
Some PHP (Zend Framework/Doctrine) fails after reinstalling PHP (on Windows/Apache)

i am on windows/apache/mysql/php setup. i have recently reinstalled PHP. but i found that it broke certian things. simple scripts like just phpinfo(), echo, simple OO class definitions etc works. but my Zend Framework app failed. same as the doctrine 2 sandbox i am working on. they both returned the ... below ... screen i also noticed...

Storing the mysql password in the apache configuration file using SetEnv

Currently we are storing mysql passwords in the application.ini. As this file is in our source code control repository (bazaar), it is not a good place for the passwords of the production server. I was thinking about storing it in an environment variable of the apache configuration. Is this reasonably safe? ...

Publishing ics feeds in Django

I'm attempting to publish an ICS feed using django + vobject. As a test run, I have the following view defined: def ical(request, user_id=None): cal = vobject.iCalendar() cal.add('method').value = 'PUBLISH' cal.add('calscale').value = 'GREGORIAN' cal.add('x-wr-calname').value = 'TestCal28' cal.add('x-wr-timezone').va...

.htaccess Redirection for Querystrings

Hi, I have an old website that URLs were like /page.aspx?sch=XXXX&prg=YYYY. I want to redirect those old URLs to my new website's URLs. I'm trying to use an .htaccess file to do the trick but I couldn't get it work. What I want is: /page.aspx?sch=XXXX&prg=YYYY ==> /page/sch/XXXX/prg/YYYY If someone could helped me, I'd be very please...

Question regarding sitemaps

I am storing my sitemaps in my web folder. I want web crawlers (Googlebot etc) to be able to access the file, but I dont necessarily want all and sundry to have access to it. For example, this site (stackoverflow.com), has a site index - as specified by its robots.txt file (http://stackoverflow.com/robots.txt). However, when you type h...

Google Chrome err_failed chrome (err2) - Web App

I'm a web application developer, who runs a site http://myfav.es. We've been struggling with this issue for about a month now. We use the HTML application cache spec - www.w3.org/TR/offline-webapps/ - with dynamically generated manifest files - myfav.es/personal.manifest - to speed page delivery. These dynamically generated manifest fi...

modwsgi - Precompiled Binaries for Python 2.4?

I'm trying to install Django using Apache and modwsgi on Windows XP. The problem is our whole development environment uses Python 2.4. This page explains how to install modwsgi on Windows but it doesn't link to any precompiled binaries for Python 2.4. Anyone know of anything, or a workaround? ...

Web Service Call on Apache Timing Out

I have a webapp that is trying to contact a web service but it is timing out. The webapp is hosted on Apache. In my development environment I run the webapp on XSP and the web service call works fine. Any ideas on what I might be missing in the Apache config? ...

Using PHP script to assist .htaccess mod_rewrite

I'm planning to use large amounts of URL rewrites on my website, but I can't get familiar with Apache's mod_rewrite because it's difficult and poorly documented. I heard there's some option that allows invoking various scripts for the rewriting purpose. Can you help me with it? ...

Problem with mod_rewrite

Hello all, I have a problem with getting my .htaccess to work like I want and I was wondering if anyone could shed a light on this. Here is my current setup: My shared hosting site can be accessed by http://www20.a2hosting.com/~myname/ I have several sub directories inside that I wish to access. For instance http://www20.a2hosting....

django site doesn't see urls.py

I just moved my site to an actual apache server (was developing locally before) and the site can't seem to find the urls.py file. basically what happens is that the homepage works, which is weird in itself considering that if i go to any url, e.g. website/about/, i will get a 404 error with text {'path': u'about/'}. I tried ROOT_URLCONF...

Problem with special characters after migrating a web project

I had several HTML files on an Apache server which had special characters. For example, they have instead of ©. They were working fine but once I migrated those files to a new server (also Apache), all those characters are not properly being displayed in the browser. I know it'd be better to replace those characters with HTML enti...

How to 'web enable' a legacy C++ application

I am working on a system that splits users by organization. Each user belongs to an organization. Each organization stores its data in its own database which resides on a database server machine. A db server may manage databases for 1 or more organizations. The existing (legacy) system assumes there is only one organization, however I ...

RewriteCond on HTTP_HOST freezing up site?

I have a number of domains pointed to the same webserver and would like to set it up to rewrite all incoming traffic to be under one consistent domain. I have done this before do make sure that the request has a www. in it, but when I added the script below to be site it started freezing up. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.domain\.com(...

Apache is lagging or something else is bad

Hi! I have a website. It's my first website with Zend Framework but I think it's written good. Generatiom time is about 0.9s now. I'll do it something like 0.2 but leave it now. When you press any link on the website it tooks about 1,5-2s before web browser is loading page. Then it tooks 0.15s to show it. So if execution time is 0.9 wher...

Bitnami Trac 0.11.6 SVN Post commit hooks failing

Hi folks. Beating my head against a wall here for a day trying to get post commit hooks work so I can add refs/ close tickets in trac from an SVN commit. I used the bitnami trac stack to install and am fairly happy with the way its setup. Every commit though gives the error svn: MERGE of "/svn/Project": 200 OK ( ...

URL-Rewriting help

Hello, I am new to URL rewriting and saw in many sites the effect of URL Rewriting. I am completely new to this area. Even, i am finding hard to learn this. The help is, I want to rewrite http://www.example.com/resources/pages/demos/any-page.html to http://www.example.com/demos/any-page.html omitting the resources/pages/ directory...

Can't access uploaded files or files written by php

I'm having a problem with my server at work, it's not letting me access any files via FTP that were uploaded or created by PHP, like log files and user uploads. I CAN access them via HTTP. Server - Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) This is a big problem for me, and I feel like it must be some server configuration because this doesn't happen elsewhe...

PHP5, SOAP and 64 bit Debian machine

Hi. I've recently updated the versions of PHP5 and Apache2 on 2 debian machines. I have SOAP services on them both (they're both behind a load balancer), and on one they work, the other they don't. The one that doesn't work is a 64 bit machine. I'm using PEAR SOAP and wondered if anyone had seen any issues like it or knew of any work a...

Ruby Apache CGI Premature end of script headers

I'm trying to make a simple redirect work. I've gotten everything else to work just fine. For example, this works: #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts "Content-type: text/html" puts puts "<h1>blah</h1>" But this doesn't work (this is where I get the "Premature end of script headers" error): #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts "Status: 302 Found" puts ...