
How to begin writing an Application Server over Apache?

For my college project, I want to create a simple application server in C that runs over Apache. Like .php, .asp, .jsp, the extension of my files would be .sas. I have already written a parser which reads the .sas files and generates the output. For example, consider a file index.sas with the below code: <% echo "Hello"; %> ...

Need help with Apache's mod_rewrite to fetch file based on url

So say I have a url being requested: sub.domain/file.bin and I wanted this file to be fetched: domain/hosted/sub/file.bin How would I structure the rewrite directives? I've been working on this for days, and it just gives me a headache... The subdomains are numerous and are added and removed often, so I'm trying to find a solution ...

how to set path for apache/ tomcat?

The default is www/webroot. Where may I set the path so that my localhost points somewhere else? ...

Apache / mod_rewrite / Periods messing with pattern

First question, here goes nothing... I'm trying to add a new entry to my .htaccess file (Apache server) with the hopes of translating this URL: http://platform.localhost/category.all into this URL: http://platform.localhost/index.php?page=category.all The RewriteRule that I'm currently using is this: RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)\/?$ in...

mod rewrite problem

Hi, I am trying to redirect my pages using URL: RewriteRule ^(.*)/content/(.*)/?(.*)\.html$ browse.php?s=$1&c=$2&l=$3 [NC,L] For 2 parameters it works fine but when I passes 3 parameters it merges the 2 and third. Correct output is as follow (2) parameters: Array ( [s] => wallpapers [c] => Global_Celebrities [l] => Nicole1); ...

static file with mod_wsgi in django

Hello, I've searched a lot but I still have a problem with the static files (css, image,...) with my django website. I'm using mod_wsgi with apache on archlinux 64bits I've added it in my http.conf : LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so <VirtualHost *:80> WSGIDaemonProcess mart.localhost user=mart group=users processes=2 ...

Javascript or Apache timeouts for ending a web request?

hey all, I have a little tag on my blog pages to help me track user stats... which then echo's out javacsript to the browser. This script tends to hang sometimes, maybe my server is overloaded or some other issue. Is there a way to terminate the loading of this script after 2 seconds lets say? or configure my apache at myothersite.com...

Web Sockets - server load

Hi! I'm trying to learn new technology called Web Sockets. I've got the setup (pywebsocket as Apache2 module) working and I'm playing with examples. http://code.google.com/p/websocket-sample/wiki/samples?ts=1262888726&amp;updated=samples One thing is bothering me - all the examples use shared file to monitor changes in message counter, ...

.htaccess 301 redirect for all https to http EXCEPT ONE PAGE

Here is the code I have currently in my .htaccess file: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301] RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on RewriteRule (.*) http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] I know jack about rew...

What's a Robust but Simple Apache / PHP / MySQL Installer for Windows Vista

Hi, I tried easyphp but i think it's not enough, I want an Apache / PHP / MySQL installer which has the latest PHP and MySQL version, and with curl and htaccess support. Opensource solutions are preferred, should be windows vista compatible. ...

mod_rewrite to a directory

Hi everyone, Im trying to create a rewrite rule to a different directory, but unfortunatly its not working. My current rewrite sends everything back to the index.php file unless the first word in the query string is admin. The rewrite rule for 'admin' is to admin.php, but i actually want it to go to /var/www/html/website.com/admin/admi...

How to keep URL display unchanged after redirecting root folder to sub folder

I want to redirect all queries to mydomain.com to mydomain.com/live/. I'm already able to do that, however I have trouble with the URL displayed in the browser. I have two goals, (1) that the URL always renders with "www" in front and (2) that the sub folder "live" is not displayed in the url. EDIT: Based on edited code by Cryo the fo...

mod-rewrite index.php

I have these urls: index.php?area=guilds index.php?area=guilds&page=create index.php?area=guilds&page=view&name=The+Unit Could I have only 1 rewrite rule for this somehow? /guilds /guilds/create /guilds/view/The+Unit ...

New to SOLR, some installation help needed...

I have downloaded a SOLR release, and sun JDK. I have installed SUN now... I am using wampserver on my computer, to test SOLR out first, and learn how it works... I don't understand how to install it and use it though... I am completely new to it and java as well, so I need some help on this one... After downloading it, and unzipping i...

CodeIgniter form submit redirects to localhost

I have a CodeIgniter project with a very simple test application. Controller opens a view (PHP page) which has a text box and a submit button. When I press the submit button, instead of redirecting to the appropriate function call in the controller, I get redirected to localhost/xampp. here's the code on my view, which SHOULD be redire...

Logging dynamically served files in APACHE

I'm serving up Zip and PDF files on the fly via PHP using an output such as: header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$project->name .'.zip"'); echo($zipfile->zl_pack()); I can't find any reference to these downloads in my APACHE logs though. Is it not logged due to being dynamic? Do I need to actually write the file to t...

Listen port 843 and server crossdomain.xml from httpd.conf

hi there, is it possible to configure the httpd.conf which listens the port 843 and serves crossdomain policy tags or file when there is a socket connection? (not for http request, needed it for socket connection from flash) thank you ...

Mod Rewrite: How do you rewrite out of the URL's home directory?

I have a directory structure on our VPS like this: /www /site_one /site_two And going to www.siteone.com brings you to /www/site_one/ on the server. I'd like to use mod_rewrite to point a request for www.siteone.com/thing/ to the directory /www/site_two/thing. I've tried a basic rewrite like: RewriteRule ^page.html$ /www/site_tw...

Rewrite Periods/Dots/(.) in mod_rewrite to plus (+)

How do I change a period/dot (.) into a plus (+) of a match using mod_rewrite? My match is #2. This is my rule so far: RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)-[0-9]*\.shtml$ http://kentwired.com/search/most-popular/?searchphrase=exact&amp;searchword=$2 [L,R=301] With my rules currently, http://media.www.kentnewsnet.com/media/storage/paper867/news/20...

URL rewriting that visibly rewrites (changes the URL in the address bar)

I asked sort of the complement of this question before: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1685030/modrewrite-invisibly Now I actually want a rewrite to happen visibly, because I've switched URL schemes and although I want the old links to work, I want the user to see the new URL scheme. So this works RewriteRule ^oldscheme/(.*)/?$ ...