
Perl & Apache HTTP server: Can't do Tie MLDBM when the cgi script is executed from the server, but okay when executed from the command line. Why?

Hi, please help! I'm really going nuts with this problem! I have a CGI perl script and it always fails at the following line when executed from the Apache HTTP server: tie %db, 'MLDBM', "$data_path/$db_name.db", O_RDONLY, 0640 or die $! and the error is Permission denied: Software error: Permission denied at /var/www/cgi-bi...

.htaccess: Forward ALL requests to another site

Hello. I have to forward an existing website to another one. I want to forward each and every request on the old site to the root of the new site. Example: http://oldsite.tld/index.php?mode=foo&action=bar should be forwarded to http://newsite.tld/ and not http://newsite.tld/index.php?mode=foo&action=bar. Is this possible with...

Is there a /users/www-data type directory in RedHat/Fedora?

I'm trying to setup web2py on my Fedora server, and the instructions, written for Debian, are telling me to install it in the /users/www-data directory. I realize that Fedora uses a default 'apache' user for running Apache, and Debian uses a 'www-data' user, but there's no corresponding /users/apache directory on my machine... Here are...

Django apache-wsgi configuration problem

Hi, I am trying to get my Django project running on the production server. I setup the environment using pip, so it is identical to the development environment where everything is running fine. The only difference is that I don't use virtualenv on production, because this project is the only one that is going to run on production. Als...

.htaccess rewrite not working

I need help with a rewrite in .htaccess. I am trying to do the following: When a user types http://www.example.com/csc/alabama/ I need to pull info from http://www.example.com/csc/index.php?state=alabama I thought it should be this Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^csc/([^/]*)$ /csc/index.php?state=$1 [L] I keep ...

Reuse and add to 500 error to get better stats from soap

Hi We deliver a huge amount of data based on soap requests. Whenever a request fails, soap specifies a 500 error must be returned with a response object telling about the error. Now I know for a fact that MANY of our responses actually should be 400 errors due to bad requests, but we are not allowed to send those. Is it possible to add ...

XDebug not working with xampp

I'm using (or trying to anyway) use the bundled XDebug with XAMPP 1.7.2. It comes bundled with Apache 2.2.12, PHP 5.3.0, XDebug 2.0.5 and Zend (not sure on version) This is a totally fresh install of XAMPP, the only thing I've added to php.ini (at xampp/php/php.ini) is: zend_extension_ts = "C:\xampp\php\extensions\php_xdebug.dll" [xdeb...

How to set the referer on a rewrite rule?

I have the following problem: I use a script that saves the referer URL. I want this URL to one of my own URLs. So let's say a users access the page http://example.com/page1 I want to rewrite that URL to http://example.com/page2 and safe the referer on that page. I don't want to do that with a PHP script as otherwise I would have to ext...

Can mod_rewrite do math?

I am planning to convert my website to a new CMS, but I would like to use mod_rewrite to seamlessly redirect old links to their new locations. The catch is that my new blog will not have the same article numbers as the old, because I'll import some older blog entries in their first. Thus, my mod_rewrite would need to take a URL like old...

Friendly URLs with .htacces weird response form my web hosting... HELP..

I just wanted that when this is inserted in the URL: http://website.com/pelicula/0221889/ http://website.com/pelicula/0221889/posters/ It really goes to this (in background): http://website.com/index.php?ctrl=pelicula&id=0160399 http://website.com/index.php?ctrl=pelicula&id=0160399&tab=posters So I put this in my .htacc...

Drupal Clean Urls break randomly for arbitrary paths.

I've done everything right. My server has mod_rewrite enabled, my virtualhost path has AllowOverride set to All, and I have the .htaccess file in place with the rewrite rules same as everyone. But I have trouble accessing some pages using their clean url paths. So for 90% of the pages, clean urls work fine. But for that 10%, they don't. ...

Redirecting image to php page.

Hi, Is it possible to redirect a user to a php page and then redirect to different image, if the user is requesting for the image ? For example if user requests for the image or if other website requests for the image, it should be redirected to the php page and then redirected to a different image. Like if other website requests for ...

New Rails + Passenger deployment half working...not sure why?

I'm in the final stages of going round trip through the entire Rails cycle: development -> test -> production (on an external server). I'm very close...but seeing some errors with the production version and don't know enough about Rails' "magic" to troubleshoot it yet... this works: www.mydomain.com/rails and returns my app's view but ...

mod_rewrite: no access to real files and directories

Hello. I use mod_rewrite/.htaccess for pretty URLs. I forward all the requests to my index.php, like this: RewriteRule ^/?([a-zA-Z0-9/-]+)/?$ /index.php [NC,L] The index.php then handles the requests. I'm also using this condition/rule to eliminate trailing slashes (or rather rewrite them to the URL without a trailing slash, with a...

mod_rewrite: remove trailing slash (only one!)

Hello. I use mod_rewrite/.htaccess for pretty URLs. I'm using this condition/rule to eliminate trailing slashes (or rather: rewrite to the non-trailing-slash-URL, by a 301 redirect; I'm doing this to avoid duplicate content and because I like URLs with no trailing slashes better): RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{RE...

how to detect when a new files has been uploaded with apache / php

I need to determind when a file has been uploaded via an ftp account so i can parse the data and insert into a db. I could do this 2 different ways, either set up a schedule or watch the directory for any change. Either option would be fine. I'm new to the apache /php space so any keywords that i can search upon would be handy. Tha...

Will PHP script running on top of Apache be faster than C# stand alone program doing same thing (same counting algorithm)?

I mean PHP scripts on Apache are oriented for many users to use tham at the same time. So will 1000 requests which came at the (relatively) same time be fully processed faster than C# .Net program performing algorithm 1000 times in while loop? So we input same data, we perform same algorithm, which is written in the very same way (resp...

Apache finds non-existent files

My web server has a peculiar behavior: Let's say my website URL is http://my-domain.com, and I have an accessible file http://my-domain.com/blah.jpg in it. For some reason I'm able to access the file using http://my-domain.com/blah. It happens with any type of file. Do you have any idea how do I fix this? ...

mod-rewrite to ignore the subdomain

I'm using a mod-rewrite for pretty URLs, meant to run on the domain root. Working fine but now I'm trying to make it run on a subdomain and it keeps giving "500 Internal Server Error". The subdomain automatically redirects to the folder with that name on my hosting account (sub.domain.com shows the content of domain.com/sub/). Does it f...

How to get in Apache password protected directories without showing popup login

I read here how to get into an Apache password protected directroy via dircet link with the simple: http://username:[email protected]/protected_dir/ that works in FF/Chrome/Safari, and obviously not in IE7! :) Do you know how could i get into a psw protected directory creating maybe a login form and using GET/POST to get in? Do...