
Can I use resources licenced under the Apache Public License in my commercial app?

Hello, Under the terms of the Apache Public License, can I use some (graphic) resources in my commercial app? More specifically, in my (proprietary) Android app, I want to use some graphics from Android. Since Android is licensed under the Apache Public License, I downloaded the source and took the resources I wanted. But I was wondering...

php mod rewrite


Configuring Mass Virtual Hosting + SSL on development machine

Is there a way to use this, or something like it, for SSL enabled hosts? VirtualDocumentRoot /www/vhosts/%0/public I want to avoid having to configure Apache every time I start working with a new domain on my development box. It would be nice to just add a directory, follow standard naming conventions, and be able to automatically acc...

Setting a header in apache

I'm trying to serve static files for download in a django application, I figured that I'd put the static files in /media/files and have Apache set the content-type header to application/octet-stream (the files to download are going to be word files but I'll work out the details later). To do this I activated mod_headers and then in the ...

Apache HTTPD reload

Does anyone know if while Apache HTTPD is doing a reload (which, let's say, takes five seconds) can it still serve requests during that time? ...

mysql_connect() on localhost

I am trying to implement a little 'intranet' on my home network, but I am an apache/mysql configuration noob... Running fedora 10, and have apache, mysql, and php set up as well as i know how. However, when I try using a standard form with POST, the php script seems to error out on the mysql_connect(...); line. I don't get an error me...

How to specify the repository in apache dav svn?

I have the following setup: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName svn.project1.com <Location /> DAV svn SVNPath /svn </Location> </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName svn.project2.com <Location /> DAV svn SVNPath /svn </Location> </VirtualHost> When I navigate to either http://svn...

RewriteLog triggers Internal Server Error

I am trying to do some debuging on my rewrite rules and wanted to enable RewriteLog to view how they are interpreted. but when i activate it i get Internal Server Error heres the line: RewriteLog "/home/solomongaby/www/project/logs/rewrite.log" thanks ...

Error while deploying Django on Apache

I have a small Django website which I am trying to run on an Apache 2.2 HTTP-Server. The application is running fine using "python manage.py runserver". Django Version: 1.0.2 final Python: 2.5 OS: Windows 2000 I wen't through the steps described in the documentation and after some fiddling, came out with the following in my httpd.con...

For Apache, how do I fork a web service request so that two app servers can receive the same request?

I am using Apache. How do I fork a web services request so that the two app servers can receive the same request? Do not worry about having too many return response, because one of the two App Server will not reply anything. I have no control over who calls the web service, meaning SSI pages are out. Can it be done through Apache configu...

Write to Directory using PHP: Is this a permissions problem?

Hi My PHP script writes to a file so that it can create a jpg image. fwrite($handle, $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']); fclose($handle); print $newfile.'.jpg'; I have put this script on a new server however the image never gets saved. The permission of the folder it saves to is 755 but it does not own it. Last time, I think I fixed...

Use server settings to force IE to open Word documents in Word and not in IE

I've been beating my head against the wall trying to figure out how I can force IE to download and open a Word document in Word instead of opening in Word window embedded inside of IE. Googling around, all I can find are instructions like this one http://www.shaunakelly.com/word/sharing/OpenDocInIE.html which show how to configure the se...

Do I have to duplicate the Virtualhost directives for port 80 and 443?

I have a long and intricate list of <VirtualHost> directives, and I have to duplicate them into separate <VirtualHost> groups for ports 80 and 443 because I'm using SSL. Whenever I update my mod_rewrite rules I have to remember to do it in both places or else I'll break my app... this duplication is asking for trouble. Is there a way to ...

stop subdomain access root

i have root and subdomain (for my friend) like this /home/blahblah/ /home/blahblah/domain.com/ (Apache server) can i stop subdomain access root by using some php shell script? ...

Drupal - Apache's Mod_Deflate breaks CSS

We have enabled Apache's mod_deflate on our drupal site. From that point onwards, we are noticing that CSS files aren't getting loaded properly. It doesn't happen every time. Kinda random. Did anyone else notice this issue? If so, any suggested solutions? ...

URL Rewriting - Redirect With No File Extension

I am currently using the following rules in an htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php This works well to ensure that myfile.php works as well as just myfile (with no extension). It also handles querystring's with no problems, so myfile?var=f...

How many RewriteRules can you have in .htaccess without trouble?

Simple question. Is there a limit as to how many RewriteRules I can have in my .htaccess or can I put a zillion of them in there without Apache going all funky on me? Is there a relative limit where the server simply dives because there are to many rules to iterate through? Thanks! ...

Can anybody explain the structure of the Apache server?

How does the Apache web server work? Can someone explain it in detail? ...

Why am I getting an Apache Proxy 503 error?

My server was doing just fine up until yesterday. It was running Redmine (a ruby development tracking application), and it was the happiest little server until my "friend" imported a sql table that my little guy couldn't take. Unfortunately after an hour of trying to get the lil guy to respond, we had to power cycle him. Now after res...

Apache + SSL Error 336027900

I was reviewing the logs for my companies servers today and I discovered that there appears to be an error 336027900 logged every 5 minutes. This is what the log shows: [Wed Mar 25 15:10:19 2009] [info] [client] Connection to child 3 established (server localhost:443) [Wed Mar 25 15:10:19 2009] [info] Seeding PRNG with 656 by...