How do I change a web site from an IIS hosted site to an ASP.Net Development Server hosted site?

On my previous machine I had IIS6 installed and created a web project using IIS as the host. This project was completed, published to an internal hosting server and checked in to source control. I now need to go back and make a minor change to the project, however in the meantime I have acquired a new machine. On my new machine I don’t...

Unable to launch the ASP.NET Development server because port '1900' is in use.

I don't know what has got into my computer today. I was developing just fine in VS 2008 and testing my ASP.NET web site on my development server. Then suddenly, out of the blue, I can't run my web site any more! As soon as I hit F5, the message appears: Unable to launch the ASP.NET Development server because port '1900' is in use. An...

IHttpHandler that handles all URL extensions in IIS 6, IIS 7 and ASP.NET Development Server

We have a custom IHttpHandler that is responsible for file downloads. The handler is mapped to URL /downloadfile.rem The browser redirects user to URL formatted like: /downloadfile.rem/[fileID]/[mimeType]/[fileName].[extension] example: /downloadfile.rem/54923876129874545456621/text$plain/data.txt Our handler gets the supplied informa... Dev Server using wrong version of the framework?

Currently developing an ASP.NET WebApplication with VS2008. I stopped development for a few weeks, and when I came back, my project is exhibiting the following problem: The whole project compiles fine (all targeted to Framework3.5SP1). However, when I launch it (with ASP.NET Development Server), I get a message (from the browser) that t...

Is There a Way to Make Remote Calls to ASP.NET Development Web Server?

I know that generally speaking, this cant be done, that is get another PC to call a site hosted under the ASP.NET DEvelopment Web Server remotely (generally you can only use localhost:port to get to it). But I was wondering if anyone has seen, or knows of a way to get around it? I am a RESTful API developer in my office, and I would li...

Setting static pPort number on Visual Studio Dev Server with a WebSite project

I have a WebSite project in Visual Studio 2008 (not a Web Application project!) How do I set the ASP.NET Development startup port to a static port in a WebSite project? ...

How do I use Fiddler to listen to the development server (i.e. cassini)?

I am attempting to debug a (RESTful) WCF app using Fiddler. I run my project via VS IDE - which launches my app in the ASP.NET Development Server aka Cassini. I then launch Fiddler and in the Request Builder tab enter the following: "http://localhost:1066/GeneralService/sections/summary" with GET as the http method. Fiddler respon...

Connect to ASP.NET Development Server from handheld emulator.

I have a Windows mobile project and a Web Service. I can connect to the dev server with a console app, but not the windows mobile emulator. The emulator can access the network without issue. I have IIS installed. If I deploy the Web Service to the local IIS and update the reference the emulator can connect without issue. Firefox can c...

ASP.NET Specify which files should be cached

I am developing a website in ASP.NET and I am using various javascript frameworks/libraries. The different files belonging to these frameworks/libraries rarely changes thus there is no reason to refresh those files once they have been sent to the client browser (atleast not everytime a page is served). I see that the HttpContext object ...

Why can't I make an http request to the ASP.NET development server on localhost?

I have an ASP.NET project (VS2008 on Windows 7 with either webforms, MVC1, or MVC2 -- all the same result for me) which is just the File->New hello world web project. It's using the default ASP.NET development server, and when I start the server with F5, the browser never connects and I get a timeout. I tried to debug this by telnettin...

Linq to Entities performance within ASP.NET Development Server

I've been evaluating linq to entities and linq to SQL for a project. Obviously each has its own advantages and disadvantages which have been discussed plenty of times here. However, One thing I am seeing with L2E is kind of odd. Using L2S, when using the ASP.NET Development Server, the performance is a little slower for my web ser...

multiple development server ports

I've got a few projects and websites in my solution. When I debug a website, ports are opened for all the websites. I'm thinking this slows down my debugging. How do I switch off these extra ports rather than excluding the websites from the solution? ... MVC page is giving Mime type warnings for image files

While I do not see any functionally or jquery UI elements affected by this, but when I access my mvc web page the chrome developer console is logged with a bunch of error messages like so: Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream. All of the warnings are for jquery UI images (tho...

Isn't it too fast for an ASP.NET page to download in 0 ms?

Hi, I'm currently measuring the time spent to load a web page from a C# program. The Visual Studio solution has a console program and an ASP.NET website with just one page. The website is hosted on ASP.NET Development Server. The console application queries the web page like this: bool isSuccess; Stopwatch timeSpentToDownloadPage = S...

How can I showoff my ASP.NET application to my friends?

So, I made a cool demo which I want to show to my friends. But when I give them my IP-address (with the Development server's port and aspx page), it doesn't connect. How can I make it work? ...

ASP.NET Dev Server (Cassini), IIS Express and multiple threads.

I can't seem to find any information on this anywhere. Either it's my imagination or the ASP.NET Dev Server (Cassini) cannot handle multiple threads (e.g. multiple requests). Is this correct? Does IIS Express handle multiple threads? ...

ASP.Net Development Server not showing up to date representation of the site.

I was creating my new webforms application and testing it. Now I added a new textbox to the form and when pressing F5 to test, it doesn't show. None of the changes show when I try to test it. What's gone wrong? ...

Detect development server in (Visual Studio)

Can you programatically detect if the Development server in Visual Studio is used instead of IIS? ...

What are the best practices to be followed in deployment of web application & WCF service in IIS 7?

Anybody can provide me the best practices to be followed in deployment of web application & WCF service in IIS 7 regarding the IIS 7 configuration settings , Security setting, application access level settings.. ...

ASP.NET Development Server is not updating changes to markup/code

I've been working on the ASP.NET Development Server recently (on an MVC project and I'm finding that it is inconsistent in how it serves the changes I make to my code. For example, I make a change to the C#/HTML/CSS/JS in the dev environment and run the page, and the change appears on the screen. But if I edit the HTML again and run the ...