a large (8.1GB) access-log file, and it's taking forever to finish. In 20 minutes, it wrote 14MB of the (1000 +- 500)MB I expect it to write, and I wonder if I can process it much faster somehow. Here is the awk script: #!/bin/bash awk '{t=$4" "$5; gsub("[\[\]\/]"," ",t); sub(":"," ...

Why use Apache over NGINX/Cherokee/Lighttpd?

Apache has been the de facto standard web server for over a decade, but recent years have brought us web servers that consume less RAM and handle many more requests per second using fewer threads and asynchronous i/o. In my opinion, I also find the configuration of these servers to be more straightforward and minimal. Why do people use ...

Need help with rewrite rules with sub folders please.

We've created a jkMount in Tomcat named "shopping" and then applied this rewrite rules on Apache: # when Query String RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^$ RewriteRule ^pt/?([a-zA-Z0-9\./_-]+)? $1?idLang=1&%{QUERY_STRING} [NC,PT,L] RewriteRule ^en/?([a-zA-Z0-9\./_-]+)? $1?idLang=2&%{QUERY_STRING} [NC,PT,L] RewriteRule ^es/?([a-zA-Z0-9...

Sites that do server aliasing for other websites to use an external platform

First of all, granted the question is not very descriptive - quite hard to summarise what I mean in the title. Let me elaborate. On uservoice.com they allow users to have domain aliasing. For example, these sites use domain aliasing: http://feedback.bit.ly http://feedback.topofblogs.com http://feedback.neutex.net None of them are h...

Apache RequestHeaders for Software-As-a-Service under Rails

Multiple customer instances of an application, under a single application. What I need is to allow multiple users, to connect to my Apache Web server, by passing different url like : customer1.myhost.com company1.myhost.com company2.myhost.com etc. What I want my Apache server to do, is pass all request that are not directed to a certa...

If No File, Rewrite URL

I have two .htaccess files that I need to combine into one. The first one does a simple file extension remover. The second one rewrites all requests to go to a third party app, keeping our URL. What I need is to have the rules be smart enough to not look at the second server if the file exists on the first. Rule1 : RewriteEngine on ...