
why i can't run app-engine-patch on my gae .

this is app-engine-patch i download it ,and unzip , but can't running on my google-app-engine launcher why ? thanks updated but the patch has app.yaml, and i can't find aep-sample updated2 when i python runserver so can app-engine-patch running on gae launcher ? ...

app-engine-patch and "object_detail" view didn't work

Hi(Sorry for my ugly english) I want to use the app-engine-patch and google app engine to create a simple blog, and use the django generic views handle the blog entry page. But when I use Django's generic views "django.views.generic.list_detail.object_detail", I encountered an error in the following: GenericViewError at /blog/entry/ Ge...

How to create an empty model formset in django running on google app engine

Hi, I'm using app engine patch for an application on app engine. I have a model formset which works great for editing objects, but I can't use it for adding objects because I can't create an empty formset. I want the user to be able to add multiple records at once, which I was I am using formsets. In django, to create an empty formse...

import django settings in app-engine-patch

Hi there, I have a problem with Django settings. My app runs with app-engine-patch. I added a script that runs without django, and is reached directly via the app.yaml handlers. I then get this error: File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/third_party/django-0.96/django/conf/", line 53, in _import_settings raise Envi...

Sys.path modification or more complex issue?

Hi, I have problems with importing correctly a module on appengine. My app generally uses django with app-engine-patch, but this part is task queues using only the webapp framework. I need to import django settings for the app to work properly. My script starts with: import os import sys sys.path.append('common/') # Force Django to r...

opening file: Writing is invalid mode

Hello, When executing: path=os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/log.txt' log=open(path,"w",encoding='utf-8') I get: log=open(path,'w',encoding='utf-8') File "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools\", line 1203, in __init__ raise IOError('invalid mode: %s' % mode) IOError: invalid mode: w I'm not sur...

django logging: log is not created

Hello, I'm running my app on the GAE development server, with app-engine-patch to run Django. One of my views is bugged , so I want to log everything that happens. I added in myapp.views: import logging LOG_FILENAME = '/mylog.txt' logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME,level=logging.DEBUG) and my function is: def function(string...

Problem setting up unit testing when using app engine patch on google app engine

I'm having a lot of trouble writing unit tests for my app engine patch solution. I've asked this question on experts exchange ( but it's been there for two weeks with no answer - hopefully the SO crew can improve on that!! I've tried everything I've ...

Browser-based strategy game in Django/GAE. Model suggestions?

I'm creating a turn and text-based strategy game in Django on Google App Engine with app-engine-patch. The simplified concept is that each player build can several different units and buildings to improve their base and fight other players for points. My question involves the designing of the Django models, it seems to me that the buil...