
Limit not working when testing Dynamic SOQL

I am running a Dynamic SOQL query in my apex test code, and the LIMIT clause is not working. It does however seem to work when using it in the production code. The Query is similar to below. I dynamically build up the where clause using some terms from a form. string query = 'SELECT name, billingstreet, billingpostalcode, phone '; qu...

Getting APEX session in external web page

Hello! I want to use APEX authentication in my web page. I have created some APEX application which has only 2 pages. First contains only login region, second page is redirected to another page (stored procedure in ORACLE - usage of embedded gateway) before it reaches the header (Apex Branch). How can I now check valid APEX session? I t...

SOQL query with subquery

I'm having trouble getting the results I want from a Salesforce/Apex/SOQL query. I want: A list of Contact objects containing only contacts who are CampaignMembers of a set of campaigns; and they should have the data from that Campaign member easily accessible. (my eventual goal is a VF page with a list of all Contacts connected to any ...

how to pass a list of objects over VF page

i am new to salesforce and apex...In my 1st VF page shows some book names(from DB) and when i want to add more book i put a buuton in 1st page and shows all the books from db in 2nd page...If i selected some of the books from page2, i have to add it in the first page with the preivious results(books)... how can i do this i APEX?Visualfor...