
Possibility to introduce iPad capability for iPhone-App via Update?

Hi there. There has been a lot of talk around iPad-Apps / Approval / Store-related Questions. I've recently built an App which I'm just about to release / send to Apple for approval. I'm thinking about developing a dedicated iPad-App as well. Now, in order to not have two seperate Apps in the Store (one for the iPhone, one for the iPa...

Private iPhone App, without App Store?

I am developing an iPhone app for a private company. It contains business critical data and should only be able to use for this company. Do I still need to go via the App store? Is there not a private way to do this? ...

How to add ANY language in app description on AppStore? Tremendous impact on downloads!

By submitting my application when I want to create application description in my national language (SLOVAKIAN) there's no choice to do so on Localization tab. There's only main languages: French, German, Spanish and so on... But I know there are applications on Appstore with Slovakian language description (of course on Slovak AppStore)....

iTunes Connect says my Icon.png file is 0x0.. it's clearly not!

In my project directory, top level, I have Icon.png. Double-checked in Photoshop, it's 57x57. When I submit my application via iTunes Connect or Application Loader, I get an error message saying my icon file is 0x0. Any idea why this happens? ...

Linking directly to the Write Review page from iPhone

I have been trying to redirect the user to the review page. I tried 3 different URL formats: {} (goes to the product page on safari) {} (Goes to the product page in iTunes store on the de...

iPhone: AppStore InAppPurchase Connects in Simulator but Not on Device

I am having trouble connecting to the AppStore from within my application. Everything runs fine in the Simulator but when I run on device the app cannot connect to the Appstore. Here is the code that connects to the Appstore #import "BuyController.h"#import "InAppPurchaseManager.h" #import "SKProducts.h" #define kInAppPurchaseProUpgrad...

How do I get data from the iTunes app store

I'm trying to scrape the entire iTunes App Store so that I can store it in a database for a project I'm working on. I'm having a hard time finding the best way to do this. I know there are ways to get specific information about price changes but I can't find anything that describes how to scrape the entire app store. Any additional inf...

How can I launch app store from my application

Im trying to implement button which opens app store application from my app. I use this simple line of code, which opens safari but not app store application. [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: @""]]; I dont know whats wrong, is the URL format corre...

Scrapy issue with iTunes' AppStore

I am using Scrapy to fetch some data from iTunes' AppStore database. I start with this list of apps: In the following code I have used the simplest regex which targets all apps in the US store. from scrapy.contrib.linkextractors.sgml import SgmlLinkExtractor from ...

How can i make a link to update my iPhone application?

hi, i know how to make a link to my app on the appstore with this URL itms-apps:// but i don't want the user goes on the software page but directly in the update tab what is the link to do this? is there a link to update the app ?(if an update existing) thanks ...

Creating Application URL for iPhone

I am preparing to submit my iPhone app for approval. This is my first time. One of the requirements is "Application URL". I have done the following to create Application URL: Click Foo-Info.plist Right Click Information Property List" Click "Add Row" Select URL types Expand "URL Types" Expand Item 0 Type in "com.mycompany.Foo" in the...

Will iPhone App with future "Availability Date" show up in "New Releases" on that day?

I plan to submit my first iPhone game "The Twiggles" to the iPhone app store today. Like many people suggest, I want to set the "Availability Date" to a date way in the future and change it later. But there are two different opinions on what to do once the app is approved: A: Some people say, I have to quickly change the "Availability D...

What you need BEFORE you submit your iPhone app to Apple

When submitting a new app to the iPhone app store, which of these are mandatory, and which are optional? (Free apps... or paying apps.) A bank account with direct deposit access. An email address to give out to the public. An email address for Apple to contact me. A support website. A company name. A support phone number for the publi...

"The binary you uploaded was invalid. the file was not a valid zip file" Error message uploading app to iTunes Connect

Hi, I'm trying to upload an iPhone app binary to iTunesConnect and keep getting the following error message "The binary you upload was invalid. the file was not a valid zip file". I had an app upload ok recently but this app is having problems. So after a while I carefully went through the following steps trying to make sure everything w...

Why Duplicate the “Release” configuration to "Distribution"?

On the Apple guide, there is a step before building the AppStore version: Open the Xcode project and Duplicate the “Release” configuration in the Configurations pane of the project's Info panel. Rename this new configuration “Distribution”. Why this step is needed? Can I skip this step and use the "Release" configuration to...

Unlock Key Component

Hi, I have almost completed my Android application so am considering ways of distributing the application. I have seen some applications on Market have free limited/locked version and separate Unlock Key/License Key which unlocks extra functionality. How is this done? Has anyone here done this? If so, how well does it work? I am thin...

iphone app submission errors

When I try to add my application, I get Info.plist does not contain a CFBundleResourceSpecification and Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. I don't understand! I'm so frustrated, I finished my two apps and now I can't submit th...

first app - wrong language is shown in appstore

hi all last week i distributed my first app to the appstore. what i've to see was, that the app language which is shown in appstore is not the right one. my app is just in german, but in appstore english is shown up. can somebody tell me what i've exactly got to do, that the language in the appstore is german? i know i ned a "de.lproj"...

iPhone App Distribution

Hi, is it possible to distribute an App via the App Store for free, in which You can only log in if you are using an extern charged Service ...

Two AppStore Accounts With The Same Name. I got codeSign error 'Name' appears more than once in the keychain

I got another new account for the AppStore, I setup the new account certificates on my MAC. Now when I try to publish XCode gives me the error CodeSign error: Certificate identity 'iPhone Distribution: 'Name' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one. How can I change my certificate identity f...