
Display files from another directory with mod_rewrite

I have moved all files from a project that should be accessible from outside to a single public directory - so that instead of blacklisting directories that must remain hidden, I could whitelist accessible ones. However I cannot force apache to rewrite this kind of urls: www.example.com/images/flower.jpg to fetch <DOCUMENT ROOT>/p...

Can I change the accepted extensions by PHP?

I'd like to accept other type of files that contains PHP code. For example, it would be nice to read an .aspx file by PHP as if it were .php. Could it be possible? Thank you very much in advance ...

Create an Alias using Apache's mod_rewrite

Hello all! I need to create an alias for one exact page which unfortunately special characters in it. I do have an environment set up so other redirects work fine, but not this one: RewriteRule ^/ow/email.htm?who=Kate%20Jones&direct=True&[email protected]$ http://www.google.com/ow/lalala.htm How should I rewrite th...

How to access the default index page after using DirectoryIndex in .htaccess

My site root is an english version of the site (/index.php). I used an DirectoryIndex to point my users to a french version of the site by default (/fr/index.php). I would like people to be able to click an link that would take them to the english version (/index.php). Is there anyway to do this without changing the folder structure? ...

Apache POI: Replace paragraph text

I am using Apache POI to generate docx files from a template. There doesn't seem to be an obvious way to replace all text in a paragraph and the documentation is pretty scarce. Right now I am able to read a document by looping through its paragraphs, then looping through each paragraph's runs, then looping through each run's text... This...

Why can I not override make's environment variables in FreeBSD's apache port?

I'm trying to configure Apache 2.2 from ports (in FreeBSD). I've written my own makefile with my desired compile options and as far as I can tell, everything seems to check out. I.e.: make -V <env_var> __MAKE_CONF=~/mk/make.apache22.conf returns what I expect except for PERL5 and USE_PERL5. I've tried setting both variables in make....

Access a COM interface from a service (apache) with PHP

I've been trying to create a PHP script which will run on a locally hosted web server, and will be able to access various programs on my computer through COM. I've had mixed success and failure, and I've been able to narrow down the problem. If I run the php script using php.exe, it works. If I run the php script using apache running fr...

ErrorDocument that points to the ZF controller

Hello, I have Zend Framework based application and I need to create combo .js files. So, folders tree is: /myuser/apps/zfapp_write /myuser/apps/zfapp_write/combos /myuser/apps/zfapp "zfapp_write/combos" folder contain .htaccess file with content like ErrorDocument 404 /myuser/apps/zfapp/combos/get-combo Thats why if I'll open lin...

Secure chmod privileges?

The standard chmod privileges are "644" for files and "755" for directories, aren't they? In most cases, PHP doesn't need to write to files or directories. So couldn't I take the write privileges from all groups? I could assign "444" to all files and "555" to all directories. Wouldn't that be more secure? Thanks in advance! Note: ch...

What are the differences between Mono's and Microsoft's ASP.NET implementations?

Hi Everyone, I'm about to launch an ASP.NET web site which will be running on a Linux server using Mono. First I would like to do some testing on my own machine. I have heard lots of info about Mono, but this is the first time I actually use it for a project. So far, I have only deployed my applications on IIS servers. I would like to ...

Apache crash - PHP

UPDATED INFO: OS Windows 7 32bit Apache 2.2.15 PHP 5.2.13 This is really weird. When I got to this URI in my application: /view/course/teid/1/cid/-1/pos/30 Apache crashes. When I go to a very similar URI - like this one: /view/course/teid/1/cid/-1/pos/29 Everything works fine. This is from error log: [Thu Aug 05 11:22:14 201...

Apache Server File Permission

Hi All , I am using Apache Server 6.0 and I am trying to update a file using ajax put request but the server is giving me error 405 Method Not Allowed. I am working this out on windows. Can anybody help me out if that. Thanks in Advance. Vinay ...

Redirect site with .htaccess but exclude one folder.

Hello all! I want to 301 redirect an entire website, but exclude everything in a folder called 'uploads' which exists in the root directory. I have googled for this, but didn't come up with anything, or I didn't think what I saw was right. Can we crack this? ...

Apache Server File Permission

Hi All , I am using Apache Tomcat 6.0 & I am getting 403 Forbidden error from the server while making a ajax put request to the server . Can Anybody help me out,, Thanks in Advance, Vinay ...

How to disable compression in Apache on some response header from mod_jk proxied application server

I have a tomcat server configured (by mod_jk) to work through Apache Httpd server. Apache Httpd server compresses (by mod_deflate) all text/html sent to browser. Some jsp pages are interactive and long running, i.e. display progress or log during execution. If compression turned on, all text on these pages comes at the end of page exec...

Perl web app and mod_perl architecture question

I've written a website in Perl. It has a root handler, that all HTTP requests are sent to. This root handler then processes the request, and things like cookies, POST and GET vars, etc, then chooses a sub-handler and forwards the request on to that. Because the root handler includes all the sub handlers, and all the sub handlers includ...

WAMPSERVER Server not working

I have just installed wampserver on windows 7 it works fine for me but when i restart windows and click on Start Wamp Server it starts but not showing any page at http://localhost i have not any skype or any service install let me know how can i fix that ...

avoid dir mod rewrite

i have a rule like this: RewriteRule ^posts/(.*)/([0-9]*)$ viewupdates.php?username=$1&page=$2 [L] and match to: http://site.com/posts/username/1 i need to chante to: http://site.com/username/posts without trailing slash, and if have more pages /posts/1 ...

php page can't load MySQL's database

Hi I'm having some problems while trying to connect a .php with mysql. here's the connection.php code <?php $db_host =$_POST['localhost']; $db_user =$_POST['root']; $db_password = ""; $db_name = "prtcl"; ?> and this is the page where I actually use the connection <? include("connection.php"); ?> ... <?php $db = mysql_connect($db_...

wordpress test site goes to main site url...how to solve?

For example I have a live WP site http://wpsite.com I wanted to make a live mirror copy of http://wpsite.com at http://wpsite.com/test/ so i copied all data of public_html/ folder to public_html/test/ then i checked http://wpsite.com/test/ but everything is going to http://wpsite.com/ is there any .htaccess problem? This is .htacces...