
Using tinyurl.com in a .Net application ... possible?

I found the following code to create a tinyurl.com url: http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=http://myurl.com This will automatically create a tinyurl url. Is there a way to do this using code, specifically C# in ASP.NET? ...

System Icons Retrieval in C# 1.0 and Alpha Channels

In a .NET 1.0 C# application, I wish to display a list of files and folders in a listview control. I want to programmatically retrieve from windows the icons for the files or folders to display them appropriately in the list view. At present, I am using the Windows API Shell32.dll, but am having problems with the alpha channel in the ic...

loadVideoById() in YouTube's regular player (not chromeless)

I have a YouTube's player in the webpage. I need to change the video played by this player dynamicaly. This is (relatively) easy using YouTube's chromeless player. It has method loadVideoById() which works perfectly. The problem is, that the chromeless player doesn't have any controls (play/pause, etc.). The regular YouTube player has a...

What is the best way to document an XML-RPC API?

I am using XML-RPC as the interface to my project's Java web service, and I need to document it. It's really more than simple documentation. It is intended to be a document that will explain why XML-RPC is being used, how to use it with different languages (we use Java, PHP, Javascript, Perl, C++, and Python), what all the methods do, wh...

What API call would I use to change brightness of laptop (.NET)?

I have Windows Server 2008 installed on a Sony laptop and the brightness control doesn't work. I'd like to write a program to allow me to change it. Currently what I have to do is open the Power control panel, click advanced settings, and fight through so many UAC boxes that anybody watching me must think I'm completely crazy. I just w...

Geocoding libraries

Hi, I'm using python and I need to map locations like "Bloomington, IN" to GPS coordinates so I can measure distances between them. What Geocoding libraries/APIs do you recommend? Solutions in other languages are also welcome. Best, Bruno ...

Using Windows DLL from Linux

We need to interface to 3rd party app, but company behind the app doesn't disclose message protocol and provides only Windows DLL to interface to. Our application is Linux-based so I cannot directly communicate with DLL. I couldn't find any existing solution so I'm considering writing socket-based bridge between Linux and Windows, howev...

How to send clip names using LiveAPI (of Ableton Live)

When an audio or midi clip is played (triggered), its name needs to be sent using OSC to another application. LiveAPI is an interface which allows one to explore and automate Ableton Live using python scripts. The code to do this must be written in a python script, which must be placed in a specific folder where Ableton Live can find i...

Is there a C# wrapper for the VMware VIX API?

Hi, I am using VMware Workstation 6.5 on Windows Vista x64. I would like to automate some of the VM management tasks. I know that there is a COM API (http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vix-api/) available which I could use directly. Is there a C# wrapper for this COM API? Thanks, Arnie ...

API design terminology, I just can't remember the word!

There's a word that's used in API design that relates to the coupling between two entities. If one entity can vary without impacting the entity they are said to be _ _ _ _ _. For example given the declaration class Point { public int X; public in Y; } members X and Y could be said to exhibit this behaviour, as a change to X...

How do I get the whole text of an element using ElementTree?

That is, all text and subtags, without the tag of an element itself? Having <p>blah <b>bleh</b> blih</p> I want blah <b>bleh</b> blih element.text returns "blah " and etree.tostring(element) returns: <p>blah <b>bleh</b> blih</p> ...

Looking for a simple OpenType API for .NET

Does anyone know of a good library that can parse OpenType files and provides information about font features in simple, understandable OO format? Thanks. ...

How to skip known entries when syncing with Google Reader?

Hi, for writing an offline client to the Google Reader service I would like to know how to best sync with the service. There doesn't seem to be official documentation yet and the best source I found so far is this: http://code.google.com/p/pyrfeed/wiki/GoogleReaderAPI Now consider this: With the information from above I can download ...

Is Java incomplete?

Why do I always feel that Java never worried about growing its own API (the one that comes with it)? I've got several examples.. File upload. Servlet API does not handle it. Easy XML reading Connection pooling HttpClient support Good logging Encoders And so goes on... several lacks that we have to look for third party APIs and...

Google Maps API: Get position over Sealevel

Hi! is there a way to get the position over sealevel from a given position using the google Maps API? Any Help would really be appreciated! ...

Best practices for API versioning?

Are there any known howtos or best practices for web service REST API versioning? I have noticed that AWS does versioning by the URL of the endpoint. Is this the best way? ...

Any SourceGear Vault Client API Examples?

I'm trying to get at my Vault repo history via a C# application. I'm having a hard time finding any decent examples that show how to do this with a recent version of the API. I found some info on the topic, but it all seems to apply to an old API that's not in use anymore: http://support.sourcegear.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=4529&amp...

cross-site XmlHttpRequest in Firefox?

I understand (I think) that XmlHttpRequest objects adhere to the "same-domain" policy. However, I want to create a simple (POC) local html file that downloads XML from a web server and does something with it (let's start with a simple "alert()"). Is it possible at all? Do I need a special Firefox config option? The server from which I'...

Simplest way to allow posting to a Rails site using MarsEdit/Ecto/etc?

I have a simple site, using restful_authentication and a simple model for the posts. I would like to use MarsEdit (or something like Ecto) to post/edit content. How would I go about this? The XML-RPC system is rather bewildering - there's a lot of different variations (Atom, MovableType, metaWeblog, Blogger, TypePad, probably others), n...

Ruby Amazon book search

Does anybody have a good ruby script for finding books (or other products) on Amazon using their API? ...