
ColdFusion: Integer "0" doesn't convert to ASCII character

I have a string (comprised of a userID and a date/time stamp), which I then encrypt using ColdFusion's Encrypt(inputString, myKey, "Blowfish/ECB/PKCS5Padding", "Hex"). In order to interface with a 3d party I have to then perform the following: Convert each character pair within the resultant string into a HEX value. HEX values are th...

Differing ascii tables code values ?

Hi, I'm trying to display an extended character on a mobile phone. The ascii value of 160 on my windows machine is á. According to the ascii value of á is 225. Which one is correct ? Can different hardware devices such as phones have a different ascii character set or do they all follow a standard ...

Django FileField encoding

I have a django model as follows: class ExportFile(BaseExportFile): created_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, editable=False) data = models.FileField(upload_to='exports') and a view function that renders a template to create a csv file: def create_csv(request): context = Context({'data': MyModel.object...

Char array to Int32 in Javascript

Hello, I have a char array "data" and a Int32 "dictIdFrame". I would like that dictIdFrame takes the value in ASCII (0-255) of data[i,...,i+3], I mean the four bytes become one single int32, where data[i] is the less significant and data[i+3] is the most significant in this int32. I really don't know how to do it... var data = "asdfasd...

Checking Unicode string for whitespace - byte for byte!

Quick & dirty Q: Can I safely assume that a byte of a UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 codepoint (character) will not be an ASCII whitespace character (unless the codepoint is representing one)? I'll explain: Say that I have a UTF-8 encoded string. This string contains some characters that take more than one byte to store. I need to find out ...