
How to update Apache?

I think its a very simple process, but I have never done it and would like to get some information on it. Basically what I need is to update my current version of Apache (2.2.x) to a newer version (2.2.x). The problem is that that Apache server is a production server with SSL. I just don't want anything to go wrong while doing the update...

secure web application questions

I am implementing a web application which is powered on the backend via a soap server/client interaction. The web site is running over https and authentication is being provided by LDAP. As of now I push all users without a cookie, call it 'userHash' for reference to the login page. The login page accepts a username, pass and checks...

Apache mod_expires question

Hi Folks, I'm really confused by all that caching stuff. I'm trying to setup mod_expires to reduce the number of HTTP Requests from my website to the server. I did well so far, I installed mod_expires and wrote a little .conf file from the instructions on http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_expires.html. Now, for instance, all my...

Put username in apache access_log with PHP and without HTTP auth

In the Apache log configuration it is possible to specify that the HTTP auth user name should be logged. Most PHP scripts have their own, cookie-based authentication. Is it possible in PHP to provide Apache with a HTTP auth username for logging purposes, even if the authentication is cookie-based? If yes, how would the code look like? If...

How do you increase the max number of concurrent connections in Apache?

What httpd conf settings do I need to change to increase the max number of concurrent connections for Apache? NOTE: I turned off KeepAlive since this is mainly an API server. # # KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than # one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate. # KeepAlive Off # # MaxKeepAli...

Problem with htaccess URL rewrite rule, query string is being appended to resulting URL

I have a set of rewrite rules that are supposed to process a URL that has anywhere from 1 to 5 parameters. So my URL might look like this: www.site.com/topic1/page1 or www.site.com/topic1/sub1/page1. Here are my rules in this example: RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)/?$ /staticpages/process-selection.php?param1=$1 [E=rwdone:yes,L] RewriteRule ...

Serving up files with Rails... I want access control but don't want to hog the rails process

I'm currently using send_data File.new(filename, 'rb').read, :type => content_type, :disposition => 'inline' To serve up uploaded files, which are stored outside the public directory. Of course, I don't want files to be globally accessible, so I'm not sure I want to bypass Rails in the usual way by putting the file into public. I woul...

Http POST drops port in URL

I have a webapp built with Django. I'm currently running it off a laptop at home behind a router. I have the router configured to route all traffic sent to a specific port to that laptop. I have Nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache, using mod_wsgi to run Django. My problem is this: when I try to submit any POST form, the port # gets r...

HttpEntity ClassNotFound ?!

hi im trying to use apatche 4.0.1 using the post methode in this example but i got HttpEntity ClassNotFound exception ...

Why does nginx reverse proxy of ssl to apache causes endless redirects?

I have set up nginx to handle SSL requests and send them to Apache/mod_python as described in http://code.google.com/p/mango-py/wiki/SSLRedirect. I added the django Middleware. I do proxy_set_header in nginx as described in http://yuji.wordpress.com/2008/08/15/django-nginx-making-ssl-work-on-django-behind-a-reverse-proxy/. This is intend...

Giving public access to root directory of svn

Hello, i was wondering if it is possible to let people access subversion root directory trough apache and 'dav_svn' module. Now i can only access only repositories that are 1 level lover than root directory ("svn/game" "svn/something" but not "svn/"). My httpd.conf: <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNParentPath C:/SVN AuthzSVNAccess...

Spoofing postMethod (apache in java)?

Im fairly new to this so please dont slam me down. I'm trying to mock a Postmethod so that I can set the status it returns. For instance I want to set my PostMethod to 200. The reason for doing this is I am trying to mock a computer without an internet connection Thanks in advance ...

using c# inside an apache python script

Hi fellow programmers, I have a c# application that defines a membership provider used in a Asp.Net MVC application. And i have an apache httpd server that does authentication with mod_wsgi. The objective is to share the membership provider between the two, so that the authentication information be the same. How can i achieve this beh...

Index a subdirectory of DocumentRoot Apache

Hi there, I've the DocumentRoot with the Options +Indexes enabled. However, I cannot find via browser the subdirs of the DocumentRoot. How can I fix it? Thanks. ...

Wrong url parsing

I have usual url, where params and values are separated by / And i have this url piece word//show-count/1 On my local machine zend retrieves word = '' show-count = '1' On test-machine it retrieves word = 'show\-count' Why it happens and who is guilty. I think, that problem is in ignoring double // ...

Redirect URL to another URL

Hi, I have the following scenario and unsure how to go about solving it. Basically have the following page that a user can go to by where this URL exists within their email. For example: http://www.abc.example/yourdetails.html My question is, I have now been told that this whole web app is being moved to a new domain, i.e. http://ww...

How to use nginx with PHP?

What is a good way of using PHP with nginx? From the finding I got, maybe using PHP-FPM might be a good way of handing PHP behind nginx. The problem we have is that the free web based API we serve gets a lot of request (about 500K a day), mostly the requests are very short and small in size but Apache is consuming a lot of memory. I wa...

CouchDB proxy? Apache As a Reverse Proxy?

Hi there, I have VM (Ubuntu 10.04, Apache, CouchDB 1.0, ...) with public ip address. Is it possible to access CouchDB (mainly Futon) from public ip address (i.e. 187.323.132.232:5984), not from http://localhost:5984? Or on my local machine, set up an ssh tunnel? ...

The server at www.localhost.com is taking too long to respond.

Hello all, A very strange thing is happening. I am running a script on a new server (it works on my current server and laptop). The strange thing is that I only get it to (sort of) work when I increase memory limit to 1024M (!). It is extracting a large zip file and going through the files, so I thought it was normal. Instead of this s...

How to change htdocs with Zend Framework

I just found and installed Zend Framework CE to test my web sites. I've used Apache before but this seems to be a great deal more gui and automated. My question is how do I change the Apache C:/Program Files (x86))/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/ with Zend Framework? Is there a way to do it and have it update everywhere it needs to? also, I'm pl...