
MKStore Manager

how can i call [MKStoreManager sharedStorageManager] in applicationDidFinishLaunching ...

Is it possible to convert a Win32 application project into a console application?

Is it possible to convert an existing visual studio project file that creates a Win32 application into a project file that creates a Win32 "Console" application? If so, how is this done? I've googled and found plenty of people doing the opposite, but none this way. ...

Android application

I am developing an App that needs to retrieve some data from a web server, but I have no idea how this can be possible? Many thanks ...

App Engine GQL query a property range

so i have a User class class User(db.Model): points = db.IntegerProperty() so I created 1000 dummy entities on development server with points ranging from 1 to 1000 query = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM User WHERE points >= 300" "AND points <= 700" "LIMIT 20" "ORDER BY poi...

How do I use FB.Connect.streamPublish in an iframe facebook app?

I'm making a simple iframe-based facebook app. I have the following code to size my iframe: FB_RequireFeatures(["Connect"], function(){ FB.XdComm.Server.init('/xd_receiver.htm'); FB.CanvasClient.startTimerToSizeToContent(); FB.CanvasClient.syncUrl(); }); I want to add a link that will display a popup which will allow the user...

How to determine App download date?

How do I determine the date(s) an app I developed was downloaded from the App Store? ...

iPhone app startup zoom effect

I've noticed when starting apps on the iPhone, they first appear as small windows gradually getting bigger and bigger, until filling the entire screen. These small windows look like the applications. However, when running my applications on my iPhone, the zooming windows are always black. Why is that? ...

Could this be C# Model View Controler console app in and if not why ?

Just trying to grasp the MVC by doing ... and still not sure got it right .. using System; using System.Text; namespace MVPConsoleApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { View objView = new View(); Controller objController = new Con...

xCode Release configuration behaves different.

I'm making a iPhone app written in Objective-C using the Cocos2d game engine. I'm using xCode v3.2.1 with the 3.1.2 iPhone OS. At this point I have always ran my project under Debug Configuration. When I set it to release configuration certain elements of my game are no longer behaving correctly. My logic that worked in the debug configu...

iPhone views programming

Hi ! I'm trying to have 2 views in my app, using 2 buttons on my home screen. For each of these buttons i've created a new class and added the following code to my view controller : ViewController.h : #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface Gallerie2ViewController : UIViewController { } - (IBAction)switch2class1:(id)sender; // 1st button - ...

How do I post to a user's wall through a facebook iframe app?

I have a simple iframe facebook app. I need the app to post content to the current user's wall. I'm doing everything in PHP and JS. Currently, the only facebook-specific PHP I have is to get the current user's ID, and the only JS I have is to get the iframe to size to the contents. How do I have a dialogue pop up with predetermined co...

How to make my server work with an iPhone app?

I am working on a social network project in PHP/MySQL. If you have ever seen or used the myspace or facebook iPhone app you will see what my question is all about. I am curious what most iphone apps do with the server for a social network type iphone app. I was tyhinking possibly it uses a REST server with jSON or XML output and possi...

iPhone In App purchase subscriptions auto renew?

I am looking for a subscription solution in my app where the user can use the app for free and then to be able to sync with a website he/she pays a monthly subscription fee. Right now I'm using PayPal for this but I wanted to include this into the iPhone app and therefore in app purchase subscription seems like the right way to implement...

Python list : How to sort by timestamp? ( App Engine related )

I have ten entities in my Feed model ( this is an App Engine model) class Feed(db.Model): sometext = db.StringProperty() timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) list_of_keys = ["key1","key2","key3".... "key10"] so i call my entities using db.key() method: feeds = db.keys(list_of_keys) # this loop below prints the feed fo...

Google App Engine db.key() question / User-Feed model

am designing a feed system for users. so i have: class User(db.Model): name = db.StringProperty() list_of_keys = db.StringListProperty() class Feed(db.Model): event = db.StringProperty() timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty() # I created 10 feed entities # assuming i already have my 10 feed entities, I take their keys and put int...

verify in app purchase

I'm builing an iPhone app that should handle subscriptions through In App Purchase. When I get the receipt back from Apple in my app I want to save the receipt on my own server and on my server I also want to verify the receipt with the Apple server. It is very important that this connection to my server is made as this saves information...

Android app for composing music: Beginner

Hi, I am thinking of developing a simple Android application that lets users compose music on Android phones. I am new to the Android platform. I have some coding experience in Java that involves being aware of basic OOPS and Java concepts and developing some small Java applications(less than 1k lines of code). I have set up Android on ...

iPhone App upload

Hi, I'm uploading iPhone eBooks on itunesconnect. This is my problem: Recently Apple requires the Bundle Name, Bundle Display Name and Product Name to be set to Author: Title. there is a technical problem: - the Bundle Name cannot contain spaces - this can be solved by changing the Bundle Identifier using a conversion like rfc1034 ex...

What is the maximum application filesize for Blackberry App World

We are planing to program an application for Blackberry and wondering if there is a maximum App size. Searching the App World there were just very small Apps. Our App will have hundreds of Images and Audiofiles. It will have about 40 to 50 MB. Is this possible for Blackberry? thx for your answers! ...

What is an App Bundle on Mac?

I have a basic C++ applicatin build using g++ and -framework ... when I run it, I get a : Working in unbundled mode. You should build a .app wrapper for your Mac OS X applications. (which is not std::couted by any of my application). What causes this, and how can I get rid of it? Thanks! ...