
Apache mod_rewrite: rewrite ^(.*)\.html$ to $1.php and forbid direct access to ^(.*)\.php$

My intent is to rewrite urls ending in .html to .php (not actually all of them, but that shouldn't really matter with regard to this question). I'd also like to disallow urls ending in .php (so that the user can access every page only using urls with .html extension). I'm using these rules inside .htaccess: RewriteRule ^(.*)\.php$ $1.h...

How do you get the HTTP Path Info in C?

I have written a C CGI executable, and I want it to be able to retrieve the PATH_INFO from Apache. For example, if I have the compiled C file as /var/www/html/file, and I request http://localhost/file/pathinfo, How do I get the pathinfo portion? If you have any idea, please help. Thanks in advance! ...

Google Chrome audit on caching

If I run an audit on my sites with Google Chrome, I get this message in the Leverage browser caching section: The following resources are missing a cache expiration. Resources that do not specify an expiration may not be cached by browsers: A list of all the pictures follows. I get a similar notice in Leverage proxy caching: ...

.htaccess redirects with dynamic URLs

I am having problems doing a redirect for some URLS, the ones from the old site that have a ? sign, won't redirect, every other URL will do. example: OLD: /laser-alignment-resources/presentations.cfm?pres=diaphragm NEW: http://www.acquip.com/en/presentations/47-presentation-internal-laser-diaphragm-alignment Won't work, I am sure I did...

Apache Virtual Host settings with hostnames

I am using apache as my front http server which handles requests for JBoss 4.2.2 running as an application server.I have a J2EE application running on JBoss handles mutliple sites requests. My IP is registered to xyz.com a request to community1.xyz.com loads site for community1 a request to community2.xyz.com loads site for community2...

Check if specific wsgi handler is running

I am creating a mapping application that uses a WSGI service and needs a different config file for each map. Currently, I launch the service with: import os, sys tilecachepath = '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/TileCache-2.10-py2.6.egg/TileCache' sys.path.append(tilecachepath) from TileCache.Service import Service, wsgiHandler f...

error while executing "apache services"

i am trying to install apache version 2.2.16, on my windows 7 machine. the apache is installed correctly. but when i try to run the service, i get a error message saying, "The requested operation has failed"... i tried all the methods, i.e disable antivirus, skype, but still the same result. ...

MySQL and PHP communication problem in Mac OS X 10.6.3

I followed this instruction but not worked for me. I just wanna install and config cakephp in my new MacBook Pro and that's why I'm tried to rename my php.ini.default to php.ini. Before that, I had no problem in communicating between my MySQL and Mac pre-installed PHP. What's wrong with that instruction. ( specially "Getting MySQL and ...

Apache HttpClient in Android extremely slow downloading attachment

I am trying to download a zip file using HttpCLient 4 and it is going at around .5 (kilobytes/kilobits)? per minute. The file is less than a MB large, and the download will probably take an hour! Am I doing something wrong? How else should I do this? Here is my current implementation: @Override protected Uri doInBackground(S...

Tomcat Restrict access by IP address

dears does anyone knows if tomcat can restrict access to certain application by IP address (like apache .htaccess )? hope someone can help me ? regads ...

how to make log4j to write to the console as well

Hi, Is there any way to tell to log4j to write its log to the file and to the console? thanks there are my properties: log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,console,R log4j.rootLogger=INFO, FILE log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.CONSOLE.Target=System.out log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout...

Hide Last Modified time on apaches directory index/listing

Hi, I have this set up in my .htaccess Options +Indexes IndexOptions -FancyIndexing but even with -fancyindexing, it shows the modification time. How do you disable this? thanks ...

How can I remove ID veriable from URL with htaccess?

I'm sorry for complexive question. I've got a website that reading contents from MySQL database to get video information just like YouTube. I've 7 column: id, title, desc, url, date, whosadded, views. I want to do is Rewriting url's from /video.php?id=X to /title-music-video.html There's ( http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Apache/Using-...

Mercurial: Permission Denied for hgwebdir

Yesterday I setup Apache to serve my Mercurial repositories and got everything working properly. I then tested pushing changes back to this repository and was presented with an error, and now that error pops up for every single operation I attempt - even just a simple GET request of the repositories! Here is the error: mod_wsgi (pid=177...

Reverse Proxy Apache to FitNesse server

Apache/Ubuntu/Proxy What is the correct configuration to reverse proxy FitNesse from one apache web server to another server running FitNesse through Jetty? This is an all Ubuntu/Lucid/Apache setup. I have tried mod_proxy and mod_proxy_html and I get back the text, but none of the CSS and formatting come through. My setup is something...

mod_rewrite on substring in URL

I'm forcing HTTPS on my site using mod_rewrite but I want to change this to HTTP for any URL with the substring com_bookmangement in the URL. So http://www.example.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=85&Itemid=140 will be directed to https://www.example.com/index.php??option=com_content&view=article&amp...

URL Rewriting Problem for a Beginner

I'd like to have all requests to http://example.com/controller redirected to http://example.com/index.php/controller without changing the url, and this is what my .htaccess file looks like: # Customized error messages. ErrorDocument 404 /index.php # Set the default handler. DirectoryIndex index.php # Various rewrite rules. <IfModule m...

KEYTOOL equivalent in apache

what is the equivalent command for keytool add in apache/php ...

Mina - HTTP Proxy – what is AbstractHttpLogicHandler for?

I am currently working on building a simple HTTP proxy using Apache Mina, in particular org.apache.mina.proxy, and I have a few questions about how to use some of the components. How do I extract the future address from an incoming HTTP request? I can see how to create a ProxyConnection given a URL, but I can't see how to extract thi...

Is it Possible install git in xampp localhost ?

Is it Possible hooked git into XAMPP so it can be managed as part of that software suite.? i try to make my own remote repository ...