
What is the purpose of (Apache) putting inode into an ETag?

There are plenty of articles on the web detailing why you might not want to use Apache's default inode-mtime-size format for ETags. But I have yet to read anything on what might have motivated the inclusion of inode for Apache in the first place. On the face of it, it only seems useful if one needs to be able to differentiate between oc...

How can I get the actual error behind HttpResponseException?

I'm using Apache HttpComponents Client to POST to a server that returns JSON. The problem is that if the server returns a 400 error, I seem to have no way of telling what the error was from Java (had to resort to a packet sniffer so far - ridiculous). Here is the code: HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); params.add(new Basi...

FTP download fails on remote virtual server but works perfectly on local setup

Hi, I have developed a recursive FTP-download script, in PHP5, that allows you to select some files and/or directories to download using an AJAX request. The POST-variable that the server receives is just a short pipe-separated string that does not take up any memory at all. The script itself works perfectly on my local Apache setup an...

deploying django to UserDir

I would like to deploy my django pet-project on our student server. We have apache2 with UserDir mod and I don't have access to apache2 config files. How do I deploy? :-D I come from PHP background and I deploy my PHP scripts by uploading them to my public_html dir and everything shows up on http://ourserver.com/~myusername. I read djan...

Wordpress Rewrite Redirect Failure

I'm helping a friend recover from the mess outsourcing a wordpress website caused him (mistake #1) and I have this weird error. The hosting he is using appears to be redirecting www.domain.com to domain.com (NFI why) automatically which works fine in every browser except IE (i know right!). So adding the first redirect fixed that, until ...

Passenger with apache and nginx on the same development box

I've got Apache and passenger on my notebook. I want to test Nginx and passenger on the same machine. I can install Nginx on 8080 and apache on 80. But can I install passenger with both the same server on the same machine? ...

Still having mod_rewrite problems / .htaccess

I have several rewrite rules in my .htaccess file that all work fine and I want to add a specific case to turn sinaesthesia.co.uk/category/psoriasis into sinaesthesia.co.uk/category.php5?category=psoriasis So I tried: RewriteRule ^(.)category/(.)$ /$1category.php5?category=$2 [L] which doesn't work. I've tried it without capturing...

Under what situation will .htaccess not work for Apache?

vi .htaccess: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|audio|editor|upload|images|js|css|robots\.txt|sitemap\.xml) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?$1 [L] When I try to browse http://wolaitiao.cn/install,it reports 404,so it's not working correctly. Is it because it's a VirtualHost? <VirtualHost *:80> ... ...

apache/nusoap returns BAD REQUEST 400 when .htaccess applied

I have a nuoap 0.7.3 webservice installed on APACHE 2 with PHP5. The web service is being consumed from a .net client and all works as long as the folder contents aren't secured with a .htaccess file. Accessing via IE or Firefox causes prompt and all works as expected. Have performed WebRequest with credentials applied and they are acc...

Apache 2.2 VirtualHosts on Vista

Apache 2.2 set up on Windows Vista When I go to localhost in my browser I get the "It works!" page, so I'm pretty sure it installed just fine Problem is when I go to a VirtualHost that I've set up (ex. tryout.localhost) it still goes to the "It works!" page instead of going to the files specified in the DocumentRoot of the virtual host...

406 "Not Acceptable" error when using JanRain OpenID Library with Google

Hello everybody, I am using the latest Janrain openid library example and the discovery process seems to work well with Yahoo, myopenid.com and others... But I am stuck with Google endpoint (https semicolon //www.google.com/accounts/o8/id). Consumer.php just returns a 406 apache error, before I am redirected to google's page. All my i...

PHP using too much memory

I'm getting the following error when trying to run a php script I wrote: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 56320 bytes) in /home/evergrf2/public_html/ianburris/p/maptile/mapfetcher.php on line 43 What confuses me is that it says the allowed memory size is 33554432 bytes and that...

How to use ssl with codeigniter?

How can I have CodeIgniter load certain pages using ssl? I have an apache2/mode_ssl server. I only want certain pages to use ssl. mod_ssl uses a different document root than non-secure pages. For example: https (port 443) would serve pages out of /var/www/ssl_html/ And http (port 80) serves pages out of /var/www/html/. How would I get co...

Let apache handle 404 error when deemed appropriate by PHP?

I perfectly know how to create a custom 404 page in PHP, however I'm wondering if there's a way to give back control to to apache and let it produce the proper 404 page, sending right headers, etc. when my logic says so? I'm looking at some apache specific functions but can't seem to find anything appropriate. Is that really just not po...

How would I perhaps reduce the processor footprint of a php script?

I'm attempting to make a php script that can load the current weather forecast and it uses a bit of XML pre-processing to digest the input, however it is accessed quite often and reloaded. The problem begins with my current host, which yes I do understand why, limits the amount of processing power a script takes up. Currently takes an e...

apache mod_rewrite to force index.php

hi, im pulling my hair out. im utilising mod_rewrite to run through index.php if %{REQUEST_URI} isnt an existing document: #Any request (page) which doesnt exist (item pages, special urls, categories etc) #get routed through urlparse, where PHP takes over nicely RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} !-f RewriteRule (.*) urlparse...

Creating visible redirect?

Please Pardon if the question sounds silly, but nevertheless its a question which I want to know. :) How can I redirects which display that you are being redirected (like older Gmail and LinkedIn). Whenever I tried to do that, I got errors saying that Headers were already sent. Then somebody here told me that I should not output any ma...

Filter incoming requests to Apache

Hi and thank you for wanting to help :) I have root access to an Apache server running under CentOS 5. The root site is password protected and some areas of the site (documents etc) can only be accessed by some users. The user id is stored in a session. In the perfect world I would want to activate a Python script (on the server outsid...

Password protecting AutoIndex but not static files with .htaccess

I have publicly accessible files on my webserver. I'd like to enable AutoIndexing (Options +Indexes) but I'd like to require a password in order to view these listings. I have no problem setting up the Auth but there are complications with the public files and the DirectoryIndex files in that if someone also asks for a directory, and t...

Will deleting Apache access log break Subversion??

We have subversion installed and running with apache server. The apache access log is now half a gig, will deleting it or moving it break SVN? I would assume the access log is purely loggin access to the server but I just want to make sure before I delete or move it. I understand you cannot set a size limit on the access log so whats t...