
Where can I get raw news articles from the last year?

I'm writing some code that calculates certain statistics about word usages. Does anyone know where I can find a database of raw news articles from various topics over a period of (say) the last year? Preferably they would be either in plain text format or XML. Trying to scrape content from random web sites isn't a good option. I kno...

PHP Zip Archive organized in a Array

I am trying to organize a Zip Archive into an array so that I may extract certain files into their rightful place. The Zip contains 3 folder, and in each folder holds files that may be extracted depending on their extension. Zip -> Folder 1 -----File 1 -----File 2 -----File 3 -> Folder 2 -----File 1 -----File 2 -> Folder 3 ----...

Promoting a deployed web app to another Tomcat server

The environment I'm working in is light on process control. Specifically, more than once I've discovered that the version of a web app running in our Acceptance Test environment is not the same as the one in the repository from which we deploy to production. If I can't be absolutely sure that the .war I'm about to deploy to production ...

Python in-memory zip library

Is there a Python library that allows manipulation of zip archives in memory, without having to use actual disk files? The ZipFile library does not allow you to update the archive. The only way seems to be to extract it to a directory, make your changes, and create a new zip from that directory. I want to modify zip archives without di...

Wordpress Archive by Year "query_posts()" Problem

Hello, I created an Archive list (also this is my archive.php codes) on my blog and i want to show posts by years. But when i use query_posts() function for excluding some categories and limit posts then it's showing all posts not by year. For example this page is showing all posts not only posts in 2009 years. So if i summarize th...

PHP/MYSQL Year Month table for news archive

I am creating a news archive for my site and want to create an overview page from the following DB table id - Unique identifier newsDate - in a format XXXX-XX-XX title - News Item title details - News item photo - News Item Photo caption - News Item Photo caption update - Timestamp for record The news on the site is current but I hope...

How to do an additional search on archive in rails if record not found, by extending model?

Hello, I was wondering if somebody knows an elegant solution to the following: Suppose I have a table that holds orders, with a bunch of data. So I'm at 1M records, and searches begin to take time. So I want to speed it up by archiving some data that is more than 3 years old - saving it into a table called orders-archive, and then pu...

Check if files in a directory are still being written using Windows Batch Script

Hello. Here's my batch file to parse a directory, and zip files of certain type REM Begin ------------------------ tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq 7za.exe" /FO CSV > search.log FOR /F %%A IN (search.log) DO IF %%~zA EQU 0 GOTO end for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir C:\Temp\*.ps /b') do ( "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\cmdline\7za.exe" a -...

jQuery and Scroll.To stop working once I archive (zip) or duplicate the folder.

Ok. This is about obscure as it gets. I've been working on a website for a client. I uploaded the folder to my website, and everything is up to snuff. I used Scroll.To for smooth scrolling down the page. Now the sites done, and he asks for a zip. Sure thing, right? Not so much. He comes back and says that the scrolling doesn't work...

Is there a Python package similar to Perl's Archive::Extract?

I'm looking for a package that will automatically detect the type of and extract an archive (zip, tar.gz, etc). In Perl, this is easy - in Python, I can't find any simple package/class to do it... ...

How to get whole email message source sent from php?

Hi, I have a php-based CRM system, which, amont many other functions, sends email messages to our customers. A few employees need to view those emails when client calls and asks about some data. Those employees have access to common IMAP mailbox (let it be [email protected]). What I want to do is: Send email to a customer...

A 'do' statement at the end of my perl script never runs

In my main script, I am doing some archive manipulation. Once I have completed that, I want to run a separate script to upload my archives to and FTP server. Separately, these scripts work well. I want to add the FTP script to the end of my archive script so I only need to worry about scheduling one script to run and I want to guarantee...

How can I create a Zip archive file in Objective-C?

I have attempted to find a way to create a zip archive (or GZip archive) in Objective-C, but my knowledge of the language is still lacking. I see a way to compress an existing data structure in this question, but it does not seem to answer the question of how to make an archive. To be explicitly clear: by archive I mean the equivalent...

How to duplicate all data in a table except for a single column that should be changed.

I have a question regarding a unified insert query against tables with different data structures (Oracle). Let me elaborate with an example: tb_customers ( id NUMBER(3), name VARCHAR2(40), archive_id NUMBER(3) ) tb_suppliers ( id NUMBER(3), name VARCHAR2(40), contact VARCHAR2(40), xxx, xxx, archive_id NUMBER(3...

maven: multi-module project assembly into single jar

I have a multi-module project and want to create a single jar containing the classes of all my modules. Inside my parent POM, I declared the following plugin: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <descriptorRefs> <descriptorRef>bin</descriptorRef> <...

Making archive from files with same names in different directories

Hi, I have some files with same names but under different directories. For example, path1/filea, path1/fileb, path2/filea, path2/fileb,.... What is the best way to make the files into an archive? Under these directories, there are many other files under these directories that I don't want to make into the archive. Off the top of my he...

List and Remove directories in an archive

I wonder how to list the content in an archive file and remove some directories from it? For example, I have an archive file data.tar. I would like to list its content without extracting it. Is it possible to control the level of directory for viewing? I mean not necessarily every files, but just down to some level of the path. I al...

NSKeyedArchiver and NSValue - How to Archive?

How do I archive an array of NSValues ? What conversions should I make to do this? It won't archive it as is. Code: [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:drawingsArray]] forKey:@"NSValuesArray"]; Error: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exce...

How to include all objects of an archive in a shared object?

When compiling our project, we create several archives (static libraries), say liby.a and libz.a that each contains an object file defining a function y_function() and z_function(). Then, these archives are joined in a shared object, say, that is one of our main distributable target. g++ -fPIC -c -o y.o y.cpp ar cr liby.a y.o...

Limiting the list of archives in wordpress based on date

I am using wordpress and I am displaying my archives list in a sidebar using the function wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); I have posts from Feb 2005 to April 2010 but I want to display June 2009 onwards links. (i.e. june 2009, july 2009, ....april 2010). How do I prevent Feb 2005 - may 2005 from being displayed in the archives l...