
python: calling constructor from dictionary?

I'm not quite sure of the terminology here so please bear with me.... Let's say I have a constructor call like this: machineSpecificEnvironment = Environment( TI_C28_ROOT = 'C:/appl/ti/ccs/4.1.1/ccsv4/tools/compiler/c2000', JSDB = 'c:/bin/jsdb/jsdb.exe', PYTHON_PATH = 'c:/appl/python/2.6.4', ) except I would like to replace ...

Passing an Array/List into Python

Hello, I've just started using Python for my Comp Sci degree and I've been looking at passing arrays (or lists, as Python tends to call them) into a function. I've done reading online on this and read something about using *args, such as: def someFunc(*args) for x in args print x But not sure if this is right/wrong. Noth...