
apache http server - deleting a file upon recieving a POST request

hi guys, is this possible with apache http server? i wish to delete a local xml file upon recieving a post request from an another computer. ...

htaccess mod_rewrite subdomains inheriting rules from main domain

I want to redirect m.example.com to example.com/index.php?type=mobile while inheriting the rules I've already written for example.com... So, say, I have N rules already defined looking something like: ^view/([A-z]+) index.php?view=$1 ^delete/([A-z]+) index.php?delete=$1 ^page/view/([A-z]+)/([0-9]+) index.php?view=$1&page=$2 ^page/del...

configuring search engine friendly url (mod_rewrite)

i want to understand at least abit on how the .htaccess works. i am using the .htaccess from zend framework (since thats what i use often) SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L] Rewr...

mod_wsgi, mod_python, or just cgi?

Hi, I've been playing around with my own webserver (Apache+Ubuntu) and python. From what I've seen there are 3(?) main ways of doing this: Apache configured to handle .py as cgi Apache configured to use mod_python that is now outdated(?) Apache configured to use mod_wsgi I recall reading that Django prefers mod_wsgi, and I'm kinda i...

Are there any libraries/apache modules for implementing a persistant data stream like Twitter's Firehose?

I'm looking at building something like Twitter's fire hose to expose my company's data to the masses and want to build a proof of concept to show how we could use it. Preferably I would like to find an apache mod that would allow for the persistent connection, but so far I've not found anything with my searched. If there aren't any mod...

Apache LocationMatch regex with subdomain

I'm trying to use LocationMatch to match an URL in a website's second-level subdomain but not in it's third-level subdomain. This is because I want to password protect some URLs at that level. eg. level2.domain.com/some/url should match but not level3.level2.domain.com/some/url Than I would apply the necessary directives to password pr...

File downloads incomplete over slow connection

I have a 15MB file on a website (Apache webserver) that downloads fine on reasonable speed connections, but is almost always incomplete on slower connections (28KBytes/sec, for example). The size of the incomplete file is random, from 2 to 13 MB. I have verified the behavior in both Safari and Firefox, on a connection with negligible l...

How to remove all .php extension from a dir and all of its subdirectories?

My web is dir structured is as follows : moving/       includes/       controllers/       includes/       etc... I have the following questions about /moving and all of its sub-diretories: How can i request any php script without the .php extension? How can i request ...dir/index.php?q=about as just ...di...

Internal Server Error on Django Deploy

Im getting 500 internal server error everytime I try access my admin or login page. There's nothing in my error.log Any ideas ? ...

Strange Subversion files in /tmp

I've noticed that there are a few files in my /tmp directory that apparently belong to Subversion: auth/, config, README.txt and servers The interesting thing is that these files belong to www-data which is what Apache runs as, yet my SVN install has nothing to do with Apache, and I'm not even using mod_dav_svn or anything like that......

Apache find the sender of get request

What's the easiest way to find the sender of a get request from apache? I keep seeing error logs that imply some page/application is sending a get request for a favicon file, which is nonexistent. I grep'd my entire webhost directory but not a single file in there is referencing this nonexistent favicon file. Is there a way to find out...

Are ifModule mod_rewrite tags redundant in .htaccess mod_rewrite files

Are the following opening/closing tags necessary for .htaccess mod_rewrite's? I've had .htaccess working without those, but just checking up on htaccess tutorials, many include this tag. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> ... </IfModule> ...

Should I add a user to the apache group

I have a wordpress website that has multiple developers trying to access it and they want to use the built-in theme editor. the theme editor requires write access for the apache group. I'm trying to figure out how to do this and I was thinking about adding all the users the the apache group? Is that a bad idea? is it unsecure? Each use...

Send browser headers via PHP

How can I send a header to a website as if PHP / Apache is a browser? I'm trying to scrape a site, but it looks like they send a 404 error if it's coming from another server... Or, if you know any other good ways to scrape content from a site? Also, here is my current code: <?php $curl_handle=curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl_han...

Access to localhost on the pc from mobile phone via wifi-adhoc?

hi, im a newbie web designer. im studying on programming websites for mobile phones. i want to create a php-website for s60 devices. im using apache server on my computer in the designing process. the question is: how can i access to localhost which is on the computer from an s60 device(n95 8gb) . i tried with adhoc wifi. but it didnt wo...

wamp with php5.3.3 ?

http://www.php.net/archive/2010.php#id2010-07-22-2 i want to test it on windows but it seems there isnt a fast wamp server that fits 5.3.3 are there any today ? thanks ...

PHP: How to code .htaccess to make it work both on localhost & online without editing

Hi all, I have a .htaccess file & I currently I am working on localhost. For a 404 page error, I have the following code in the .htaccess file: ErrorDocument 404 /my_local_domain/404.php But when I upload this file to my website online, the functionality of the file breaks. It no longer shows the 404.php page. It works if I modify the...

CodeIgniter: How to disable "index.php" in URLs completely (disallow it if manually entered in URL)

I'm using codeigniter and have been able to use url's without "index.php" in there, but if I manually type in "index.php", the urls still work. I'd like to disable access to "index.php/controller" type urls in order to avoid duplicate content penalty from Google. Here is what my current .htaccess file looks like: Options +FollowSymLink...

Undefinable problem with my Zend Framework based site

Hello everyone, Lately I had to reinstall my development site on my ubuntu machine since my system crashed after an os update. 4 days later my site is still not running as it should. Whenever i do an action which has in it an action on a database, it stops working. For example when Registring a new user, i get the following error: [...

Fixing mod_rewrite and mod_alias conflict

I have a VirtualHost setup like this : Alias /somedir /some/other/dir http://example.com/somedir works fine However, I need to setup mod_rewrite for /somedir (a CodeIgniter app for which I want clean URLs). Here's the bit from the CodeIgniter wiki : RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQ...