
Apache fop-0.95 error on FopFactory.newInstance() command

I am using Apache fop-0.95 to build pdf files from a JSP web application on IBM iSeries V5R4 using Websphere 6.0. Everything works perfect in my development using Websphere Development Studio client. When I put the application on the server, I get an error at this line. FopFactory fopFactory = FopFactory.newInstance(); The error ...

How to fix this virtual host setup?

Hello all, I have setup up 2 virtual hosts that share the same IP on a centos server running apache 2. #<VirtualHost *:80> # ServerAdmin [email protected] # DocumentRoot /www/docs/dummy-host.example.com # ServerName dummy-host.example.com # ErrorLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-error_log # CustomLog logs/du...

how to repair Apache Derby tables

I deleted some records in tables which are interconnected with other tables with foreign keys, so somehow I succeded to delete some records which I would not be able to delete (FK constraint). Now I cannot delete records in main tables (to which FK refers). Anyway, I was trying to drop table, drop index, nothing helps. Is there any too...

Adobe Flex Apache module under Linux

Hi there, I'm attempting to use the Adobe Flex Apache (2.2) module under Linux from here - http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Flex_Module_for_Apache_and_IIS (the manual install). I have a perfectly working Apache system, with Ubuntu 8.10 and the Sun JDK v6 update 10 so installing this is not about support tools. I can't figure out ho...

Same rules for multiple directories in Apache?

I have 2 subdomains which use the same rules, as seen below: <Directory /srv/project/sites/project.hu/htdocs/> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)\?*$ index.php?route=$1 [L,QSA] SetEnv config default,local Order allow,deny allow from 192.1...

Apache on windows server can't write to file

We have installed Apache 2.2 on a windows server 2003. We want to make apache able to write to files on the disk but we don't know as what user Apache works as. How do we allow Apache to write to files on a Windows server 2003? BR Larre UPDATE: The user is running as 'SYSTEM' and we have tried giving that user full permission to all ...

Why am I getting a panic with Perl 5.10, Mason, and Apache?

I'm developing an application using Perl 5.10, HTML::Mason, and apache 2.2. This is the first time I've used Perl 5.10 for a big project. I get a strange behavior every once in a while. The application dies with a very strange error: panic: attempt to copy value to a freed scalar b87acf34 at ... I guess my question is it Perl 5.10 be...

How to add additional headers to 302 redirects in Apache?

I have a redirect in Apache config like Redirect temp /foo.xml http://www.baz.com/foo.xml I am trying to add an Expire and m-cache headers for a CDN to this 302. This would be trivial in php, but I need to do this in Apache config files. Normally this is done like this: ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 mi...

Why does the browser not cache a 301 within an AJAX-request?

This is the XMLHttpRequest: $.ajax({ method: "get", url: "getPage.php", data: $data, dataType: 'json', timeout: 2000, success: function(result) { handleContent(result); } }); This is getPage.php?data=data header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $offset) . " GMT"); header("Cac...

htaccess redirect

This is what I'm trying to do with the htaccess: Force remove the www from the url Be able to use http://website.com/site/ to get to http://website.com/site.php, and force the last slash even if it's not added by the user. So if i write http://website.com/site it will be converted to http://website.com/site/ Also translate http://websi...

How can I setup Apache to serve SVN with this particular URL configuration?

Hi. I have a VPS and i'm trying to host several SVN projects. I'd like the URL paths to be like this: http://svn.domain.com -> Welcome HTML page (at /var/www/svn.domain.com/httpdocs/index.php) http://svn.domain.com/project1 -> Project 1 SVN Root http://svn.domain.com/project2 -> Project 2 SVN Root http://svn.domain.com/project3 -> Proje...

Dazed and confused about configuring Apache with SSL support.

Hello everyone, I've spent a few hours trying to configure my Apache server to use SSL with no public IP, just localhost. I've created the certificate OK, I think (it has been like a crash course on black magic for me), and when I try tro access https://localhost, the browser says "Connected to localhost..." on the status line but just ...

Can you compile 32-bit Apache DSOs (Oracle HTTP Server) on a 64-bit machine?

I've migrated an Oracle database and Oracle HTTP server install from a 32-bit machine to a 64-bit machine - both machines running Linux. Oracle Database is 64-bit, but the (Apache) HTTP server is 32-bit. I use some non-Oracle DSOs (mod_ntlm for one) but whenever I run the standard "make install" type thing I end up with a 64-bit module....

How to install Tomcat on Windows XP?

I'm having trouble installing Tomcat on my windows XP machine. I already have Apache and JDK 6 installed, what I need to know is: Which file to download from the Lastest Tomcat download page And how to install it so I can run the sample web app by going to http://localhost/ In my C:\Program Files\Java folder, I see the following fold...

Apache Alias/Directory Question

I'm running XAMPP - apache 2.2. I have 200+ folders in http://localhost/examplefolder I have bought another hdd to load balance the folders, now I have 100+ folders in C:/xampp/htdocs/examplefolder and another 100 folders in D:/examplefolder. How can I point both directories so that 200+ folders will appear in http://localhost/examplef...

How to install Apache Ant?

I want to install SMSlib (http://smslib.org/) in installation instruction (http://code.google.com/p/smslib/wiki/Installation). In here I must install Apache Ant, but I didn't understand how to do that. I already download Apache Ant 1.7.1 , read manual (http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html) In here I must have RPM version from jpac...

Apache and mod_mono not playing well together

I'm trying to get Mono to work on CentOS 5, however haven't had much success so far. This is what I did: > yum install mono-web > yum install xsp > yum install mod_mono > echo ":CLR:M::MZ::/usr/bin/mono:" > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register Ensured that the following line is present in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Include conf.d/*.con...

The requested URL / was not found on this server

I have 2 Apache instances on the same server, one on port 80, one on another port. The first one works fine. When I go to mydomain.com:otherport I get the error message named in the title. The directory does exist, and has the same user and group that the web server is running as. ...

Mono 2.4, AutoHosting and MVC

Can mod_mono's AutoHosting be modified to support ASP.NET? ATM it doesn't really work: Link. / works, but the runtime ignores Global.asax altogether and doesn't follow the routing conventions. ...

Control access to WebDav/Apache using Python

I want to give users access to WebDav using Apache, but I want to autenticate them first and give each user access to a specific folder. All authentication must be done against a Django-based database. I can get the Django-authentication working myself, but I need help with the part where I authenticate each user and provide them with a ...