Is there an arcball implementation for Papervision3D?
There are many arcball implementations for Flash/ActionScript but none specifically for Papervision3D.
Here's an example of an arcball implementation for flash:
I have taken to writing my own...
I am trying implement arcball/trackball rotation but I have a problem with the center of
rotation. I want the center to be the center of my screen no matter what.
Let me explain what I have done so far.
I've created a quaterion
(rotation axis: vector_start x vector_end, angle: vector_start * vector_end)
From that quaternion...
I have successfully implemented Arcball rotation through quaternions, but am confused at what to do when the direction vector of the camera is parallel to up vector. Currently I am just restricting the rotation along the x-axis (the pitch) when the dot product of the direction vector and the up vector exceeds 0.99. In Maya (or Max, ...