
How do ASCII art image conversion algorithms work?

There are some nice free "image to ASCII art" conversion sites like this one: How does such an image conversion algorithm work? , . W , W W @ W ,W W ...

"Fun" C++ library that interprets ASCII figures in code - what is it called? ("Multi-Dimensional Analog Literals")

A while ago I stumbled upon a C++ gem, a set of classes that through operator overloading and possibly some preprocessor tricks, let you define variables using in-code ASCII art: Line x = |-----|; //x is 5 Line y = |---|; //y is 3 Rectangle r = +---+ | | +---+; //r is 3 by 1 and IIRC, it even had...

Help with algorithm to dynamically update text display.

First, some backstory: I'm making what may amount to be a "roguelike" game so i can exersize some interesting ideas i've got floating around in my head. The gameplay isn't going to be a dungeon crawl, but in any case, the display is going to be done in a similar fasion, with simple ascii characters. Being that this is a self exercise,...

Programatically create ascii art

How can I automatically generate ascii art? I mean take a jpg and create a txt file with the ascii art. Is there an open source library or free software that can be invoked from the command line? ...


How should I do to make it print like it looks in the html document in the web browser? =/ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <title>Example</title> </head> <body> ###### # # ## # # #...

minimizing overlap in random rectangles

Hi, I have a number of possibly overlapping rectangles, of random size and position within a fixed plane. Since these rectangles are random, some may not overlap: |----- | | |----| |----| | | |----| Some may overlap by just one corner: |-----| | |--|--| |--|--| | |-----| Some may be contained inside an...

How to create ASCII animation in Windows Console application using C#?

I would like it to display non-flickery animation like this awesome Linux command; sl I would appreciate a small & stupid example of say ... a fly. Thanks! ...

How to create ASCII animation in a console application using Python 3.x?

I would like to port this question to Python (Windows + Linux + Mac Os) Thank you! ...

HTML table to “graphical text” for code comments

Is there a tool (ideally command-line-based) that can help in converting the source to HTML tables into “graphical text” (think perhaps ASCII art for HTML tables) for use in code comments, as show below? For example, given the following HTML table source <TABLE BORDER=1> <CAPTION>A test table with merged cells</CAPTION> <TR><TH ROW...

Library for ASCII Art with choosable alphabet

Hi all, I'd like to convert an image to ASCII art with a program or graphics library but I would like to specify which palette (of symbols) to use. So basically I want an image which is rendered as Text from some alphabet A that is a subset of the full ASCII-Table, for example A := {a,b,c,x,y,z,@,\,/} or so. Is there a library / progra...

How can I make ASCII text that will look good on Facebook?

I'm making a .NET application that will take any picture and spit out ASCII text that will appear just like the image. So far, it works well when the font is Lucida Console. Facebook doesn't use this font and thus break the art illusion. Any thoughts, ideas and suggestions on how to tackle this problem? It's pretty a pretty neat idea! ...

Producing ascii art via C#

Hi, I once did a programming test for a job, which involved producing ASCii art in C#. I didn't really do well at this, as I had little idea or experience of doing this in C# (or in any programming knowledge). Are there any resources or classes in .NET that would be worth knowing/practising on? Thanks ...

ASCII art in the optparse description

I'm making a shell script with the optparse module, jut for fun, so I wanted to print a nice ascii drawing in place of the description. Turns out that this code: parser = optparse.OptionParser( prog='./', description=u''' / \ vvvvvvv /|__/| ...

Code Golf: recognize ascii art boxes

Came up with this a while ago while doing some data structure work, though it'd make a good code golf: Given a two dimensional array of characters containing ascii art rectangles, produce a list of coordinates and sizes for the rectangles. Any trivially convertable input or output format is fine (eg: char**, list of strings, lines on ...