
How to test file transfer restarting code [setRestartOffset(offset) in Commons NET API]?

Hi, I wrote small FTP Client Applet which uploads files to FTP Server using Commons Net API. In my code I handled 'CopyStreamException' and trying to restart the same file transfer by setting the offset using FTPClient.setRestartOffset() method. Is there any proper way to test this part of the code? I tried by disconnecting my interne...

How can I retrieve the contents of a .key file?

I have a .key file that contains my consumer key and secret for the spotify API. The code is available for objective C but not for Actionscript 3 , where I need a hex string version of the key and secret. Most other APIs provide this (flickr, evernote, soundcloud, googlemaps, etc.) however spotify chose to put it into a fairly inaccessib...

Check whether or not a point is in a polygon (Google Maps API)

So I have a map here How can I, using Google Maps API, detect whether or not a given coordinate is within that polygon? Is that possible? Thanks in advance. ...

open source music streaming api

I would like to stream music (not random, specific...e.g if i want megadeth - peace sells i should be able to stream it) to the clients from the server. grooveshark came to my mind first, but it doesn't have an open api that i can use. do you know any facilities like grooveshark that has an open api? ...

Finding all iphone apps for a given developer ID

I know that iTunes has a search and lookup API but I still haven't figured out how to return all iPhone/iTouch/iPad apps for a given developer ID. Anyone know how and can provide an example? ...

Implementing most popular web searches

Does anyone know a way to retrieve most searched Google (or other search engine) topics onto a site? For example list most searched topics. (without using third-party pre-made widgets or iframes) ...

What is state space?

I am viewing this lecture (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAb7hSCtvGw&hl=nl) and at about 34 minutes, a bullet point on a slide is mentioned stating "document state space very carefully". What is state space? Why would I have to document it "very carefully"? Unfortunately, I have no sound on the machine I am posting from right now, ...

read Twitter cookies?

Is it possible to check (using PHP or Javascript) if a user is logged into his/her account? I need the name, email and photo. ...

Print text dynamically in a printer using VB.net.

Please tell me the class to be used to print a paragraph of text that is to be printed on a printer, In vb.net, more than 1 page of text must be dynamically printed by retrieving data from the database. ...

Is there any free Movie listing and showtime API's?

Possible Duplicate: Is there a movie showtime api? I'm creating a site that needs to be able to list Movie listings with showtimes. I need an API where I can search for different criteria, such as zip code, genre, and other parameters related to movie listings. Is there any free Movie listing and showtime API's? If there are...

Creating 'laserlights' with Java3D/other 3D API

Yesterday I decided to start my new simulator project with Java and Java3D. Since I already programmed Java before it was a big plus and I could directly start with the simulator. Now I was a bit thinking about how I was going to approach this, and I directly stumbled and the biggest part of my program: the laser in the simulators. I wa...

Is "currentPlaybackTime" property of MPMoviePlayerController a private API

hello guys, I am not sure about this private API thing. Is the property "currentPlaybackTime", which is in the MPMediaPlayback Protocol of the MPMoviePlayerController a private API? I am asking, because this property is working fine but it is not listed in the MPMoviePlayerController Reference. Is it then a private one? By the way: i...

Chrome Extensions and loading external Google APIs Uncaught ReferenceError

Right now I'm in the process of creating a Chrome extension. For it, I need to use Google's Calendar Data API. Here is my manifest.json file: { "name": "Test", "version": "1.0", "background_page": "background.html", "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["<all_urls>"], "js": ["jquery.js", "content_script.js"] } ], "permissio...

Google JSAPI performs strange after loading body of the document

Hi. Following code: <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> function loadGoogle() { google.load("jquery", "1"); function OnLoad(){ alert("Loaded!"); } google.setOnLoadCallba...

Best practises when designing an API

Hi, I am designing an internal API for a system I am writing. What are some best practises in API Design to think about? Thanks ...

TNetSharingManager access violation problem

I'm trying to compile this project in Delphi 2010, which uses TNetSharingManager. I have imported the type library and tried compiling it, but unfortunately I'm getting an Access Violation in this function: function TNetSharingManager.GetDefaultInterface: INetSharingManager; begin if FIntf = nil then Connect; Assert(FIntf nil,...

Google webFont API browser compatibility

I was going through this: http://code.google.com/apis/webfonts/ (Which BTW I think is fantastic) And was wondering how compatible its is with older browsers? And specially with good ol´ IE 6... Thank you very much! ...

Paperclip & Rails Api

I have a photo rails app using paperclip. My model called photo and the request parameter also photo.So when i am trying to upload via curl i use : curl -F "photo[photo]=@/pics/pic.jpg" http://something/photos.xml . That's works fine! How can i change the photo[photo] parameter to "photo" or "media" or something else? How can i change th...

Facebook Graph to Array

Hey Forum, I've been looking around for a way to convert Facebook Graph API Data into Array's so I can quickly access 'Like' Data for use on my website. I'm currently using this code to extract 'Shares' (aka, Like's) on a particular link. fb = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/$url", "rb"); $fb = str_replace('}',''...

Create gmail, facebook and twitter account through API?

Is it possible to create gmail, facebook and twitter account through API? ...