
Titanium app breaks with ajax call trying to redeclare class

Hi all, I have an ajax request that requests a php script that connects to my server and returns some results Here is my PHP code: <?php require_once 'p/DataBase.class.php'; if (!isset($db)) //i added this if statment incase this caused the error $db = new DataBase(); $db->query('select * from table where status = 0 order by created...

Where does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile cross-compile JS to native code?

From the question "How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work?" I know that the JS is cross-compiled into native code. But where does this happen? I couldn't find any code for this in the open source Titanium code. The website of Appcelerator also is quite sparse on the cross-compilation part of the process. ...

Multiple Requests with httpClient (appcelerator)

With appcelerator, I am attempting to send a picture with the twitpic demo, I have created 2 text fields and when they are filled in I want to upload the image and those fields to twitpic. The problem with the app, is after I do it successfully the first time, (without closing the app) the second time doesn't send. I need to somehow r...

Creating Appcelerator apps

hi there i am trying to use appcelerator to develop some cross platform mobile apps ( simple apps ) but i cant get it to work note : i am getting same issues using mac and windows ( pics are from my windows try ) 1- when creating a new project i get this : i tyed to change lot of st...

Get pixel data at touch - Android/iPhone Appcelerator Titanium

Is it possible to get pixel level data of an image view using Titanium Mobile on Android/iPhone? ...

Appcelerator - Newbie in the mix!

Hi guys, Quick one for any developers using appcelerator out there. I have two labels (This may even bew wrong) which are populated from an RSS feed. One label houses the title and another the description. The content for these comes from an RSS list which all works fine. THe issue I'm having is that some titles are longer than others s...

PhoneGap for mobile and Appcelerator for desktop+mobile?

It seems that PhoneGap is only for mobil devices while Appcelerator is for desktop and the mobile, am I correct? ...

PhoneGap and Appcelerator store data locally and remotely?

I wonder if I could store data with PhoneGap and Appcellerator both locally and remotely (postgresql in my web application)? Cause it's gonna be a realtime app that has to sync data between the mobile and remote backend server. ...

Given grid coordinates, how can I determine the center point of a cell which they fall within?

I'm working on a simple board game using Appcelerator Titanium for iPhone (javascript - not that it matters for this question really). My problem isn't really language-specific, it's more of a general programming and math question. I have a grid of "cells" that is 10 columns by 10 rows (100 cells). It's a board game, like checkers/drau...

Titanium Appcelerator back button closes my window

Hi all, I'm working on building my first Android app on Titanium. I have an RSS feed loading on the first window, then after clicking a link from the rss list, I create a new window and display the full content of the rss item on that page. What I want to achieve is that when I'm on the second window (full content of rss feed) and pres...

Why won't Appcelerator Titanium Mobile parse this JSON ?

Using 1.4.1 against Android under Windows 7. I have a web service being access from the Titanium application, the service returns JSON like this: { "VFPData": { "rows": [ { "address1": "Orion House", "address2": "Orion Way", "address3": "Kettering", ...

Should I connect directly to CouchDB's socket and pass HTTP requests or use node.js as a proxy?

First, here's my original question that spawned all of this. I'm using Appcelerator Titanium to develop an iPhone app (eventually Android too). I'm connecting to CouchDB's port directly by using Titanium's Titanium.Network.TCPSocket object. I believe it utilizes the Apple SDK's CFSocket/NSStream class. Once connected, I simply write: ...

iTunes 10 broke Titanium Developer

I installed iTunes 10 just now. When I open Titanium Developer, the SDK version drop-down just says "loading..." forever. Anyone else seen this? Anyone have a fix? ...

Is it possible to upload files directly to Amazon S3 using titanium appcelerator?

Im doing some research to build an iOS and Android app using titanium appcelerator. The only requirement I have not being able to confirm is the possibility to upload a photo directly to Amazon S3 in a way that is compatible with iOS and Android devices. ...

Install Dev App on IPhone - Not in List

I have recently provisioned my IPhone to be a development device when I had version 3.1 of the firmware installed. I was forced to upgrade firmware last night due to 3.2 being the base supported firmware by the framework I am using. I am now running 4.1 of the iOS firmware. Before I did this the device showed up in XCode as a valid ta...

How do I install my AppCelerator App to my IPhone

I am attempting to load a small application I wrote with AppCelerator on my device. I am having quite a bit of trouble with this because of iOS target mismatches I suspect. AppCelerator provides me two options for the target OS, 3.2 and 4.1. My Phone has firmware 4.1 on it so I selected 4.1: Here is a picture if you want to have a look...

How to compile Appcelerator Titanium's iPhone project in Xcode?

Hello All, Anybody know how to compile Titanium's iPhoen project in xcode. When I do I get this error. Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 Thanks Saurabh ...

a couple questions about the titanium platform

I have recently been browsing frameworks such as JavaScriptMVC, qooxdoo, Sproutcore and others alike which are using javascript to create desktop-like apps in the browser with minimal, or none css/html (depending on the framework). What I know of titanium is that it uses html/css for the views, and language of choice (javascript, ruby,p...

appcelerator - how to disable tooltips

Hello, I'm building an appcelerator app in javascript/css/html for a windows app, but the most annoying thing is the tooltips. My code uses a lot of title tags (mandatory) and wherever I mouseover in the app it always pops up stupid tooltips. Anyone know how to disable them from showing? Is it a setting in tiapp.xml? ...

Appcelerator: Scrollable view (with touch disabled): buttons inside won't fire

Hi people, So I have a scrollable view, which I dynamically add views to. Inside these views, I have a button that should slide the view to the left or to the right. Now what seems to be odd is, whenever I have the touchEnabled property of the Scrollable view instance, set to false, my buttons inside the dynamically created views are n...