
Wildcards in a hosts file

I want to setup my local development machine so that any requests for *.local are redirected to localhost. The idea is that as I develop multiple sites, I can just add vhosts to apache called site1.local, site2.local etc, and have them all resolve to localhost, while apache serves a different site accordingly. I am on Windows XP. I tri...

Configure multiple keystores in JBoss depending on requested hostname

Hello, I have my J2EE application deployed into a JBossAS. My Application has to respond to two different hostnames ( and It is the same instance of the app serving those two hostnames. But I don't know how to configure the keystores. I need different keystores for each hostname. Is there a ...

apache on windows virtual directory config help

I'm running Apache on Windows XP via Xampplite, and could use help configuring my virtual directory. Here's what I'm hoping to do on my dev box: I want my source files to live outside of the xampp htdocs dir on my local machine I can access the project at http://myproject others on my local network can access the project at my.ip.addre...

How can I setup different SSL-Certificates for vhosts on Apache?

I have a web-server, that serves different domain-names, but has only one IP-address assigned. That works fine with virtual hosts in Apache. Now I want SSL-encrypted connections for the websites. How can I set different SSL-certificates for the different vhosts? Using different IP's for the different hostnames would be an solution - not...

SSO-plus-SSL and Shibboleth: What options for sites with numerous virtual hosts?

Background: Customer X is a low-budget non-profit outfit that nonetheless has a lot of activity configured on virtual hosts, and the virtual hosts multiply very frequently. Customer X also has a lot of users and is interested in getting them over to a single sign on solution. This way, all the users can use the same credentials on all th...

How can I redirect requests to specific files above the site root?

I'm starting up a new web-site, and I'm having difficulties enforcing my desired file/folder organization: For argument's sake, let's say that my website will be hosted at: I'd like (have set up) Apache's Virtual Host to map to the /fileserver/mywebsite_com/www folder. The problem arises whe...

Strange problem with Apache Virtual Hosts

I have recently installed Apache 1.3.41 on a Windows Vista machine. I have not changed the default settings in httpd.conf aprart from trying to setup virtual hosts, as follows: Added some host names in the hosts file: localhost #::1 localhost mysite mydomain I made the following folders ...

Joomla 1.5 one install - multiple virtual hosts: can I unite logins?

I've set up multiple virtual hosts that all lead to the same Joomla 1.5 installation (e.g.,, etc). Seems that when a user logins to one of the virtual hosts then moves to another he needs to re-login. The cookies/sessions are saved for each host separately. Is there anyway that I can unite the logins? ...

apache2 force proxy for specific url on a subdomain

Hi, I have a site that has dynamic virtual subdomains using mod_rewrite, as defined like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias * DocumentRoot /var/www/ RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]+\$ RewriteRule ^(.+) ...

Tomcat virtual host config not working for Struts actions

Hello, Initially I had a webapp called "admin" running fine, deployed inside the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ directory of tomcat 6. Now I tried setting up a vitual host to run this webapp. Step1: I added the following in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml <Host name="" appBase="keshav"> </Host> Step2: I created a fol...

Server alias for virtual host doesn't load site

Here's my current virtual host setup for xampp: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot c:/misc/proj/usermap ServerName usermap ServerAlias usermap2 ErrorLog c:/misc/proj/usermap/logs/error_log CustomLog c:/misc/proj/usermap/logs/access_log common <Directory "c:/misc/proj/usermap"> Options Indexes Foll...

Separate Website From Application with VirtualHosts

I would like to host 1 part of my project on the and, but if it's not either of those, route it to another separate site on the same box. This should explain what I am trying to do, but no clue how to go about it: <VirtualHost *> <Directory /var/www/domain> Options FollowSymLinks Al...

Can I use google to determine vhosts on same IP?

Can I use google -- specifically i am thinking of the google ajax api -- to enumerate a list of host names of websites that are hosted on a particular IP address. Note Yes, I know that other mechanisms, such as MSN search and obviously DNS services can be used, but I am specificially looking for whether a google solution exists. ...

Tomcat: Change the Virtual hosts programmatically?

Hello, Tomcat offers a build in "Virtual Hosting" Support: An Engine/Web-Application can be configured to be responsible for a list of Domains. These Domains have to be put into the server.xml/context.xml files with a special xml directive. => Is there any possibility to change the Tomcat Configuration (in general) and especially the "...

Some theory: VirtualHosts on the guest OS

Let's say there is a host OS (Mac OS X) and a virtual machine running Ubuntu as guest OS. The guest OS has the IP and some virtual hosts, e.g. ubuntu.server So, how to really map a request to the virtual host ubuntu.server on the guest OS? I tried: Configure the host OS in /etc/hosts to map ubuntu.server to 192.186.56....

Removing Tomcat context from URLs for a virtual host (mod_jk, mod_rewrite)

Hi All, I have a single Tomcat instance containing a number of webapps, each accessible via it's /Context. Tomcat is behind httpd (actually Debian Apache2), configured with virtual hosts to serve each app/Context. Tomcat connectivity is with mod_jk. This works fine when I don't care about removing the context from urls: when the root ...

Dynamically Create Virtual Hosts with Rails, Nginx?

I really like Basecamp's idiom of "dynamically" creating custom virtual hosts for clients -- for instance, once a company has signed up they may quickly login to a special URL like: --which I think is really neat, it segregates multiple organizations nicely within a single application. My question is:...

Wamp Server: Multiple Virtual Hosts are not working on Windows.

I have two virtual hosts on windows(for example: and But it always load content of for both virtual hosts. Following are my files: hosts: localhost httpd.conf: <IfModule ssl_module> SSLRandomSeed startup builtin SSLRandomSeed connect builtin ...

pointing multiple subdomains using wildcards to a folder

I want to use wildcards to send the request to any sobdomains to the folder of the domain.please specify how to achieve this in apache2 using the virtual host settings.The domain and its subdomain uses the same IP address. the subdomains cannot be predetermined as they are created by users. Thanks ...

Zend Framework Installation

i am installing Zend Framework.i set up all virtual host and virtual domain settings both in WINDOWS and APACHE. when im gonna run my project , it will display "server not found" is it because of my firewall? ...