
[C#] Settings.Default.<property> always returns default value instead of value in persistant storage (XML file)

I recently wrote a DLL in C# (.Net 2.0) which contains a class that requires an IP address. A co-worker of mine altered the class to retrieve the IP from a ".dll.config" (XML) file -- This apparently is automatically generated by the "Application Settings" file he created (Settings1.settings). The benefit of this was to allow the end-use...

How can I use Application Settings in a mono project?

I'm trying to port an application to Mono, however Mono doesn't support "Application Settings". I don't and won't use Mono Develop, the development is done with Visual Studio. Is there any quick way to solve this? Or should I implement my own settings replacement class? If it matters this is a VB.NET application. ...

Best pratice to save application settings in Windows application

What I want to achieve is very simple: I have a WinForms (.NET 3.5) application that uses a path for reading information. This path can be modified by the user, by using the Options form I provide. Now, I want to save the path value to a file for later use. This would be one of the many settings saved to this file. This file would sit d...

.NET 2.0 Application Settings (user.config) file location

Hi, I'm trying to customize the location of user.config file. Currently it's stored in %AppData%\[CompanyName]\[ExeName]_Url_[some_hash]\[Version]\ I want to it be something like %AppData%\[CompanyName]\[ProductName]\ so there's no version number and no hash stuff. First question: can this be done and how? What are the implicati...

How to add Application Settings from a custom component (WinForms)

I have a WinForms user control that, when added to a form, should automatically add some elements to application settings. (Of course, the user should be able to customize/disable this behavior.) is that advisable? What is the "good" way to do this? [edit] The control provides a default implementation for the file menu, the consumer on...

can not save application settings in .net 3.5

Hi! I am creating a application that store basic database connection info like host,user, password and default database name in application settings using User Scope. I am using .net 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008 I put 4 text boxes in a user control and bound their text property to the application settings individual properties. // ...

How do I access the Properties namespace from within a console app?

Hey everyone.. I am trying to store/retrieve a value that is stored in the Application Settings. From within my console application I can not seem to access the Properties.Setting namespace. My web surfing has revealed that a little more work might be needed to do this from within a Console application. How does one do this? string tes...

How can I display the application version revision in my application's settings bundle?

Hi to all, I would like to include the application version and internal revision, something like 1.0.1 (r1243), in my application's settings bundle. The Root.plist file contains a fragment like this... <dict> <key>Type</key> <string>PSTitleValueSpecifier</string> <key>Title</key> <string>Version</string> <key>Key</key> ...

Sharing global variables across multiple servers/applications.

I am looking to set up a central point of control for settings that exist across several web servers, server applications, and possibly even internal desktop tools. The current situation is that I have a settings file on each webserver or within each application, with Global Variables defined: Admin Email, Where to store uploaded files,...

Why do people consistently recommend using appConfig instead of using Settings files? (.NET)

Very often I see the answer to the question like: "How should I store settings in my .NET app?" is to edit the app.config file by manually adding entries to the app.config (or web.config) like so: <configuration> <appSettings> **<add key="ConfigValueName" value="ABC"/>** </appSettings> </configuration> Then, accessing them li...

Access application settings from ASP.Net MVC View

In an ASP.Net MVC 1.0 applicati0n, is it possible to access the application settings (MyProject.Properties.Settings.Default.*) from inside my View (aspx page)? I've tried but the intellisense and compiler don't like it. It says that it is inaccesible due to the protection level. ...

Why are my application settings not getting persisted?

So I have some settings that are of the user scope. But for some reason, they are not being saved to the .exe.config file. I do the following: Properties.Settings.Default.Email="[email protected]"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Yet I look at the settings file in the debug folder and it is still the default that I set in visu...

Settings class architecture.

Just wondering what the best practise advice would be on the architecture for a settings class. We've a number of tables which will be used to populate the class, I'm guessing a Hashtable is the best way to go? It also would be nice to have a strongly typed collection available through the scope of the app in Intellisense. e.g. Settin...

How do I store desktop application data in a cross platform way for python?

I have a python desktop application that needs to store user data. On Windows, this is usually in %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\AppName\, on OSX it's usually ~/Library/Application Support/AppName/, and on other *nixes it's usually ~/.appname/. There exists a function in the standard library, os.path.expanduser that will get me a user's...

What is the best way for save and load setting in my program ?

Hi I have build a C# program. I need to keep setting of my program and I need to load them when the program load (I know to do it with simple text file....but i don't have good documentation of the variable) what is the best way to do it ? Can I get any sample ? ...

How to change application settings (Settings) while app is open?

I've written a class that should allow me to easily read and write values in app settings: public static class SettingsManager { public static string ComplexValidationsString { get { return (string)Properties.Settings.Default["ComplexValidations"]; } set { Propertie...

Can someone provide a quick App.config/Web.config tutorial?

I've used these two configuration files many times before, but I've never taken the time to fully understand how they really work. As most people do, I understand the basics in how to call WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key"] to get config values. Here are some questions I came up with: What happens when you reference a configu...

Automatically "upgrade" user settings from previous version of app.config file?

Every time I compile my app and the version number changes (I have an auto-incrementing build number), I lose the user-configured app.config settings, since they're stored in the AppData folder for a specific version. Essentially, every release of my application starts from scratch as far as user settings go. While this is a mild annoya...

Need help with creating complex UITableView items (like the Settings app).

I hoping to create a custom Settings view, similar to the Settings application, but with more control over the UI and access to some settings (i need to lock some of the settings). Obvously, there are a variety of UI elements mixed in each row of application's UITableView. For example, the 'Airplane Mode' setting shows a UISwitch, whil...

app.config globalization

web.config allow a globalization tag: This setting will set the globalization for the entire ASP.NET application. Does this tag work in app.config in standard forms applications too? If yes... where shall it be placed? Or.. is there another way to set the globalization for the entire forms application. Including dll's and all threa...