
Does Delphi 's REGION directive support a default 'folded' attribute?

I can't seem to find the option to make Delphi collapse a {$REGION}...{$ENDREGION}-block by default (by which I mean : directly after opening a file). Is it actually possible? Thanks in advance. ...

What's the best way to save KML in MySQL?

I have a few maps with certain areas (zones) which I'll want to capture in KML. Within those areas I need to pinpoint addresses. How do I save those maps with its values as efficient as possible to query them later? ...

Naming Convention for State / Region / Province

I am building a class that represents a US State or Canadian Province. What should the class be called? Some ideas: Region: Problem with this is that .Net has a RegionInfo class that uses the term Region to represent a country (and not a State or Province). State: Problem with this is that it could cause confusion with Application St...

How do I access the contents of the current region in Emacs Lisp?

I want to access the contents of the current region as a string within a function. For example: (concat "stringa" (get-region-as-string) "stringb") Thanks Ed ...

non standard shape antialiased WPF window

I'm using C# to create a non standard shape WPF window, and because of some problems with "AllowTransparency=True", I used CreateRoundRectRgn, CreateEllipticRgn and SetWindowRgn win32 API Region functions, but there's a problem cause the edges are not smooth as you can see in the picture here Decimal.toString() for any Region

I have an app that deals with currency. For display purposes I use the nifty VB FormatCurrency function which will format based on the OS's region setting. So, if in France you might get 123,45 where in the US you would get 123.45. To perform calculation on these amounts I use CDec() to convert to decimal. My problem is that when I c...

Delphi Region compiler directive - backwards compatible unit files?

Given the desire to use the useful Region compiler directive in unit files, what's the best approach to allow these same units from being used in previous versions of Delphi? There doesn't seem to be a 'decent' approach. (Desired IDE version is Delphi 7) I like having Regions above the method definitions to hide/display the method defi...

#region equivalent in CodeGear RAD Studio? Similar way to group code?

I was wondering if there is an equivalent to Visual Studio's #regions in RAD Studio. We use CodeGear's delphi and c++builder IDEs where I work and I would love to be able to use something like regions. My coworkers and I have yet to find an equivalent way of grouping code... do you know of any? Thanks! ...

How do you add an edit button to each row in a report in Oracle APEX?

I'm using Oracle APEX and I have a report region in a page that displays columns from a SQL query. I want to add edit buttons to the first column of this report so that the user can click on it and edit/review one of the results. How do I add this edit button? Thanks. ...

Is there any good reason why the #region and #endregion does not work in F#

This is very useful in organizing and browsing the code. Why is it not implemented? And if it would prevent some constructs why not have something similar for F#? ...

[C#] Issue when Applying Region to a Form

Hello, I am facing a strange behavior when I apply a non-rectangular region to a Windows Form (lets say an ellipse). The issue is that the form seems to disappear for a moment (as if the region is empty) when initially resized. It looks like a slight flicker whereas the contents of the desktop behind the form become visible for a fracti...

VB6: Colour portions of points of a star

Hello I have found API functions to draw a star using VB6: what I need is to colour sections of each point of the star according to data-driven parameters: thus if the parameter passed is 1, I want to colour the part of the selected star point red up to 1/10th of its length measured from the circunference of the circle around which the ...

Iphone detect Region Format

I want to to deliver different iTunes buy links to a user depending on where there Region Format is set (in general settings). Is there a way to detect that and then deliver a separate database to each users region? Thanks for the help. GS. ...

Why MKMapView region is different than requested?

Greetings! I'm saving map region into user defaults when my iPhone app is closing like this: MKCoordinateRegion region = mapView.region; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] forKey:@""]; [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] forKey:@"map....

MKMapView : setRegion doesn't work !

Aaaarg... ok, let's calm myself. Did someone have any problem with setting the region of a MKMapView ? It never worked with me. This code : -(void)setUserCenteredSpan:(MKCoordinateSpan)span{ // for this example, span = {0.5, 0.5} // Current region (just initialised) NSLog(@"%f, %f - %f, %f",, sel...

Add Composite WPF Region at runtime

Ok, here's my simple scenario. I've got collection of strings that I'm binding to a TabControl as a proof of concept. As I add strings I want a new tab with the region name as the header and a ItemsControl in the Tab container. That ItemsControl should define a new region. <TabControl x:Name="tabDemo" ItemsSource="{Binding D...

MapView and GPS problem in iphone!

Hi guys, I have a MKMApView and given a region I would like to get it's boundries (in GPS values - I would like to get the GPS coordinates of the top left point, top right etc). The region is represented as a center with MKCoordinateSpan. Now I have already tried to convert the region to a rect, get its points and then convert each po...

WPF Prism - To use Scoped Regions or not?

Hi, I have a WPF project based upon Prism Feb 2009 release set up as: Shell exposes a single ContentControl as "MainRegion" Another view (user control) defined in the Infrastructure project called SplitView exposes two additional regions "LeftRegion" and "RightRegion" also as ContentControl. Some of my application's modules need to di...

C#: How to change the region containing MDI children?

When creating a MDI parent, the entire "inside" of the form is made the MDI region. If you add a menustrip to the MDI parent, the MDI region is scaled down a bit to make room for the menustrip. But if you add a panel to the top of the MDI parent, the entire inside is still the MDI region. Which means that you can move MDI children up b...

How to not discard a CDC path?

I draw some symbols, that belong to certain objects, into a device context and now want to be able to later test if the mouse cursor is above such a symbol. To do this, my plan was to first create a CDC path and use that to create a CRgn region object. pDC->BeginPath(); pDC->Ellipse(ellipse[0], ellipse[1], ellipse[2], ellipse[3]); // C...