
Error message: "Two different contracts have the same ConfigurationName" when downloading wsdl from xamlx in AppFabric beta 2

I get the following error message when I try to use svcutil to generate a client proxy for a xamlx file that is hosted by AppFabric beta 2: Two different contracts have the same ConfigurationName I understand the message, however, I cannot find its cause or how to fix it. I'm following the 'Introduction to Workflow Services' lab from t...

WF4 workflow versioning using WorkflowServiceHost

Related to this question. I understand how to implement versioning of workflows using WorkflowApplication. If you keep the original XAML definition for older versions of your workflow around, you can load them using the right WorkflowApplication constructor. How could you ensure that WorkflowServiceHost uses the correct workflow defini...

How to (pre)start xamlx workflow service

Related to this question. I have a xamlx workflow service that loads part of its definition from a database when it runs (using ActivityXamlServices.Load). Reason for this is that I need versioning, see the related question. I'll use WCF routing to direct calls to the right service. The part that I load dynamically contains a Receive a...

How to hook up WF4 WorkflowRuntime events when using a XAMLX service

I'm currently using a BehaviorExtensionElement to load a ServiceBehavior where the ApplyDispatchBehavior method is set up as: public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceDescription serviceDescription, System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase serviceHostBase) { WorkflowServiceHost host = serviceHostBase as WorkflowServiceHost; ...

VS2010 Workflow Design Surface Inoperative

I am using VS2010 and having an issue where upon opening my solution the Workflow.xamlx does not appear to render correctly. The activities on the design surface only get drawn for the area that is initially visible when the xamlx loads. To demonstrate the problem, I see the following. (I apologize for the blur) The first problem is...