
Image Map links not firing in a jQuery UI dialog (IE only)

I'm attempting to place an image map into a jQuery UI dialog. Initially, the and are hidden on the page so that I don't have to do any AJAX. When the dialog is triggered, the and are placed in the dialog and the hidden original content has its link to the image map removed. There are a few links on the image map in tags and in Fire...

Rendering html text in Dashcode text area

I'm loading product reviews from an xml datasource into a dashcode text area. The text includes basic html tags. When it's loaded into the text area the tags are not rendered they are just there like this: <p>Some text... etc. Is there a way to have a Dashcode text area render the html? Thanks! ...

Asp.Net MVC Virtual Area

Is there such a thing? I have two projects within the same solution. When I run the solution within Visual Studio two separate instances of localhost are launched. project foo is available at http://localhost:3091 and project bar is available at http://localhost:3094 I would like to have access to project bar within foo for example...

Calculating an area under a continuous density plot

I have two density curves plotted using this: Network <- Mydf$Networks quartiles <- quantile(Mydf$Avg.Position, probs=c(25,50,75)/100) density <- ggplot(Mydf, aes(x = Avg.Position, fill = Network)) d <- density + geom_density(alpha = 0.2) + xlim(1,11) + opts(title = "September 2010") + geom_vline(xintercept = quartiles, colour = "red"...

Setting ALT as ID

$('area').qtip({ content: $('#whatever-this-area-tags-alt-is'), position: { my: 'top left', at: 'middle' }, show: { delay: 0 }, hide: { delay: 200 } }); I'd like to set content ID to whatever the current area's alt is. Thanks! ...

Determine points within a given radius algorithm.

I'm not sure what mathematical concept this is to support my question. ^^ Let's say we have PointA as the reference. The problem is to find the points around PointA within a given radius (Using coordinates). My approach would be to compute the distance of every point (Pythagorean) and then compare with the given radius. I'm sure that th...

How do you Javascript style area elements on mouseover?

I've got an image map w/ 20 area elements, only four shown below. I want to style each area so that a blue border appears whenever a user hovers over it - all the area shapes are rectangles. <map id="mymap" name="mymap"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,223,221" href="http://..." /> <area shape="rect" coords="226,0,448,221" href=...