
System Design / Architecture Best Approach

Hi, I have a system, that has 3 general parts to aid my description. 1) DATABASE- to store all tables, this same database will store data for other services as well including a web application, silverlight etc... (Needs to be flexible, if on a remote server, can be exposed via a web service, if locally, can connect locally or via TCP t...

NTFS Alternate Data Streams - Good or bad Idea?

I would like to store some Application-Related Metadata for Files, and NTFS Alternate Data Streams (AltDS) would allow me to store this metadata directly on the files rather than in a separate database. I just don't feel like this is a good idea. I know that this only works on NTFS, but at least if the user copies/moves the files to a N...

iTunes online store architecture

Hi, These are days when many major websites are sharing details about their internal architecture. I am curious if anyone has some idea about the architecture of the iTunes online store. Is there any published material,video or folklore about the architecture of the iTunes online store? In particular I would love to know what Apple us...

How should I call a layer of auto-generated code?

I have a framework which works this way: After defining some meta data, it generates PHP code with PHP classes. These classes are abstract and are intended to be subclassed. For example, if I define a User class in the backend, it will generate an UserBase class which I simply subclass like: class User extends UserBase { //.... } ...

how to allow for a flexible UI in ASP.NET MVC

We are starting a new ASP.NET MVC project and we would like to establish a pattern of development that will allow flexibility in the UI. The general idea is that we would like to develop a set of related controls as a unit (i.e. a set of inputs and a submit button) and maintain the flexibility to decide later 1 of 3 UI options Have t...

Data Synchronization between Enterprise DataStore and External WebSite DataStore

Hi, I've an enterprise database store used by some rich applications and a website with it own database store. Enterprise application work with local data and some of these data (like orders,prices ...) have to be "synchronized" to the web site datastore. On the other side, internet customers are able to edit their profile which have ...

What's considered to be better design here?

I hope this isn't too subjective. I can't decide between these two design opportunities. I have a Front Controller pattern. When the user surfs to a specific URL, my framework loads a specified View Controller for this URL. The View Controller then calculates some things and loads a View Template, to show the results. Now imagine you ...

When to use an ESB? messaging with Email/XMPP/SMS

Hi all, I am adding some more depth to the application by supporting multiple methods for notification. Currently, if there is an exception on the site or an event occurs on the site, an email will be sent out to those users, but I want that to be more generic. I want the users to be able to prioritize their notification methods. If ...

The Model in MVP - Events

I have a layered architecture as follows; Presentation Service Business Data If I implement MVP for the presentation my understanding is that the Service Layer represents the 'M' i.e. model, is my understanding correct? If so from my interpretation of MVP the model can raise events which my presenters would subscribe to. Does this mean...

Recommended architecture artifacts

For those who document their architectures, what sort of artifacts to you produce and recommend? I've been using the 4+1 Architectural View model for my last couple of projects, and I think it is quite a good approach. But I'm keen to hear if there are alternatives, and if there is an accepted "best practice" in this area. And especial...

Web sockets server side processing model

To implement a server supporting clients using web sockets, do servers keep an open HTTP connection with each client? How can this scale? What are the "programming models" when implementing this type of server? Ie: most web apps have servlets, etc which support a connect->request->response->close type model. Whereas with web sockets ...

Is a 3 (physical) tier architecture inefficient?

Note: When I refer to tier, I mean a physical tier. Many of the questions on this site relating to "tiers" are referring to logical layers, which is not what I'm asking about. I am designing an app using a standard "3 layer" architecture, with presentation, business logic (BLL) and data access (DAL) layers. The technology is WPF, C#, LI...

please tell me what should i do when i have many information source.( i need a architect's approach)

i am developing a website which will show details of different institutions/college. i have got many information source for my website, means i will collect information from 4-5 webservices/websites as xml files in which their will be name, address, user rating, and detais. please tell me how to manage "DETAIL" field. as i have 4-5 sourc...

REST for local interfaces?

I'm building a little user management tool which should be used with a web GUI (probably made with Wicket). Some of the services this tool provides should be REST-ful and now I wonder if REST should be the only external interface (having CouchDB with its REST interface in mind). The GUI part of the application would then make REST calls ...

Who should establish the relationship? The Entity or the Data Mapper?

There are four classes: StudentBase, CourseBase and StudentDataMapper, CourseDataMapper An Student object can have a relationship with an Course object. One Student can have many courses. One course can be visited by many students. In the ER diagram, a Student entity has an attribute called "courses", but a course does not know anyth...

Architectural Thinking in Functional Languages

My Related Questions box overfloweth with functional programming questions. Having reviewed the most relevant, I'm still curious to hear opinions on the following: How do you think about structuring an application in a functional language? I'm not talking about a language-specific grammar. I'm interested in conceptual organizational pa...

How can an EJB parallelize a long, CPU intensive process?

The application has a CPU intensive long process that currently runs on one server (an EJB method) serially when the client requests it. It’s theoretically possible (from a conceptual point of view) to split that process in N chunks and execute them in parallel, as long as the output of all parallel jobs can be collected and joined toge...

Programming pattern / architectural question

Hi all, I am currently working on a project where I have a BankAccount entity for some other entity. Each bank account as a reference to a bank entity, an account number and optionally an IBAN. Now since an IBAN can be validated, how can I ensure that when the IBAN is set for an account is valid. What would be a clean architectural ap...

Business Layer Logic (BLL) is about data?

I think BLL is about Data. It should not include a method called SendEmail. BLL is a place for caching data, manipulating it, doing calculations related to business. Sending email is a business process but the code which actually send the email should be outside of BLL namespace. Is BLL only about data ? ...

Java architecture coding conventions.

I have been working at a few different companies now and every one has different rules about how to name classes and packages. They each have different package layouts and workflow between classes. Through these experiences I have picked up an understanding of how to layout out a project; however, I would like a more concrete definition ...