
Converting "fr_FR" into "French (France)" in both directions. (Objective-C iPhone)

I can easily change a short region-code (en_US) into a longer string... but it there an easy way to also move in the other direction? [displayInEnglish displayNameForKey:NSLocaleIdentifier value:regionCountryCode]; "en_US" becomes "English (United States)". "English (United States)" becomes "en_US". I currently store the short regio...

Prism : Change the active view

Hi, I've got an little tool similar to the Windows Control Panel. The tool allows us to manage users, configure databases, manage scripts, etc. The home page presents all the sub categories of the application. When you click on a link, it loads the view of this category in the right panel and a small left panel shows the tasks available...

How to get child container reference in View Model

Hello, I´m trying to share a Data Service (Entity Manager) wrapped in a Repository from a ViewModel (called 'AVM') in Module A to a ViewModel (called 'BVM') in Module B, and I can't get this working. We use PRISM/Unity 2.0 This is my scenario: A user may open multiple Customer screens (composite view as mini shell) each with another ...

Datagridview DateTime Format not using System Region settings

I've got a datagridview that is hooked up to a bindingsource on my main form. One of the columns and datamembers in the bindingsource is a DateTime object. When the datagridview shows this item it doesn't use Window's default region settings for displaying datetime. The weird thing is, I can access this same DateTime object and print ...

How to remove Region and add new ContentControls from Module

I've set only one region in Shell "LoginRegion" <!-- Login Region --> <Border Grid.Row="0"> <ContentControl x:Name="LoginRegion" Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="LoginRegion" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"/> </Border> And after login succeeded, I need to remove "Log...

How to organize xml data using equivalent to #region / #endregion (outlining) from C# .NET

I'd like to organize my XML data to be collapsable and expandable using a preprocessor command like the #region/#endregion command in C#/.NET. I'm editing this file Visual Studio 2008. Does any such ability exist? I've googled to no avail. The closest I can come to so far is to expand and collapse the tags themselves, so I can collaps...

How to create a clip region from a path that includes the 'outline'?

I am creating a rounded rectangle GraphicsPath (see red outline image below), and then using this as a clip region both when drawing graphics, and as the Region of a Form. Unfortunately, although the path looks good, it doesn't work well as a region (see solid black image below) Is there a way that I can generate a clipping region fro...

Prism - Do I really need to use a Prism region manager?

I am building an application based on the WPF Application Framework (WAF). I think the framework has most of what I need but if there are any opportunities for making things easier for me then I'd like to take full advantage of them. I've been looking at Prism and I think my application might benefit from using some of the library featur...

CombineRgn not working

I have two region say rgn1 and rgn2. I wanted to combine both of them using CombineRgn function. So I write - if CombineRgn(rgnMain,rgn1,rgn2,RGN_OR) = error then ShowMessage('error'); Its giving return value as ERROR. I have tested that rgn1 and rgn2 are correct region. Thank You. ...

Problem in fillRgn function

Hello All, I am working with delphi. After I got a solution of this problem, Now I want the boundary of that combined region. Is there any easy solution? Thank You. Edit: Boundary means the outer most points of region. My region is a polygon region and I want the points of that polygon. ...

Confusion with CreatePolygonRgn

I am working with delphi. I have an array of points which are continues as shown in image. Then I give this array to CreatePolygonRgn and create the region say rgn1. rgn1 := CreatePolygonRgn(tmpary1[0],Count,WINDING); Then I fill the region and show it on my TImage control as shown in image. The problem is from the left si...

Using matlab to calculate the properties of a polygon defined as a list of points

Does MATLAB have a built-in function to find general properties like center of mass & moments of inertia for a polygon defined as a list of (non-integer valued) points? regionprops performs this task for integer valued points, on the assumption that these represent indices of pixels in an image. But the only functions I can find that...

Drupal - customizing $scripts output

Hi, Basically the issue im having is I have a custom theme, and I need to use $scripts to call the analytics code at the top (the link tracking settings) however this also loads loads of other cr*p js files I dont need or want. All I want is the analytics stuff the module places in $scripts. So can I somehow either: A) Load only the ...

Using Prism, how do I register my user control inside the unity boot strapper?

I am using Prism (Composite Application Framework) to build an application. I have my shell created and it has three regions( Main, menu, switchboard). I would like to load my switchboard region in the shell with a switchboard user control but in this case, I don't want to load it through a module. So, how do I register my view (switchb...

Drupal - How do you add a region in comment-wrapper?

When you want to create a region in a node.tpl template, you simply put function xnalaraartbasic_preprocess_node(&$vars) { $vars['your_region'] = theme('blocks', 'your_region'); } in template.php. But how do you put a region in comment-wrapper.tpl? I couldn't find a hook for comment. ...

#region functionality in SSMS 2008

Using Sql Server 2008, is there any functionality similar to #region in Visual Studio? I'm aware that nodes appear to allow collapsing of SQL segments, but as far as I know, this is based on the syntax of the SQL statement. While that is close to what I'm after, I'm wondering if there is a way to define a section of code, regardless ...

Country/State/City Database?

Ok, this one is a non technical question. I am creating a business directory and I'd like to categorize listings by location. Instead of giving users an option to enter the location, I am going to provide them with a list of locations which follow a Country/State/City format. I tried GeoWorldMap by GeoBytes. It looked promising in the be...

How to fold an inserted region with Open Tools API?

I wanna insert a region in an edit view and then fold this region. // fEditView: IOTAEditView; var writer: IOTAEditWriter; begin writer := fEditView.Buffer.CreateUndoableWriter; //... writer.Insert('{$REGION ''Documentation''}'#13#10'{$ENDREGION}'); writer := nil; // Flush the buffer fEditView.Position.GotoLine(lineNo); //...

Is there #Region code for HTML

In VB and C# there are #Region ... #endRegion and have it collapsable. Is there a similar way to do this in HTML? Right now I just have comments blocking where the different elements are on my HTML page, but I would like to have a single collapse point instead of all of the <tr> <td> and <div> tags collapsed. ...

How to group enums, structures and subclasses in classes?

I've heard bad things about overusing regions but when adding enums to my classes I put them into a #region "Enums" at the end of the class, and do the same with structures and even subclasses. Is there a better/standard way to go about grouping such elements on classes? (Note: this is tagged C#/VB but maybe the same situation exists f...