
.htaccess file not working as planned

OK, so we were working in the wrong directory, meh! We have a .htaccess file that is setup to redirect some files to a php script. Now we are adding some hard files which we want to bypass this redirect. So far this does not seem to be working and we are stumped. Below is our initial .htaccess file contents after starting the engine wh...

interacting with Apache in C#

I'm in need of a way of controlling Apache and reading configuration files etc for automating some tasks, does anyone know of any automation APIs or frameworks much like what Microsoft offers for IIS? The application is a C# WinForms app that has a Apache + PHP (WAMP stack essentially). We can't use XAMMP, I need to create virtual hosts...

how to make apache rewrite this url ?

www.mysite.com/directory1/directory2/cgi-bin/something.cgi/http/www.hello.com into www.mysite.com/directory1/directory2/something/www.hello.com OR www.mysite.com/www.hello.com ...

How to detect the compile-time ./configure options of apache 1.3?

Hello, I have an old apache 1.3 instalation. I know it was compiled from source, I have source tarbal, but I do not have saved ./configure flags. I need to recompile this apache with exacly same confiugre flags, and with EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DBIG_SECURITY_HOLE" enabled for debugging. Do you know how to determine ./congigure flags from ins...

Mod rewriting? slash to subdomain possible?

hi, can that be possible in mod rewrite? for example (mydomainname.com/myadmin) to (myadmin.mydomain.com)? how to write that in mod rewrite? so whenever the access the mydomainname.com/myadmin they get an error message of not existing. Thanks! --Edited--------- Sorry for that. In my website I have an admin (/myadmin) section where on...

Server alias for virtual host doesn't load site

Here's my current virtual host setup for xampp: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot c:/misc/proj/usermap ServerName usermap ServerAlias usermap2 ErrorLog c:/misc/proj/usermap/logs/error_log CustomLog c:/misc/proj/usermap/logs/access_log common <Directory "c:/misc/proj/usermap"> Options Indexes Foll...

Rewrite rule cookie problem in apache

Im using a mod_rewrite rewrite rule in apache to get access to a tomcat application. This applications is using session cookies. The application cookies works fine when accessing the tomcat application directly, but if I use the apache url, the cookie will not be sent out by the client browser. I guess this is because there is no match ...

Phusion-Passenger seems to create MANY (140+) orphaned processes.

Hi there, We're running 3 Apache Passenger servers sharing the same file system, each running 11 Rails applications. We've set PassengerPoolIdleTime = 0 to ensure none of the applications ever die out completely, and PassengerMaxPoolSize = 20 to ensure we have enough processes to run all the applications. The problem is that whe...

.htaccess - list URL's to be restricted by ActiveDirectory LDAP Groups

Currently I have a .htaccess file within the directory of the folder I want to restrict, with the appropriate group that has access to it. What I want to do is have one htaccess for the entire site, and restrict groups to specific URL's. So I want staff to have access to: /staff/.. and Students to have access to: /students/.. I wou...

Authenticate against ldap using PHP, active directory, while using IE/Firefox

This code below checks for the user's credentials against ldap <?php $ldaphost = "ldap.domain.com"; $ldapport = 389; $ds = ldap_connect($ldaphost, $ldapport) or die("Could not connect to $ldaphost"); if ($ds) { $username = "[email protected]"; $upasswd = "pass"; $ldapbind = ldap_bind($ds, $username, $upasswd); if (...

Does Mongrel do IPv6 well?

I'm using mongrel + apache 2.2 + mod_proxy_balancer. apache2.2 is IPv6 well http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/en/bind.html#ipv6 Does Mongrel do IPv6 well? Platform:RHEL ruby:1.8.6 ...

Configure continuum 1.2.3 with maven2 project; "Username isn't defined."

I use continuum 1.2.3 to build maven projects. On a fresh continuum installation, I added a pom by upload. I try to build, and get the following error: Exception: Exception while executing SCM command. My SCM URL looks like this: (replaced domain name) scm:cvs:pserver:cvs.example.com:/Projects:car/wheel/ Any idea what went wrong?...

How can I set up .htaccess to redirect missing pages to dev site?

I have a couple of sites in development, which are linking to each other. What I'd like to do before they are launched is have any missing files on the live sites redirect to the dev sites. http://www.example.com/test/here.html Would take you to: http://dev.example.com/test/here.html http://www.example.com/index.html woul...

ASP.NET Web Service changes port on Invoke

I have a ASP.NET Web Service on IIS, that is working on port 8080. On port 80 I have Apache, that is redirecting some web sites to IIS. On this case, I can access the Web Service page (http://xxx.com/service/), which gives me all the methods available. However, when I try to invoke a method, it goes to a web page like this one: http://x...

Handling wild card subdomains with Apache, excluding www, including SEF

There is an answer to the question of handling wild card subdomains, but it does not meet all my needs. I need to do all of these, supposing for example that the domain is example.com: If the domain given is www.example.com it should 301 redirect to example.com because I do not want to have duplicate content that will create problems ...

get_file_contents fails with 400 response code

I have the strangest issue ever. I'm trying to get results of CGI script running on the same server with get_file_contents and it works everywhere except my local machine under Ubuntu. It works when I ask it to get url from different server (same script running on production), it works deployed on different server, I'm absolutely sure I...

Different rewrite conditions and document roots for different directories

Hi, I currently have a site setup with the following in httpd.conf: <VirtualHost x.x.x.x:80> ServerName testsite ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000 ExpiresByType image/png A2592000 ExpiresByType image/jpg A2592000 ExpiresByType image/jpeg A2592000 ExpiresByType text/css A2592000 ExpiresByType application/x-javascr...

WebGate Configuration Problem

I have a instance of Oracle Access Manager set up on Server A and a copy of WebGate set up on Apache on Server B which should be working but isn't. When I try to access http(s)://hostname:port/access/oblix/apps/ webgate/bin/webgate.cgi?progid=1 as specified in the directions after everything is set up, I get a web page that says: No...

PHP Session empty in one computer, but not another. Weird!

The problem is that I have a PHP script (A) that does signup, authorize Twitter, then the twitter calls back to a return PHP script (B). In script (A), I set some $_SESSION variables, and in script (B) I will get it. Very straight foward. I have tested it on my computersss, and it all works. I can see the session variables in script (B...

How to make the entire 'REQUEST_URI' go to a parameter

I'm using Apache rewrite_mod to have all test after the URL adress go into parameter text using the following in the .htaccess file RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?text=$1 [L,QSA] which works if I have www.example.com/some_text but doesn't when I have www.example.com...