
Create excel chart using Apache POI

Hi, I need to create excel sheet from my Java code which contains charts like Bar chart, Line Chart etc using the Apache POI library. Is it possible? I am not able to find any useful code example for the same. Is there any other alternative for this apart from POI library for Java? Thanks in advance, Abhinav Mishra ...

running exe on apache EC2 cloud

Hi, I am trying to run an .exe file deployed by matlab (windows based) from a php website (basic LAMP installed) hosted on an basic Fedora EC2 instance (amazon's cloud) , when the idea is to upload files, process them on the server and return a download link. I've tried backticks (`), to work directly with the shell but I get a "permi...

Tomcat Protect files

dears does anyone knows if tomcat is able to password protect file (like apache .htaccess )? i mean when user request a file from tomcat webapp its prompt a dialogue to enter user-name and password and made this using configuration. or protect the file depend on its IP address . hope someone can help me ? regads ...

Apache LAMP Stack, what is producing the "Service temporarily unavailable." error?

I have a simple LAMP stack with a php REST API. Periodically, the server returns the following error xml: <Error> − <reason> Service temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. </reason> </Error> What is producing this error? Is it Apache? I search the Apache logs and was unable to find any errors that would indicate this type o...

Scripts on non-standard ports

How do you install scripts on non-standard ports (ports other than the default 80) Like how cPanel uses port 2082 ...

Is there a way to determine if a page is compressed or not?

I'm writing a script that can determine if a page is compressed or not, and I've been doing a bit of research and cannot figure out how to determine if a page is compressed. I'd assume that a page compressed would have something in the headers to say that it is a compressed file. Like Content-Type or something. Any help is appreciated. ...

How do I redirect a subdirectory and all files in it to the root using htaccess?

I'm trying to redirect all requests for a subdirectory and any files in it to the root directory, using htaccess. Currently I have redirect 301 /directory/ / But this redirects to the root with the file name requested appended to it.. ie www.domain.com/directory/this.html redirects to www.domain.com/this.html I don't want it to request...

Node.js Performance

Hi All, Is Node.js quicker and more scalable than Apache? Are there any performance figures to back up Node.js's performance for a web application over Apache? UPDATE: Ok maybe my question (above) is confusing because I am a little confused as to how Node.js sits within a web stack. Under what circumstances should I consider using Node...

Apache ModRewrite for GeoIP and Specific URL ONLY

I'm trying to write RewriteRule with 2 RewriteConds. The first rewrite rule is using maxminds mod_geoip(www.maxmind.com/app/ip-location) which works fine. The second one I need to only capture the root index (i.e. mysite.com) The rule should not be matched if the url is mysite.com/hi-mom, only the root of the website. Also assumin...

How do I set the local document root in Apache?

So this is my directory structure / /test index.php blah.php blah.php So in /test/index.php I have a link such as this <a href="/blah.php">Link</a> but I want it to link to /test/blah.php, not the blah.php in the root directory. Basically, I want to set a local document root. Is this possible to set this using .htaccess ...

.htaccess question - URL-rewriting.

Hello. I have an issue with URL-rewriting in .htaccess. Here is .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /community/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^view-all-results$ forums/index.php?view=view-all-results [R=302] RewriteRule ^view-all-results/$ forums/index.php?view=view-all-r...

how to set up python web dev environment

the set the i have so far is: windows 7 64bit Apache 2.2.14/mysql/php 5.3.1 i installed python 2.7. not configured. i tried installing mod_python but it kept telling python 2.5 is required ...

Apache 2.2 (prefork) + Pecl-APC + Wordpress

If anyone is running Apache 2.2 (prefork) + Pecl-APC + Wordpress, could you please tell me how large each apache process grows on your machine? Mine are growing to almost 100mb each and I know something is not right. Without APC installed, the apache processes only grow to 30mb TOPS. I just want to know what it should be (roughly). Th...

need help with zlib!

I wanted to compress my pages so I put ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); at the beginning of my php header file. however as I was playing around I noticed it will give me a blank page if I start a session while the ob_gzhandler was not being used! so I did the below and it worked: how ever I'm not sure if this will always use the compression a...

Protect files in directory using authentication script in php/apache

I'm looking for a way to tell Apache that if there is a request for a file from a certain directory it should first run a php script to verify if the user is logged in. I know I could put the directory outside of the docroot and let a php script handle the authentication and file downloads, but because these are flash files that try to o...

How to use a network drive as a DocumentRoot in wampserver ?

Is it possible to use a 'network drive' connected to a Samba server as a DocumentRoot directory in wamp server? I've tried this and my Wamp Server won't restart. (yellow icon) If I connect the same vhost to a local folder, it works like a charm. So this is what I'm trying to do: where 'G:/' is a network drive connected a Samba server: ...

Rails application permission on apache

What should be the permission on rails app directory on apache server??? ...

What non-standard ports are safe to use?

I'm using a non-standard port for the administrator controls and I'm wondering if theres any particular port I should use or is it safe to just use any port that doesn't have any script assigned to it? ...

Running Mercurial with Apache on Windows XP

I've been struggling to get Mercurial working with Apache on Windows XP. I've read and tried the suggestions at the following SO threads: 1, 2, 3 & 4 So far all I can is a blank page and when I view the source I can see: <body bgcolor="#f0f0f8"><font color="#f0f0f8" size="-5"> --> <body bgcolor="#f0f0f8"><font color="#f0f0f8" size="-5...

apache2 ignores MaxKeepAliveRequests, closes connections arbitrarily

We have a Tomcat front-end server that proxies to our Apache 2.2.11 app server, running on a 64-bit Fedora EC2 2xlarge instance (AKI aki-b51cf9dc). Apache is running mod_perl and is not threaded. We are trying to have the connections persist for a long time between Tomcat, running on another EC2 instance, and the Apache server...