
EJB 3: Accessing a stateful session bean from an application client

I am having some trouble accessing a stateful session bean (SFSB) from an application client. I am using JBoss 5.0.1.GA. The application client and the EJBs are both packaged in an EAR which deploys and I have other application clients which work without problems. So far, I have only used stateless session beans (SLSBs), but as far as I ...

Difference between an application client and a stand-alone client

As the title suggests, this is in relation to Java EE and Glassfish in particular. From what i've learned the application client is executed in some application client that has the ability to talk to glassfish. But there seems to be limitations to this regarding annotations. Can someone give me an example of the difference in connecti...

Best way to run a command-line application that uses code running in an EE 6 environment? (GlassFish v3, MyEclipse 8.6)

Ok, back for another complicated question, I'm afraid. Please be patient: this is a lot of new stuff for me. Back in the dark ages, we were running a Frankenstein of an application on WebLogic. When we decided to move things to GlassFish v3, we all agreed that the time was nigh to do things the "right" way, from an EE 6 perspective. To...

EJB remote application-client

Hello guys! I am starting a new enterprise project and use Glassfish 3 as an application server and NetBeans 6.9 as an IDE. I have some EJBs which I want to access remotely from a desktop Swing application. AFAIK there are two options - either use plain JNDI lookup or run the Swing application in an application-client container and use ...