
Making apache 2.2.11 parse .wml files as PHP?

I've tried a variety of combinations, the following being my last attempt: Addtype text/vnd.wap.wml wml Addtype image/vnd.wap.wbmp wbmp AddType text/vnd.wap.wmlscript wmls AddType application/vnd.wap.wmlc wmlc AddType application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc wmlsc AddType application/x-httpd-php .wml How can I get stupid Apache 2.2.11 to parse...

How to bind an ip AND ports to subdomains using JBoss (Or Apache Tomcat)

Hi! This is my problem: I have a JBoss server (Running an existing app) and a Apache Tomcat (Running an app created by me) server running on the same server with different ports. I have two subdomain names which i have routed to the IP of the server. What i need to do is to bind the subdomain names to the IP, but with different ports....

How to deploy a flex+java+blazeds application ??

Hi, i have a problem, I developed an application using flex+java+blazeds with tomcat that provide flex enviroment. I want to deploy my application using tomcat but I can't, how can I deploy my app? ...

How to validate different XML Signatures with Apache CXF?

In our SOA we will have to sign a request (parts of the SOAP header) twice: 1. the client signs the SOAP body 2. the ESB signs a part of the SOAP header, so that the service can verify, that the request was routed over the ESB I'm currently trying to implement/configure this using Apache CXF 2.2. Its working on the client side as well a...

Execute shell command in PHP on the desktop of another logged in user

The Setup: I have a LAMP server (Ubuntu 9.10) which is also hooked up to my HDTV. Upon boot, one user is automatically logged in so as to have a desktop environment on screen. What I want: I've been developing a remote, web interface in PHP for various things (play music, for example). However, I've hit a snag in that I would like to ru...

301 Redirect and query strings

I am looking to create a 301 redirect based purely on a query string see b OLD URL: olddomain.com/?pc=/product/9999 New URL: newurl.php?var=yup My normal way of doing this would be redirect 301 pc=/product/9999 newurl.php?var=yup But this time I am trying to match a URL that that only contains the domain and a query string... Wha...

Deny direct URL request to files in specific folder

Hi there just wondering; How do I deny direct access to files in a specific folder. I have an upload script that uploads to /uploadedFiles and currently I just have an index.php which redirects the user to the login page. However, how do I stop users from accessing a file directly such as: /uploadedFiles/thisFile.jpeg Thanks in advan...

Rewrite content served by apache

Hi guys, I have an internal app (Jira) that i want to use internally and externally, now there might be another way of doing this in which case i'm open to it, but this is what i have so far: URL one: https://domainname.com/jira - external domain name for it URL two: https://domainname.local/jira - internal network name for it. I a...

jQuery cannot retrieve data from localhost

I have a very simple bit of jQuery to retrieve my latest Tweet $.getJSON("http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/username.json?count=1", function(data) { $("#tweet_text").html(data[0].text); }); This works fine on a simple HTML file on my desktop. However, once the file is accessed from my local...

Apache rewrite to add a directory to REQUEST_URI not working on localhost running wamp.

I'm running wamp on Vista (Apache v2.2.11) and have projects setup such that http://localhost/projectx is the base directory for projectx. Now, I want that requests for http://localhost/projectx/somepage/extra will rewrite to http://localhost/projectx/PUBLIC/somepage/extra To that end I have a file in C:\wamp\www\projectx\.htacces...

How do I do multiple processes for Django, on my WSGI apache?

My friend says that Django only has 1 thread or something? And I have to edit my 000-default in order to add more processes? He suggests 4 or 5. What exactly is this, and what do I have to do? Thanks, I'm a noob. ...

Apache Rewrite Exclusion

Hey guys! I'm having trouble figuring out how to exclude /public/bin from this rewrite rule RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !firerift.php RewriteRule ^(.*)$ firerift.php/$1 [L,QSA,NC] Any help would be appreciated. ...

How can I redirect all traffic from one domain to another with an .htaccess file?

Say I have a subdomain xxx.yyy.com running Apache. The files are stored in /home/someone/public_html/xxx. What I want to do is redirect all requests to a domain name zzz.com which is using the same location for its files. (In other words, xxx.yyy.com and zzz.com are aliases for each other) I just want people accessing zzz.com, so if so...

Newbie queston: Cannot load http://localhost/phptest:8080/

Hi guys, I decided to learn HTML so I installed apache on windows vista. Everything seems to work fine; when I go to http://localhost:8080 the sample webpage installed by apache shows. Apache is configured at port 8080. So far so good. Since my DocumentRoot is c:\pub, I made another folder inside, e.g., c:\pub\test. What I'm trying to ...

Problem uploading .docx through html form

I've made a simple form, with the proper enctype for uploading files. When i try to upload a .docx everything works fine in IE 8 and Safari, but in Firefox or IE 7 or 6 i can't even click submit, nothing happens! Could this still be a server issue? It's an apache server. Everything works fine if i choose to upload a .doc file <form enc...

mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp for clustering tomcat and ssl

Please tell me what is better in supporting clustering and ssl between mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp. Thank you. ...

Why can't my Apache see my media folder?

Alias /media/ /home/matt/repos/hello/media <Directory /home/matt/repos/hello/media> Options -Indexes Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> WSGIScriptAlias / /home/matt/repos/hello/wsgi/django.wsgi /media is my directory. When I go to mydomain.com/media/, it says 403 Forbidden. And, the rest of my site doesn't work because all st...

How to proxyreverse to local urls using Apache

Hi! I have two subdomains: test.domain.com prod.domain.com I have one server with to urls (two apps): localhost:8080/app1/ localhost:8090/app2/ The two subdomains are redirected to the server i got. Using Apache, how do i ProxyPassReverse so that this can happen: If test.domain.com -> localhost:8080/app1/ If prod.domain.com -> local...

What is the right way to serve dynamically generated images using Apache and mod_perl?

I have an Apache2/mod_perl2 system up and running. I'm using GD to create an image on the fly, and I'm then printing it like this: $r->content_type('image/png'); binmode STDOUT; print $im->png; But is this the correct way to do things in mod_perl2? (Ignore the fact that I'm generating an image on the fly and not caching it etc ...) ...

Content-type not working in PHP

Hi everyone, I have some issues with a PHP file that is not working properly. The Content-type does not get recieved by any browser at all. Firebug interprets the file as text/html instead of css. Here's the file : <?php header('Content-Type: text/css; charset=UTF-8'); error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); ini_set('display_errors', 'On');...