
Update cached data

Hi U are caching a list of items, then Add or update or delete method called. Approach 1) A- Do the data change at the database. If success do B, C B- Remove the entire list from the Cache. C- Re-Cache the list on first read. Approach 2) A- Do the data change at the database, If success do B B- Do the same change at the cached i...

x86 emulator for training embedded development

I wish to learn more about the inner working of the computer, to enhance my knowledge about embedded system developement. At work, I never get involved with the low-level details (such as, the GDT, the loader of the code from flash to RAM, etc) as all these are already written. I'd rather not buy any other hardware currently. Is there ...

Advice on Application Architecture

I am about to build a system that will have its own engine, as well as a front end user interface. I would like to decouple these two as much as possible. The engine should be able to accept commands and data, be able to work on this data, and return some result. The jobs for the engine may be long, and the client should have the abil...

Disconnected or Connected Architecture

Is a disconnected architecture too complex for the following story line? I'd be grateful if anyone could share any opinions or experiences that they may have. There is a business application that runs inside the office network which consists of a desktop application and a SQL Server database. Some of the data is exposed to the general p...

defining interface

Hi all, I have a datamodel used by multiple application that I now needs to be used by other developers outside the team. The model should only be made partialy available to the developers. I wonder how I best approach this: my current approach is to create a new project that just copies the orginal model and only include the requested...

Authorization & User info in a Service Layer (.NET application)

Hello programmers, I am currently working with an enterprise application in a .NET environment (n-layered) and I would like to know the best way to manage authentication / authorization + data filtering in my BussinessLayer (BL). We will use that BL from several interfaces (ASP.NET applications and WebServices) and I think that my Servi...

best practice to implement in-application mailing/inbox system

I need to implement an in-application message-box system (like any forum/social network has). Number of users is in the tens of thousands and up. I am thinking to do it using an actual email server and write a client for it inside the application (or just pick an open source client and adjust it to appear like a private messages system)....

When To Update Various Parts Of A Master/Detail UI

I have a UI with a list of items and the detail of a selected item(typical master/detail scenario). In my case this is a Silverlight application but this question could apply to other programming models. When the application starts, the list portion of the UI is populated from a remote data source(SQL Server in my case) via WCF(which I c...

Great example of development architecture

I am looking for a sample application which shows off good to great use of architectual patterns, so far I found TailSpin DinnerNow The problem with the above is that the requirements to get this up, make it a nightmare to work with. My requirements list is it should be simple to get up and running, covers the basics and does need...

Storing users of a public web site in Active Directory

I am working on a system architecture for a fund/pension manager. We are providing two ASP.NET MVC web applications; one to allow members of the pension fund to login and check their balances, manage their investment, etc and another to allow employers to make contributions to the fund on the employees (members) behalf. There are also in...

SonarJ like tool for .NET

I'm looking for a tool like SonarJ but for .NET instead of Java. SonarJ helps you to find deviations between he architecture and the code within minutes. It can be integrated into your IDE to help you avoid the introduction of new architetural violations to your code base. You can also use it to maintain metric based so...

When is it appropriate to take a direct dependency on the IoC container itself?

I'm just about to create a WorkQueueService that can handle different type of WorkItems. For each type of WorkItem, I will have an implementation of IWorkItemProcessor. I'm using IoC, so all the IWorkItemProcessor implementations will be registered in the container. My WorkQueueService will need to obtain the appropriate Processor for ea...

Theory about Object Relation Mapping methodlogy

Are there any books or theory how orm systems should be designed or how they should be architecturaly designed .I want to give these to a fresh developer so that they can understand the internals of what they are working with. ...

Web Application Caching Architecture

I am designing a website implementation. There are two web server machines and we would like out-of-process global cache provided by Memcached. I envisage placing memcached on two separate boxes whose sole purpose is to serve the global data cache. Would such an implementation be considered "typical" and would the term "cache server" be...

C Macro definition to determine big endian or little endian machine ?

Is there a one line macro definition to determine the endianness of the machine. I am using the following code but converting it to macro would be too long. unsigned char test_endian( void ) { int test_var = 1; unsigned char test_endian* = (unsigned char*)&test_var; return (test_endian[0] == NULL); } ...

What are your WebService Versioning best practices?

We have 2 separate products that need to communicate with each other via web services. What is the best-practice to support versioining of the API? I have this article from 2004 claiming there is no actual standard, and only best practices. Any better solutions? How do you solve WS versioning? Problem Description System A Client cl...

Meaning of infrastructure & application code in domain-driven design

On the Domain-Driven Design website I see: Concentrate all the code related to the domain model in one layer and isolate it from the user interface, application, and infrastructure code. The domain objects, free of the responsibility of displaying themselves, storing themselves, managing application tasks, and so fort...

Validation Engine....Business Rules.

Hello, subject is... I have a Linq to SQL class that i need to define a "rule engine" before saving it back to the database, this of course involves all foreign keys - associations, common, the whole object graph i created and manipulated, or value changed object from the database. Thing is, i don't have any experience on the subject a...

Track Order Process

Hi Gurus, I am working on a project where I am importing in orders from an external vendor. I will need to validate the information prior to loading it into our ERP system and then send a response with shipping information once we have processed and shipped the order. I wanted to see how others would track the steps necessary to make ...

Architecture abstraction problem in Repository ASP.NET MVC

Hi. I'm working with MVC ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 on VS2008. I'm looking for a way to abstract this three methods I have in my Users repository. public User GetUser(Log log) { return db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Logs.Any(l =>; } public User GetUser(Product product) { return db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Products.Any...