
Prism V2 not working with Silverlight 3.0

I am currently doing a silverlight application with Prism v2. But when I am adding the reference dlls two dlls are not recoganised. Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll & Microsoft.Practices.Unity.dll Can any one give a solution for this? ...

WPF MVVM dialog example

Does anyone have any examples of showing a window dialog using MVVM (Prism)? - for example a configuration settings window when a command is executed. All of the examples I've seen use the mediator pattern which is fine, but they also all have a reference to the view in the view model which is not ideal (we're using DataTemplates) Than...

Composite WPF and AvalonDock

Hi All, Has anybody tried PRISM and AvalonDock (latest release with DocumentSource property) together? I already had a look at but it just briefs on how to use documentsource property. Please help, if anybody has tried this. I Would like to know 1.How to associate Docume...

Using scatterview as a region with Prism throws an exception

Hi all. I'm playin around with Surface and I'm trying to use a scatterview as a module region. <s:ScatterView cal:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static common:RegionNames.MainRegion}"></s:ScatterView> What happens is that when I run the app, a exception is thrown. With a litle reflection I got to the place where the exception occours: ...

Silverlight Prism - Loading module(s) after successful login/dependencies between modules

I have a Silverlight Prism application that includes a toolbar module with login controls. I currently have a module in the main region set to InitializationMode.OnDemand in the Bootstrapper and can load it via ModuleManager.LoadModule() after a successful login in the toolbar module. However, this doesn't feel right as it's essentiall...

Unit Testing Prism Applicaation (SL)

Hi, I am writing test cases for Silverlight Application in Prism. I wanted to know some guidelines(information) and Samples regarding 1) STANDARD UNIT TESTING PATTERNS(procedures) IN SL to test my ViewModels and Services 2) How to write test cases for Views. I got some information above the following through link SLTest Any Hel...

Prism ModuleDependency ModularityException

I am creating a simple Prism 2.1 demo that uses the 'directory search' approach to populating the module catalog. My shell is set up with a Windows Explorer UI; it has a Navigator region and a Workspace region. I have created a NavigatorModule and two workspace modules, WorkspaceAModule and WorkspaceBModule. I have declared a dependency ...

Prism 2.1 Publish/Subscribe with weak reference?

I am building a Prism 2.1 demo by way of getting up to speed with the technology. I am having a problem with CompositePresentationEvents published and subscribed via the Event Aggregation service. The event subscription works fine if I set a strong reference (KeepSubscriberReferenceAlive = true), but it fails if I set a weak reference (K...

Changing Views Within a Prism Module?

So I have a PRISM v2 (M-V-VM) application up and running. It's 4 modules that load into a tab control. Great. Now my question is - where to go from here? Most tutorials seem to stop at this point. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but it almost seems like I'd need each module to be its own PRISM application, but that can't be right. Please ...

Adding Prism Module as Silverlight class library

Hi all, I'm building a silverlight project based on the Prism 2.1 version. Added a shell Added a silverlight class library (Module A) Added a reference of module A to the shell Added ModuleA in the bootstrapper to the Prism ModuleCataloge Every thing is ok . I wanted to make loading the Modules by XAML file. - Added ModulesCatalo...

WPF and Prism View Overlay

Hi, I need some help with overlaying views using the prism framework.Its a little more complexed than that so let me explain.I could be over-thinking this as well :D i have shell (wpf window) and i have 2 views(A & B - both usercontrols) in a module. when the shell loads it loads view A. On view A i have a button to "popup" view B for s...

what's the difference between MVVM and Prism v2

Hello, what's the difference between MVVM and prism v2 design pattern to develop SL and WPF applications? ...

Getting started with Prism (Ent Lib v5) and building an app framework

Can anyone point me to any useful examples of an application framework being built using the newly released Enterprise Library 5? I have previously used v4.1 and after downloading the source for v5 and building - I'm not understanding how to integrate it with a WPF app - i.e. there doesn't appear to be any UnityBootstrapper class. Than...

mvvm - prismv2 - INotifyPropertyChanged

Since this is so long and prolapsed and really doesnt ask a coherent question: 1: what is the proper way to implement subproperties of a primary object in a viewmodel? 2: Has anyone found a way to fix the delegatecommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged issue? or do I need to fix it myself until MS does? For the rest of the story...continue on....

MouseDoubleClick event in View

How do I bind MouseDoubleClick event of wpfdatagrid in the view as I'm using mvvm and Prism 2. ...

Proper implementation of NLog and Prism

What would be the best way to implement NLog in my Prism / CAL WPF application. This might be an amateur question, I am a bit new to the whole Prism framework :) I thought about putting the reference to the NLog dll in the Infrastructure module and make a wrapper singleton class e.g. MyLogger. My thinking was to be able to have the refe...

PRISM View Injection/Navigation in Same Module

This is ModuleInit.cs in Products module public class ModuleInit : IModule { private readonly IUnityContainer _container; private readonly IRegionManager _regionManager; public ModuleInit(IUnityContainer container, IRegionManager regionManager) { _container = container; _regionManager = regionManager; ...

[PRISM2] Added view does not appear on screen

Why my "mainRegion.Activate(view);" doesn't display the view on screen? It only works if I remove the default view that registered (RegisterViewWithRegion) in ModuleInit.cs though I don't put .Activate() after I added a View. But a problem occurs if I move to other module, and get back to module which default view has been removed, I ge...

[Prism-v2] How to passing parameter to constructor when Resolve a View..?

my View constructor: public View1(IRegionManager regionManager, IUnityContainer container, bool myParam) { } How to set myParam when I do Resolve<View1>()? Thank you. ...

How to remove Region and add new ContentControls from Module

I've set only one region in Shell "LoginRegion" <!-- Login Region --> <Border Grid.Row="0"> <ContentControl x:Name="LoginRegion" Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="LoginRegion" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"/> </Border> And after login succeeded, I need to remove "Log...