
Does anyone know how to write an Apple Push Notification Provider in C#?

Apple really has bad documentation about how the provider connects and communicates to their service. I am confused about the protocol. If anyone out there could provide a C# sample of how this is don, it would be greatly appreciated. ...

How to detect available APN settings?

Hi, I need to access somehow APN settings in my BlackBerry application. My app is running on JDE 4.2.1. Any help? ...

Multiple iPhone APN messages, single connection.

I have a strange issue. I'm trying to get Apple Push Notifications working with Python. I can connect and send individual messages without a problem. The issues pop up when I start sending more than one message, but it's more bizarre than even that. I'm testing with multiple devices... some iPhones and some iPod Touches. I can send mult...

IPhone Configuration : is it possible to configure APN programmatically?

Hello everybody, in my iPhone app, I would like to switch from an APN (Access Point Name) to another without using a configuration profile. Does Apple allow a dynamic change of APN ? Do you have any idea ? Regards ...

Port Number for Incoming Apple Push Notifications

What network services, port numbers, outgoing incoming or both, need to be open on a network for an ipod touch to receive Apple Push Notifications? I know the outgoing port number to set when sending the apns. The only thing is, in my school practically every outgoing (and incoming) port is blocked and as a result APNs do not work. I am...

How to use PushMeBaby sample to send Apple Push Notifications ?

Hi, I am trying to use PushMeBaby sample APN Server application to send push notifications to my device. I have adhoc distribution application. For my application ID I have created both ssl certificates for development and production. It seems to be not sending push notifications from PushMeBaby application, I have alread installed Push...

How to use only my access point

Hi! Is there a way to force all my requests to be made through my APN and not through wifi, without having to disable wifi? I want to know if it is possible for my application to use exclusively the network access point. I'm already able to set the default network APN and to use it but for this I have to disable the Wifi first. T...

Can i use Apple Push Notification without SSL

Hello, i have got a HTTP Server on Windows CE, but this might not support SSL,.... can i push from that server without SSL? ...

What can cause a connection to APNS to intermittently disconnect?

I've got a ruby script that opens a connection to Apple's push server and sends all the pending notifications. I can't see any reason why, but I get broken pipe errors when Apple disconnects my script. I've written my script to accomodate this happening, but I would rather just find out why it's happening so I can avoid it in the first p...

How to change iPhone APN (Access Point Name) programmatically?

How to change iPhone APN (Access Point Name) programmatically? Or force a 3G/GPRS connection to use certain APN programmatically? ...

Is there a way to connect to a specific APN on Windows Mobile 6?

Hi all, on a windows mobile 6.x phone, is there a way to instruct the connection manager (or whatever other component) to establish a data-link through a particular APN? I cannot find anything useful into the ConnectionManager API documentation. I don't have necessarily to use ConnectionManager, even RIL Api would be fine for me. Thank y...

Wifi functionality

Hello Does anyone knows if the wifi networks for android phones are based on Access Point Names (APN) ? I ask because in my android application I plan to overwrite some fields in all APN's to disable cellular network, but I still want to have available the wifi for the user ...

is it possible to specify an apn setting for a connection in Android?

I just want my connection to use this apn, i.e. I don't want to set the global apn. ...

How to enforce webkit to use system APN proxy in Android?

I'm trying to force Webkit to use proxy definde in APN. My proxy configuration: APN: wap PROXY: PORT: 8080 USER: wap PASSWORD: wap` Currently all connections made by Webkit are blocked on firewall. Is there way to use proxy from phone profile? ...

Activating multiple APNs on Android

Hi, Is it possible to create and activate an apn programatically on android? Is it also possible to activate more than 1 apn at the same time? thanks! ...

Android: Change APN settings by code.

Hello all. As in my country (Belgium) a lot of operators settings are not included in default APN list, i would like to create an app that will fill all APN fields correctly with the user choice. I just read all the doc and Google a lot of questions but no answer... How should I do to create an APN profile? Thank a lot for any clue. ...

Custom Apple Push Notification Server vs Urban Airship and likings

I need to implement the push notifications for one of my projects. Some of the possibilities I evaluated are: building my own APN sending script on the server using Urban Airship Which one would you guys recommend and why? NB. I know Urban Airship costs a bit, but assume that the 1 mil free notifications are enough for me. ...

Updating an ACCESS POINT

I have successfully programmed insertion & deletion of an Access Point in database but I need to find out how to update an access point. I'm using db.update() but its not producing any result. I am using the following code to update an access point: ContentValues updateFields = new ContentValues(); ContentResolver resolver = getContentR...

To find out the default APN programmatically?

i wish to find out the functionality for checking the default APN... i.e active APN on a handset . ...

Current used APN?

Hello, I added two APN configurations and then scanned the APN database. I noticed that both APN entries are marked as "current=1". how can I identify the currently active APN configuration programmatically? thanks! ...