
Salesforce object logic question

We have a custom object in Salesforce called "domain" which reflects each website we have built and manage. Our domains use a in house system we sell which has modules which have these attributes: A name, a default price, an expiry date and the actual price the client is paying. We need a way to link these modules to a domain so we could...

How do I detect the environment in Salesforce?

I am integrating our back end systems with Salesforce using the web services. I have production and stage environments running on different URLs. I need to be able to have the endpoint of the web service call be different depending on whether the code is running in the production or sandbox Salesforce instance. How do I detect the env...

Conditional Lists of Values in Oracle APEX?

Hey all, I need to use the value of one Select List to populate the value of a second select list, but the items in Select List number two are going to be from a completely different tables depending on what's selected in list number one. Is there a way I can conditionally populate the second list based on the values from the first? S...

How to renumber pages in an Oracle APEX application?

Hey all, I've just finished my first "real" APEX app but it's looking a bit messy. Is there any way I can renumber the pages so that they're back in order of the application flow? Thanks in advance, Matt ...

Oracle string_agg(distinct columnname) does not work in pl/sql, only in sqldeveloper

I am trying to get the string_agg function, detailed here to work with the distinct keyword. Sample usage: select string_agg(distinct a.name), a.id from tbl_a a group by a.id The problem is that this works in sqldeveloper, but when running it in application express in an anonymous pl/sql block, it refuses to accept the distinct keywo...

Items without regions in Oracle APEX?

Hey all, I'm currently building a web form using APEX that is losely modelled after a "wizard" style. That is, I have forward and back buttons for most pages, etc, etc. The problem I have is that it seems all my buttons need to be part of a region and that region needs to located in a pre-determined section of the page. I would prefe...

Does any one know of any APEX refactoring tools?

The company that owns the company that I work for has recently decided unilaterally that the salesforce.com and force.com platform are where we are headed. Currently, we're a C# .NET shop and we frequently use Visual Studio and Resharper in our daily work. I'm not happy about this decision but, like any good developer, I'm willing to gi...

Oracle Application Express Dev Environment

When developing with application express, I am struggling with how to implement version control and how to have both DEV and PROD versions of an application. How do you publish changes from dev to prod? I know that I can export the entire application and then import into production, but is there a way to just import changes easily? AP...

Converting Oracle Forms to Apex - Is it worth considering the Apex Forms migration tool?

Friends, I am looking at migrating a Oracle Forms (10g) application to APEX (3.2.1) and looking at options that would enable me to get to a stage where I can obtain a "first cut" of the Oracle Form within APEX. Having got to grips with the Forms migration tool by reading this guide as well as this appendix and converted a couple of...

How to create a submit button template in Oracle APEX?

Hey all, I'm trying to create a template for a button in Oracle APEX but I don't seem to have access to the appropriate substitution strings to make it work. For non-templated buttons APEX seems to insert a handler for the onclick event that calls doSubmit('buttonName') Unfortunately, when I go to create a template the only substituti...

Automated Testing for Oracle APEX Web Application

Good morning, everyone. I'm currently working on a new web application and it's being developed using Oracle APEX. It's basically a ten page wizard-style web form that gets filled out and submitted. In nearly all cases, only three or four of these pages will be used and the other exist to present special-case information to the user. ...

Are there different methods to call Java from Oracle Application Express

Friends, I'm working on a requirement where I need to call a Java API from Apex. The solution I put forward was to create a Java class, store it the database and add a PL/SQL wrapper and then use it. Which is pretty much what is described here. Whilst I am happy with this, I am interested to know if this is the only method? are ther...

Oracle APEX for "Airport" database

Hi, I'm making a database of an imaginary Airport that has a simplified physical model of 10 tables. The final part is to make some kind of web-based GUI for users, I have three general types of them: airport manager, airline representative and user/visitor of the airport website. Currently I'm planning to build the interface with Orac...

Oracle APEX - Setting up a Tabular Form with default values

Hey all, I pretty new to APEX and I'm having a bit of trouble working with my first Tabular form. The table I've linked it to is fairly simple. The columns are as follows: Primary key representing an internal code for a college major Foreign key representing the "real" code for the college major Description for the college major The...

Salesforce: Trigger that fires off a Workflow rule has stopped working - any ideas?

So in one part of our customised Salesforce system, the following happens: a trigger changes the value of a picklist on a custom object a Workflow rule detects that change and fires off an email. Since about the 4th of December though, it seems to have stopped working. edit: The Debug Logs show that the trigger is firing and changing...

Keeping a DHTML tree expanded in Oracle APEX

Friends, I have created a list item to be used as the primary navigation within my apex application. When the application is run, the tree can be expanded and you can click on a leaf node and are taken to the correct page however on arrival at the new page, the tree is back at it's starting position\completely collapsed. My question...

How do I create a manual link on a tree in Oracle APEX when Session State Protection is turned on?

Friends, I'm facing another challenge in APEX and I hope you can help. I have created a tree using the method described in John & Scott's superb book, "Pro Application Express" whereby the page link is stored in a table. Below is an example: go to a page passing some parameters f?p=&APP_ID.:3:&SESSION.::::P3_IDENTIFIER,P3_FAMILY_NA...

inputField databinding issue with VisualForce

I'm having strange results with a Visualforce page (yes, Salesforce.com is icky, I know). My issue is that I am trying to use the inputField to bind data on a custom sObject, but in my custom controller, it is not recognizing the user input data. Here is the code snippet from the page: <apex:pageBlockSection title="Enter New Fee" ren...

How do we export a ms-word (or rtf) document (from a web browser) to generated by pl/sql?

Hello, I need to generate a ms-word document from a pl/sql query to export a set of reports through a web browser. I have been searching for a specific way to modify the content headers using owa_util.mime_header etc etc but could not really get a working proof of concept to get the web page to present the user to download/open/save a ...

Get the data type, not display type, of a Salesforce.com field from Apex

I need to access the data types of the fields in a Salesforce.com object in order to identify each phone, fax, email, and mail field in an object. I've done this from SFDC web services with the DescribeSObject call but the Apex DescribeFieldResult.getType method only returns the display type of the field, not the actual data type. For ...