
google.setOnLoadCallback with jQuery $(document).ready(), is it OK to mix?

I'm using Google Ajax API and they suggest I use google.setOnLoadCallback() to do various things related to their API but I'm using also jQuery's $(document).ready() to do other JS things, not related to Google API. Is it safe to mix these two approaches in one document? I did not notice any problems yet but I suppose it's a matter of s...

Estimated number of search results Google search API

When you search google, it estimates the number of search results e.g. Results 1 - 10 of about 103,000,000 for hello world How do I get the number 103,000,000 programmically? I'm not interested in the results, just that number, and I need to do about 100 of these searches at a time so webpage scrapping is not an option since googl...

Google AJAX API, jQuery & google.load() vs $(function() {})

when i use google.load() to load jquery, what do i use in place of $(function() { ... }); is ... google.setOnLoadCallback(function() { ... }); the same thing? this may be too slow if i am loading alot with google.load()? then will google.load("jquery", "1.3.2", {callback: docLoaded()}); run AFTER the whole document is loade...

Is it ok to use google.setOnLoadCallback multiple times?

I'm building a site using ASP.NET MVC, and I have partial views that use jquery to do various things. I was thinking of switching to google's ajax api and using their loader to load jquery. However, I noticed that I would no longer be able to use $(document).ready() anymore because google's loader specifies a callback google.setOnLoadC...

How to read Google AJAX Feed API results from C# code?

I want to use Goolge AJAX Feed API in my C# console application to save return feeds as C# collection so i can use this .net collcetion in my .net application. I noticed google give a Java Access Code Snippets but I have no idea how to coding it in C#. I know there is a very good .net opensource library Json.NET we can use to read and ...

Google slideshow shows a blank screen when calling from ajax

I'm having problems implementing google slideshow ( to my web application by loading it using a jquery load() function. index.html: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.js"></script> <div id="moshe"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(...

Can I use google to determine vhosts on same IP?

Can I use google -- specifically i am thinking of the google ajax api -- to enumerate a list of host names of websites that are hosted on a particular IP address. Note Yes, I know that other mechanisms, such as MSN search and obviously DNS services can be used, but I am specificially looking for whether a google solution exists. ...

Google AJAX search api

Using the Google AJAX search api How can I call a search from my own text box? And parse the results in javascript? ...

Prepare a string for Google Ajax Search?

I have strings such as ["Tabula Rasa", "façade", "DJ Tiësto"] I'm accessing Google Ajax API in Python using the base url: base = '' '?v=1.0&q=%s' I'm having issues using these strings plain and noticed I have to transform certain characters, eg. "Tabula Rasa" --> "Tabula%20Ra...

Can I specify what type of URLs to search for? - Google Search

Ok I'm searching for twitter profiles with Google Ajax Search I'm using the following query: ? I'm looking for urls like these: ... But I often stumble in URLs of the form:

Why can't I get the icons when I use jQueryUI with Google Ajax API within Jetpack?

I can't get any icons to be shown on a modal dialog box when I try to use jQueryUI via Google Ajax API. The icons do not appear but when I click on the locations where they are supposed to be the relevant functinality works (e.g. I can resize and close the modal dialog box). Here's the problematic screenshot and my code for Jetpack: htt...

google.load custom js

Hello. I am using google ajax api How can I load custom js which depends on libs loaded by ajaxapi? ...

Limit search results based on publication dates in the Google AJAX Search API

Is it possible to limit the search results in a news or blog search using the Google AJAX Search API by the publication date of the story or post? I'm aware it's possible to sort the results by date but is it possible to limit the date to a period in time, say between the 10th and 15th of Jan 09? ...

Gooogle Search / Map Api Seperating JS from Html

As my coding revolves only around one function,the function OnLoad() where the map and search is together on this function. However i was tasked to separate the Maps and Search JS and was unable to do so. Is there any tips or tricks to separating them? ...

Cancel request in google ajax api

I'm doing small AJAX searchbar with "new;" from Google AJAX Api. How do i can cancel an ongoing ajax request? I usually do a: var xhr; function Something() { xhr.stop(); xhr = $.get .... } in jQuery. What is the equavalent for the Google websearch object? ...

how to: dynamically load google ajax api into chrome extension content script

Hi there, I'm trying to make use of google's ajax apis in a chorme extension's "content script". On a regular html page, I would just do this: <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script> google.load("language", "1"); </script> But since I'm trying to load the tranlation library dynamically from js code, I...

In my google API mash code, How to update existing newsframe instead of inserting newsframe?

Below is the Javascript code used. google.load("elements", "1", {packages : ["newsshow"]}); function loadNews(newsQuery) { //Load the news feed according to the topic selected var options = { "format": "300x250", "queryList" : [ ...

Implementing fallback from Google AJAX Libraries API to local jQuery

After looking up the advantages and disadvantages of using Google's AJAX Libraries API instead of using jQuery locally, I saw that someone wrote in an answer (here on Stack Overflow, of course) that it's possible to get around the downtime that Google's API sometimes experiences by somehow falling back to a local copy of the library you ...

Clean way in GWT/Java to wait for multiple asynchronous events to finish

What is the best way to wait for multiple asynchronous callback functions to finish in Java before continuing. Specifically I'm using GWT with AsyncCallback, but I think this is a generic problem. Here's what I have now, but surely there is cleaner way... AjaxLoader.loadApi("books", "0", new Runnable(){ public void run() { ...

Google Bookmark Feeds returning 400 or not loading

I have a google ajax api key and I've been trying to access the various google bookmark feeds but am receiving either a 400 bad request or feed did not load error when attempting to access the feed from my script or code. These are the feeds I've tried accessing: XML:;num=1000 Fails using...