
a question about mysql select query!

I have a list of events for example I wanna show on a page with the users that have created them which is all in a table and the user who has created them's unique id, now if I wanna show their username and avatar I would have to run 100 queries inorder to show 100 events! but I'm sure their is a easier way I don;t know! i have a table ...

php - unlink with username and password?

Hi guys, im new to php. I have a basic unlink php file which deletes a test.html. Using Apache httpserver <?php $fh = fopen('test.html', 'a'); fwrite($fh, '<h1>Hello world!</h1>'); fclose($fh); unlink('test.html'); ?> So now how do i set a authentication method so that only a person with the correct username/password can access this...

how to make sure other programmers don't put backdoors and callbacks in my site!

How can I look for any client side call backs in javascript. I have people adding javascript code for me. how do I make sure they are not somehow sending confidential data or user info to their sites through client side POST, GET, AJAX or any client side methods! How would I do the same thing for my server side code like to see my php p...

Error hosting a WCF REST Service on Apache Webserver

hey guys, I have a problem hosting a WCF REST Service on a Apache Webserver. When I call the Service locally on the Server where the apache runs I have no problems but when I try to call the Service from a remote Computer I get the following error: No protocol binding matches the given address... . Protocol bindings are configured at t...

Replace Mongrel with Apache

I am new to Rails, so bear with me, I need to have apache tomcat as application server. How do i configure that by replacing the default Mongrel ...

Provide an alternative URL for an existing one

Hello, I need some help. I have a page at /register. However, I also want to be able to view this register page at /book-your-place-now. I know that is possible with .htaccess but I cannot for the live of me get me head around .htaccess files. ...

Using Apache Software and the Apache 2.0 License

Hi, My company is planning to write a commerial application that may use some Apache libraries. The application in question is for the Android platform and may be distributed on the Android Market. From what I've been reading it seems that we will need to include a copy of the Apache License 2.0 with the binary distribution of our soft...

Mailsystem Failure Delivery - Custom subject

When a mail is bounced it has a standard subject. Is it possible to change with a custom subject or the subject which we gave or with a dynamic subject? I am building a simple system in php to count all send and not sent mails with the help of bounced mails. So i need to parse the body of the bounced mail to find the email address to whi...

Issues installing PHP on an Apache server

Hi, I am trying to install PHP locally so I can run PHP files. The problem is that I am not able to install it properly although I am trying to follow the instructions. So I am following the instructions provided in this site for example: http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2009/04/13/how-to-install-php-on-windows/ and I can't find the file...

custom ban page for homebrew website

I understand how to ban an IPs address from my apache webserver using .htaccess: order allow,deny deny from deny from deny from allow from all I'd like to create a custom "You've been banned" page. How could I do this? EDIT: To clarify, I am not trying to create a custom 403 page, as these ar...

Where to place .htpasswd generated by PHP?

I am creating a PHP based web application which requires simple authentication to use. The application is made to be installed on a web server and used only be the owner of the web hosting/server, so there will only be one user and password. I figured there was no point in creating a complicated login system. I would just create a GUI to...

mod_rewrite docroot to multiple subfolders dependant on subfolder name

I've been trying to get some RewriteRules working and am successful when just using for one host, but not multiple. I'm wanting "http://preview.domain.com" to point to "http://preview.domain.com/dir1" or "http://preview.domain.com/dir2", etc. Dir1 and Dir2 are as they contain a ProxyPass that points to the real domain. Here is what I...

Problems with rewrite module and negation patterns

I have the following problem: If the url contains the keyword "formulario-" and it is a http connection, I want to redirect to the https version. If the url doesn't contain the keyword "formulario-" and it is a https connection, I want to redirecto to http version. I tried the following .htaccess but it doens't work properly: Rewrit...

Apache/Rails: Forwarding PKI

I have a Linux/Apache/Rails stack hosting a data service. The data service is basically a front end for multiple data sources, akin to a federated search. Queries to the service are authenticated via PKI. When handling each request, the PKI must be forwarded to each data source appropriate for the given request - each data source us...

proper http headers to send when switching blog from one domain to another

Heya, Just wondering what the exact correct header is to send along when I redirect requests from one server (eg. abc.com) to another (eg. def.com/blog/). I've got the redirects working right, but always get confused as to the exact header to send along with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Oliver ...

Rewrite rules help

Could I have some help with rewriting: http://localhost/forum/thread.php?id=300491 http://localhost/forum/?id=3 http://localhost/forum/thread.php?id=300491&amp;page=103 http://localhost/forum/post.php?tid=300491 http://localhost/forum/post.php?fid=3 To: http://localhost/forum/thread/300491 http://localhost/forum/3 http://localhost/fo...

Subdomain Rewrite Logic

Hello, I have the following Rewrite Logic, and it's working to redirect the subdomain, partially. If I visit the URL http://subdomain.clientcollabhq.com/some/path it redirects properly, but if I visit http://subdomain.clientcollabhq.com/ it skips the RewriteCond blocks for the subdomain and falls into the fallback RewriteRule. Any idea ...

Anyway to balance loads in tomcat by partitioning User Names?

For example: Once a user logged in, server side then needs to route the http traffics to a certain tomcat instance because all his/her files(not in DBMS but in local HD) stored on that machine and there will be interactions between the web app and underlying FS. Anyway to do this? Thanks! ...

mod_wsgi + apache not multithreaded, why?

WSGI application # coding: utf-8 import time def application(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' output = str(time.time()) time.sleep(5) output += ' -> ' + str(time.time()) response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'), ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))] s...

Rails deployment

Hello, I am new to Rails. I have my rails application and now I want to deploy it. What do i need to deploy my rails application? Do i need an IAS server or Apache would do it all? I am very confused because I have never deployed any website before ...