
How to create a web interface for a windows service in .Net ?

I'm looking for a way to host a web UI in a windows service so that I can configure and control it within a browser. I'd like a simple and lightweight solution, and I don't want to use IIS. I could probably hand-roll most of it but I was wondering if there was something already made to ease the process. ...

Oracle APEX for "Airport" database

Hi, I'm making a database of an imaginary Airport that has a simplified physical model of 10 tables. The final part is to make some kind of web-based GUI for users, I have three general types of them: airport manager, airline representative and user/visitor of the airport website. Currently I'm planning to build the interface with Orac...

Designing Web Interface for Embedded System

OS : Linux. Im trying to find possible ways to design web interface for my embedded system. Currently there is a shell(text based) and a small set of commands are implemented to query the device. Im new to web development, my questions are : What web server must i use ? ( i got apache up on my development setup and tried using cgi ...

Web Interface identical to Qt user interface

I'm working on a embedded system with a display. The user interface was developed using Qt. How can I develop a web interface that looks identical to the existing Qt interface, and gives the same user experience on the web. The Qt GUI is accessing the device functionalities through an interface library. Is there a way to generate web ...

Best free Git web interface

Hello everyone! I'm looking for a free opensource Git Web UI tool like GitWeb on my own remote machine. What do you prefer? ...

Is there any documentation of functions in Mercurial cgi interface?

I am trying to get some information about the different pages served by the Mercurial cgi webpage. However I cannot find anything usefull. By accident I stumbled upon the raw-rev page. Anyone got some valid links to documentation? ...

Django web interface to store queries and define context

I'm open to persuasion that this is a bad idea. But if not, here's the general draw: Web interface to maintain data (django.contrib.admin). Web interface to create pages (django.contrib.flatpages) Web interface to create templates (dbtemplates) Where is the web interface to create queries and define context? (contexts?) EDIT Here...

Are there any web sites with a web scm command-line (for any of svn, cvs, git, hg, bazaar, etc.)?

Is there any web sites that exists with which you can do the same thing as an scm client? For example: checkout from a repository, commit stuff, etc.? With something like that you would not need to install a scm client on your computer. ...

Ad Hoc Reports Hadoop

Hey guys, I want to allow people to put in simple text search terms, run a pig job(if that's best? it's what I know best) and output the results (the tsv file results?) so I can show them in a web interface. Is there anything that approaches this problem? Any thing known to link a few disjointed pieces of the flow I am going for, toget...