
add array element to row returned from sql query

I want to add an additional value into an array before passing it to json_encode function, but I can't get the syntax right. $result = db_query($query); // $row is a database query result resource while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) { $stack[] = $row; // I am trying to 'inject' array element here $stack[...

Illegal forward reference

When trying to declare a static array in my program I receive a static forward reference error, i'm not sure what I am doing wrong here... static Square fieldGrid [ ] [ ] = new Square [ ROWSIZE ] [ COLSIZE ]; this is what I am using. ...

Change values in first key from 0 to count(array) - 1

Ok, I have an array like so: $myArray[32]['value'] = 'value1'; $myArray[32]['type'] = 'type1'; $myArray[33]['value'] = 'value2'; $myArray[33]['type'] = 'type2'; $myArray[35]['value'] = 'value3'; $myArray[42]['value'] = 'value4'; $myArray[42]['type'] = 'type4'; Ok, looking for a quick way to change all numbers in the first key 32, 33, ...

addmultioption array problem in Zend

Am trying to add options in my Zend_Form_Element_Select element $monthvalues = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('month_values'); $table = new Model_DbTable_Options(); $monthvalues->addMultiOptions($table->Months()) In my Model_DbTable_Options model I have public function Months() { $array = array( '01' => 'Jan', ...

Wrapper class that creates objects at runtime and stores data in an array.

I tried making a wrapper class that encapsulates an object, a string (for naming and differentiating the object instance), and an array to store data. The problem I'm having now is accessing this class using methods that determine the "name" of the object and also reading the array containing some random variables. Note: This was edited...

Printing an array in a method, from a different class?

Hello All, I'm a fairly inexperienced programmer, and i'm currently working on a Console Application project. It's basically a little 'mathematics game'; the application generates two random numbers, that have either been added, subtracted, multiplied or divided against each other randomly. The answer is shown on screen and the user has ...

Return hash with modified values in Ruby

I'm trying this: {:id => 5, :foos => [1,2,3]}.each {|k,v| v.to_s} But that's returning this: {:id=>5, :foos=>[1, 2, 3]} I'd like to see this: {:id=>"5", :foos=>"[1, 2, 3]"} I've also tried variations of Hash#collect and Hash#map. Any ideas? ...

creating and returning an array from a method

howdy, i currently have a method that checks what is around the centre item in a 3x3 grid, if what is in the 8 adjacent positions is containing what i am checking for i want to mark that square on an array with length 7 as being 1. to do this i need to create and return an array in my method, is it possible to do this? ...

merge 2 php arrays which aren't of the same length by value

Excuse me if this has indeed been asked before, I couldn't see anything that fitted my needs out of the dozens of similar titled posts out there ;) I'm trying to merge 2 php arrays which aren't of the same length, and merge them on a value that exists from identical key => values within both arrays. My first query produces an array fro...

Get usable array from a curl response, which is formatted as a php array

$ch = curl_init("url"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "test"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $outputArray = curl_exec($ch); Then $outputArray will contain: Array ( [0] => Array ( [r1] ...

how to pass an integer array from a mvc controller action back to jquery function

Here is my jQuery code: $.get('/Home/GetList', function(data) { debugger; $('#myMultiSelect').val(data); }); Here is my controller code: public ActionResult GetList(int id) { int[] bodyParts = _repository.GetList(id); //how do i return this as an array back to javascript ?? ...

Weird behavior of matching array keys after json_decode()

I've got some very weird behavior in my PHP code. I don't know if this is actually a good SO question, since it almost looks like a bug in PHP. I had this problem in a project of mine and isolated the problem: // json object that will be converted into an array $json = '{"5":"88"}'; $jsonvar = (array) json_decode($json); // notice: Cast...

Use arrayaccess with static class

Hello, how I can use array access with my static class? F.e. I like to execute next script: class A { ... } A['p'] = 15; echo isset(A['p']) ? A['p'] : 0; ...

correct format for function prototype

Hi, I'm writing to a text file using the following declaration: void create_out_file(char file_name[],long double *z1){ FILE *out; int i; if((out = fopen(file_name, "w+")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "***> Open error on output file %s", file_name); exit(-1); } for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) fp...

Are JavaScript arrays associative?

For instance, if I do a[1000000]=1; will it use memory for 1000000 elements or just for this one? ...

array of structs in C

I'm trying to create an array of structs and also a pointer to that array. I don't know how large the array is going to be, so it should be dynamic. My struct would look something like this: typedef struct _stats_t { int hours[24]; int numPostsInHour; int days[7]; int numPostsInDay; int weeks[20]; int numPostsInWeek; int totNumLines...

How to find unique values in jagged array

I would like to know how I can count the number of unique values in a jagged array. My domain object contains a string property that has space delimitered values. class MyObject { string MyProperty; //e.g = "v1 v2 v3" } Given a list of MyObject's how can I determine the number of unique values? The following linq code returns an...

bash: assign grep regex results to array

Hello everyone, I am trying to assign a regular expression result to an array inside of a bash script but I am unsure whether that's possible, or if I'm doing it entirely wrong. The below is what I want to happen, however I know my syntax is incorrect: indexes[4]=$(echo b5f1e7bfc2439c621353d1ce0629fb8b | grep -o '[a-f0-9]\{8\}') suc...

What is a jagged array in c#?

What is a jagged array in c#? Any examples and when should one use it.... ...

An array of LPWSTR pointers, not working right.

Declare: LPWSTR** lines= new LPWSTR*[totalLines]; then i set using: lines[totalLines]=&totalText; SetWindowText(totalChat,(LPWSTR)lines[totalLines]); totalLines++; Now I know totalText is right, cause if i SetWindowText using totalText it works fine. I need the text in totalLines too. I'm also doing: //accolating more memory. ...