
Need samples Use Case diagram

I need some sample use case diagrams of a system for the purpose of learning how to make use case diagram. I would be glad if anyone help me out.. Thanks ...

Multi Tiers / Multi Layers system equals to a tightly coupled system?

Hi, I find that whenever I create a layer/tier, I have to translate between one layer to the other, does that mean it is a tightly coupled system? If I was to change a business logic, remove a field in the database, etc, I would have to change ALL layers from the database layer to the client front end? E.g. A web service that exposes...

Can I improve my module-skin architecture somehow?

Hi, I'm designing a CMS for a private project that should make the editing of the website simple. It supports modularism. However, it's still in beta, and I'm now asking if you can see something I could improve or if you have some entirely different approaches to this scenario. First of all, I have "themes" that are a set of HTML, CSS ...

Application Architect vs. Systems Architect vs. Enterprise Architect?

So many buzzwords. Not sure if I need to start playing BS Bingo or not. And I'm not trying to be cynical. But I've heard many people with these various titles. There never seems to be a clear delineation between the three. Or there's a lot of domain crossover between the three. Actually, another I've seen while looking around here on Sta...

Object mapping - flattening to property instead of object reference

Hi I am trying to refine my knowledge of N_Tier arch Inside the BLL, and In case I am using custom business objects in BLL, like CustomerInfo {FN, LS, ...}, Consider that I have Customer table and Currency table, Customer is having a default currency, thus there is a FK Currency_ID in Customer table, at UI layer, we need to show Curren...

Static View Models / Presentation Models

Would it be incorrect to make all my View Models / Presentation Models static classes so that if any other View Presenter wanted to change a view model other than its own it could easily aquire a reference to it? If this is the wrong approach how would you achieve it? ...

Linq to SQL or the Entity Framework for Enterprise ASP.NET MVC application architecture?

I am still trying to figure out the right architecture for a complex ASP.NET MVC web application. I looked in a lot of example code and everywhere it's done differently. I would really appreciate your thoughts on this. Another Question: Would you use Linq to SQL or the Entity Framework? Thanks, -Ben ...

Every pages needs a HEAD with lots of stuff: Is my framework design good?

I came to a point where I realized that I need an intelligent solution for this problem. In my framework, there are: Views (actually just HTML files with little PHP to output data) View Controllers (create views, do some logic) So for every page like for example, I have an ViewController which ...

Smart Email Component

My application send Invitation emails and conformation emails , i want to create one component that handle sending mails and be flexible to use HTML templates for the emails and this emails will contain links for invitation or confirmation can someone tell me how i can design this compoenet ...

Why do stacks typically grow downwards?

I know that in the architectures I'm personally familiar with (x86, 6502, etc), the stack typically grows downwards (i.e. every item pushed onto the stack results in a decremented SP, not an incremented one). I'm wondering about the historical rationale for this. I know that in a unified address space, it's convenient to start the stac...

Separating backend and front end

Hi Is there any reason to separate front-end FE and back-end BE (for Administration and customer service) in different websites under the same solution. Actually it causes me problems in Removing items from the cache, (they) decided to put FE and BE in different app domains, this means different Cache objects!! I asked them about the ...

Enterprise Architecture Anti-patterns

What are the key anti-patterns to avoid when architecting applications for the enterprise? We are using C# and SQL Server and Silverlight, btw - but I imagine some of the anti-patterns will be language neutral. ...

suggest me well designed opensource web apps in .net

I found architecture of good and interesting. Are there other very well designed opensource web apps written in .Net ? ...

How to make an editable boxes in the home page , so the admin only can change the text of this boxes or my be bind this boxes to list titles of some articles or news in MVC ?

we are extending Oxite CMS we need to make the home page contain boxes and this boxes can be filled with text or filled from backend with news or articles titles and the admin can change this boxes places how I can implement something like this ? ...

how to support user subscriptions to modules in my system ?

my system support modules like calendar, Leads manager, Contact Manager the users of the system can register in my site and subscribe in any of this modules what is the database schema needed to handle this situation ? and how i will handle it by the code ? ...

"if" considered harmful in ASP.NET MVC View (.aspx) files?

I remember seeing a blog (or something) that said you should not use <% if ... %> in .aspx files in ASP.NET MVC, but I can't remember what it said the alternative is. Can anyone remember seeing this and point me to it? ...

Fine-grained visibility for 'internal' members

Recently I was reading about partitioning code with .NET assemblies and stumbled upon a nice suggestion from this post: "reduce the number of your .NET assemblies to the strict minimum". I couldn't agree more! And one of the reasons I personally see most often, is that people just want to isolate some piece of code, so they make the typ...

How do I set up the following architecture.

Sorry if the title is a little vague, I do not know how else to describe it. I am making my own small framework. Things are going nicely and I am enjoying looking at topics that I usually do not need to check out as 'the magic' does it for me. My framework is PHP based and I want it to run from a single instance. What I mean by this is...

How does a rule system like the one used in Outlook Express work in theory? How could it be done?

I'm curious about this: In Microsofts Outlook Express (or Outlook, don't remember well, I'm a Mac user), they have something really cool. Generic rules: You can configure a set of rules to automatically sort or delete your emails, for instance. It's incredible powerful and easy to use. These rules looked pretty much like this: "If em...

method architecture, returning the supplied object.

Hello. And thanks for any suggestions. I am building a client facing web service, but am struggling with a design implementation. For each of the service methods, an object is passed as a parameter IE: The CreateCustomer method accepts a Customer object. The issue that I am having is with the response. What I have currently in pla...