
is it safe to to destroy a socket object while an asyn_read might be going on in boost.ASIO?

In the following code: tcp::socket socket(io_service); tcp::endpoint ep(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(addr), i); socket.async_connect(ep, &connect_handler); socket.close(); is it correct to close the socket object, or should I close it only in the connect_handler(), resort to shared_ptr to prolong the life of of the socket...

C++: Best text accumulator

Text gets accumulates piecemeal before being sent to client. Now we use own class that allocates memory for each piece as char massive. (Anyway, works like char[][] + std::list<char*>). Then we build the whole string, convert it into std::sting and then create boost::asio::streambuf using it. That's slow enough, I assume. Correct me if...

When does an asio timer go out of scope?

What I mean is, let's say you do an async_wait on an asio timer and bind the update to a function that takes a reference to a type T. Let's say you created the T initially on the stack before passing it to async_wait. At the end of that async_wait, it calls async_wait itself, renewing the timer over and over. Does that stack allocated ty...

Need explanation for this boost::asio timer example

There is a line in the 3rd tutorial on Boost asio that shows how to renew a timer and yet prevent there from being drift. The line is the following: t->expires_at(t->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); Maybe it's me but I wasn't able to find documentation on the 2nd usage of expires_at(), with no parameters. expires_at(x) ...

Boost Asio Problem :/

Hey i'm trying to make some simple Network programs with Boost.Asio, this is my TCPClient class and i get some errors while compiling. But i don't know what is wrong :/ Thank you for your Help Regards. Code: Error: :) :) ...

Making an asynchronous Client with boost::asio

Hello, i'm trying to make an asynchronous Client with boost::asio, i use the daytime asynchronous Server(in the tutorial). However sometimes the Client don't receive the Message, sometimes it do :O I'm sorry if this is too much Code, but i don't know what's wrong :/ Client: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <ostream> ...

Boost bind with asio::placeholders::error


Boost ASIO async_write "Vector iterator not dereferencable"

Hey, I've been working on an async boost server program, and so far I've got it to connect. However I'm now getting a "Vector iterator not dereferencable" error. I suspect the vector gets destroyed or dereferenced before he packet gets sent thus causing the error. void start() { Packet packet; packet.setOpcode(SMSG_PING); ...

Boost Asio UDP retrieve last packet in socket buffer

I have been messing around Boost Asio for some days now but I got stuck with this weird behavior. Please let me explain. Computer A is sending continuos udp packets every 500 ms to computer B, computer B desires to read A's packets with it own velocity but only wants A's last packet, obviously the most updated one. It has come to my at...

Problems with reading into buffer using boost::asio::async_read

Good day. I have a Types.hpp file in my project. And within it i have: .... namespace RC { ..... ..... struct ViewSettings { .... }; ..... } In the Server.cpp file I'm including this Types.hpp file, and i have there: class Session { ..... RC::ViewSettings tmp; boost::asio::async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(&...

How to send large objects using boost::asio

Good day. I'm receiving a large objects via the net using boost::asio. And I have a code: for (int i = 1; i <= num_packets; i++) boost::asio::async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(Obj + packet_size * (i - 1), packet_size), boost::bind(...)); Where My_Class * Obj. I'm in doubt if that approach possible (because i have a pointer t...

How to asynchronously read to std::string using Boost::asio?

Hello. I'm learning Boost::asio and all that async stuff. How can I asynchronously read to variable user_ of type std::string? Boost::asio::buffer(user_) works only with async_write(), but not with async_read(). It works with vector, so what is the reason for it not to work with string? Is there another way to do that besides declaring c...

async_write/async_read problems while trying to implement question-answer logic

Good day. I'm trying to implement a question - answer logic using boost::asio. On the Client I have: void Send_Message() { .... boost::asio::async_write(server_socket, boost::asio::buffer(&Message, sizeof(Message)), boost::bind(&Client::Handle_Write_Message, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); ...

How to build boost::asio example?

Hello, I'm trying to build an example of boost::asio but without any luck. System: Windows Vista, Visual C++ 2008 Pro, Boost 1.43. I've added to the project, at VC, the include path and the additional lib path (see note #1), yet the linker...

Detect aborted connection during ASIO request

Is there an established way to determine whether the other end of a TCP connection is closed in the asio framework without sending any data? Using Boost.asio for a server process, if the client times out or otherwise disconnects before the server has responded to a request, the server doesn't find this out until it has finished the requ...

boost::asio and socket ownership

Hello I've two classes (Negotiator, Client), both has their own boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket. Is there a way to transfer socket object to Client after negotiation is finished. I'm looking forward to do something like that: boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock1(io); //... boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock2; sock2.assign(sock1); This...

Boost::Asio - Remove the "null"-character in the end of tcp packets.

I'm trying to make a simple msn client mostly for fun but also for educational purposes. And I started to try some tcp package sending and receiving using Boost Asio as I want cross-platform support. I have managed to send a "VER"-command and receive it's response. However after I send the following "CVR"-command, Asio casts an "End of ...

troubles with boost::asio::io_service::poll()

the following code: /***************************************************************************/ boost::mutex m; struct func { func(int v):n(v) {} void operator()() { { boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(m); std::cout << "run function " << n << std::endl; } for ( int idx = 0; idx < 4; ++idx ) { { ...

Boost ASIO Headache

Man... thought using ASIO in Boost was going to be easy and intuitive. :P I am starting to get it finally but I am having some trouble. Here's a snippet. I am having several compiler errors on the async_accept line. What am I doing wrong? :P I've based my code off of this page:

[C++][Boost] Acceptor and Problems with Async_Accept

See code. :P I am able to receive new connections before async_accept() has been called. My delegate function is also never called so I can't manage any connections I receive, rendering the new connections useless. ;) So here's my question. Is there a way to prevent the Boost ASIO acceptor from getting new connections on its own and onl...