
Error message: "Two different contracts have the same ConfigurationName" when downloading wsdl from xamlx in AppFabric beta 2

I get the following error message when I try to use svcutil to generate a client proxy for a xamlx file that is hosted by AppFabric beta 2: Two different contracts have the same ConfigurationName I understand the message, however, I cannot find its cause or how to fix it. I'm following the 'Introduction to Workflow Services' lab from t...

Host new WF4 workflows in appfabric

Hello, I am new to using AppFabric to host WF services. I am trying to write a workflow admin application that will allow users to create xaml workflow definitions using the hosted WF4 designer, and then somehow allow those workflow defitions to be automatically deployed and hosted in AppFabric with the click of a button. I have the de...

Does WF4 have the ability to search for instances?

Hello, I have a WF4 workflow service deployed in AppFabric. Is there any built-in way to do a generic search across all currently active workflow instances? For example, "get me a list of all active instances that have variable x = 5"? If someone could point me in the right direction on this it would be much appreciated. ...

Using AppFabric session state provider, does each session get its own region?

I've been playing around with AppFabric Beta 2's session state provider. It appears that each new session get its own region (named "Default_Region_XXXX" (where XXXX is an apparent random sequence of numbers). If I understand regions correctly, it appears that each region is tied to a single cluster host, leaving a single point of fail...

AppFabric Cache - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I'm trying to get AppFabric cache up and running on my local development environment. I have Windows Server AppFabric Beta 2 Refresh installed, and the cache cluster and host configured and started running on Windows 7 64-bit. I'm running my MVC2 website in a local IIS website under a v4.0 app pool in integrated mode. HostName : CacheP...

AppFabric Caching - What are its serialization and deserialization requirements for an object?

Problem: When caching an instance of a class and immediately getting it back out of cache, i get the object back (its not null), but all of its properties / fields are null or defaults. _cacheHelper.PutInCache("testModuleControlInfoOne", mci); //mci has populated fields var mciFromCacheOne = _cacheHelper.GetFromCache("testM...

What can I do with a Facebook SessionKey/SessionSecret?

I'm working with the FaceBook integration available with Microsoft's AppFabric preview and get these claims: --SomeNumberHere-- 2010-09-17T05:00:00Z

AppFabric Caching - Can I specify serialization style used for all objects?

An object which implements some custom serialization can be serialized and deserialized to different formats, for example to Xml or byte[]. I have run into a problem where when I put to cache, AppFabric runs the IXmlSerializable implementation on a class when I would rather force it to go with binary.